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To some extent, I do agree with this statement as dtente was largely unsuccessful as it didn't directly cause the
to better relations which paved the way for long term

Write 1 or 2 sentences with multiple,

end of the cold war, however, the period of dtente did lead
distinct, parts that directly answers
the question stated in the box at the success for both sides in the cold war
Historical Question: Despite the claims of those who promoted dtente,
top of the page.

this statement?
1: Success- Nuclear

Claim Label

Claim Sentence
Write a topic sentence that
summarises one claim from the
thesis. As claims are added, the
topic sentence should reference the
previous claims.

Evidence (Example) and

Logic (Explanation)
Present and explain a piece of
specific evidence (people, place,
event, idea, trend, etc.) to illustrate
the claim.

Evidence (Example) and

Logic (Explanation)
Present and explain a piece of
specific evidence (people, place,
event, idea, trend, etc.) to illustrate
the claim.

arms reduction
The major success of
dtente was reducing the
risk of nuclear war and
setting up new rules for
conduct of nuclear war
with both nations
committed to formal rules
and goals for better

Strategic Arms Limitation

Treaty (SALT 1) in 1972:
( Basic Principles
Agreement + ABM Treaty)
-Institutionalized arms
control for both nations

-Limit on nuclear delivery
vehicles like ICBMs
-Ban on testing new types
of ICBMs

its achievements were limited To what extent do you agree with

2: Success- Better
international relations

3: Failure- USSR
exploitation of detente

4: Failure- Breakdown between USSR and USA

leading to 2nd cold war

Another major success of

dtente was the decrease
in international tensions as
treaties were signed to
resolve the tension
between West and East
Germany. The relationship
between China and the
USA also benefited from
dtente as both countries
became allies to each
US and China Relations:
-Nixons visit to China in
-US dropped its
objections to China and
allowed it to have a seat in
the UN
-Transfer of western
technologies to China
West/East Germany
-Moscow Treaty 1970
signed by USSR, W.
Germany and Poland that
accepted the border
between East/West
-Basic Treaty 1972
between E. and W.
-UN officially recognized
both E. and W. Germany as
sovereign states

The period of dtente was

exploited by the USSR
and allowed them to
consolidate their power
instead of improving
relations which led to a
breakdown in relations and
leading to a second cold

Due to the USSRs exploitation of detente, a second

cold war occurred that was only worsened by President
Reagan coming into office. And eventually led to the full
breakdown of relations once again.

-USSR was funding
revolutionary movements
in Africa that overthrew
governments and installed
a dictatorship regime of

Second Cold War:

-President Carters handling of the Islamic Revolution in
Iran in 1979 by backing the hated Shah
-USSR invasion of Afghanistan
-USAs boycotting of the 1980 Moscow Olympics
-USSR shoots down Korean Airliner in 1983 thinking it
was a military spy plane

-USSR invaded
Afghanistan in 1979 for
expansion in Middle East

Ronald Reagan:
-Anti-communist Ronald Reagan elected as President
following Carter
-Reagan increased defence spending and developed
nuclear weapons, submarines, machinery
-Set up the Strategic Defence Initiative in 1983
-Reagan Doctrine

led to breakdown of US
and USSR relations

Overall, the period of dtente initially brought successes that eased tensions due to the agreements of the nuclear arms reductions.
Relations also benefited from detente in Europe and bettered US China relations. However, to a larger extent the failures of the USSR to
maintain relations with the US and the election of Ronald Reagan in the US eventually caused a 2 nd cold war which undermined all the
groundwork from dtente to a halt and made its achievements very limited.

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