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Some basic rules for indenting c programs

1) Name of variable: Use variable names which are meaningful like

LeftWheelRotations and RightWheelRotations. Don't use variable names such as x,i
2) Name of subfunctions: Use function names which are readable and
understandable. Like using void moveForward (int numOfRotations)
instead of void fwd(int x).
3) Align of { } : Align the opening { and closing } of each if else, switch, loop. Also write
a comment at each closing brace of each statement.
if (LeftWheelRotations < RightWheelRotations){
}// end of if(LeftWheelRotations < RightWheelRotations)
else if(LeftWheelRotations > RightWheelRotations){
}//end of else if(LeftWheelRotations > RightWheelRotations)
4)Use of spaces : Use space in nested statements to make program more readable.
Don't use tabs.
void main()
int count, sensorvalue=0;

for (count=1; count<=10; count++){

if (sensorvalue < 100){
}// end of if (sensorvalue<100)
else if (sensorvalue >700){
} // end of if (sensorvalue>700)

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