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Hypodermic needle

Hypodermic needle was developed within the 1920s and 1930s after
researchers observed the effects that pieces of propaganda would have
on normal people during the First World War. The hypodermic needle is a
communication device that suggests that the messages through out
different media platforms is injected straight into the passive consumers
brain. This theory instantly suggests that with the media consumption is
similar or even the same. This theory has been given so much attention
over the recent years due to the fact that theorists felt that it was too
limiting, through still influences the way in which we talk and discuss the
Audiences believe that media have a large effect in every day lifes, as
well as the way that people act; for example Mother worrying about the
influence of television or violent video games on their children. Harrold
Laswell in 1927, produced/publishes a booked called Propaganda
Technique in the World War, he spoke about how propaganda would inject
itself into mens veins and would inspire them to do what they read within
the propaganda.
The Payne Fund studies, conducted studies between 1929-1932, they
experimented with the effect that movies had on children. These studies
had been criticised, as there was no scientific bases to it, though it was
some of the first experiments it to the effect of mass media.

Uses and gratifications theory

Uses and gratifications theory are focused on what people uses certain
pieces of media, rather that the content they view. This theory can be
seen as a broader trend amongst a large amount of media researchers
which have more concern over what the audience is doing with the media
in which they are consuming.
The uses and gratifications theory, was discovered around the 1940s, and
started to be re studied between the 1970s/1980s, it sprung from social
sciences and to understand the social and psychological needs of an
individual. Gratifications can be obtained from a mediums content, for
example watching a specific programme is it there to inform, for
enjoyment and for a release.
This is about learn why people use media, for example TV
programs/channels such as the news and cbbc. For example the news is
there to inform an audience of events, society, the world and what is

happening. The cbbc channel, is there entertain, an escape, a chance for

children to relax and educate children.

Reception theory
This is very similar that of the uses and gratifications, it is the audiences
reception to something they have exposed themselves too. Its about the
readers feelings towards a piece of media, what they feel how they react.
It talks about the individuals interpretations the differences in which
people read into media due to their background and life experiences.
Frank Parkins Meaning systems showed that there was three main types
if interpretative codes.
The dominant reading- this is meaning that the reader/viewer is sharing
the same interpretation that the creator had intended.
The negotiated reading- So the viewer still shares the same interpretation
of the reading but broadens their interpretation to a preferred reading.
Oppositional reading-That the viewers actual interpretation to the piece is
different to what was intendeds, and they do not share the same codes as
So this theory is based of a variety of different people and there
interpretations of certain types of media, and this can all depend on that
of background, social status, and overall oppion so there is a struggle to
test this theory.

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