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Media theories

In the media industry, there are many theories in order to gain thoughts and
ideas from the media consumers, this can be passive or active consumption. In
this report I will be explaining to you the different types of media theories and
how they have an impact on the audience

Hypodermic Needle theory

The hypodermic needle theory is a popular theory suggesting that that were all
the same and we all respond to media messages in the same way. This theory
was established during the late 1930s- 1940s during the affairs in World War 2.
A prime example who used this theory was Hitler, civilians who listened to his
speech never question about what he said, and instead they were manipulated
into it and believed everything he said was true without any questions, this is
because they were powerless / scared to justify something Hitler might have said
in one of his speeches. This theory suggest that the audience passively receive
the information transmitted directly and uniformly by injecting them with the
right message designed to trigger a desired response. The hypodermic theory
believe the media is a dangerous way of communicating because the receivers
were powerless to resist the impact of the message (just like Hitler). In the late
1950, radio and television introduced a source of communication to the public,
which created a massive impact to the world due to advertising and propaganda,
this is because adult Hitler could gain more control over his country, posting
poster on newspapers and adverts making the German civilians think that there
country was the best and what the Nazis were doing was good deed to this

Advantages and disadvantages of the

hypodermic needle theory.
Adv. - one of the main advantages of this theory is
that when looking at statistics and the use of the
numbers, its really reliable and effective when
looking at trends and is good in processing
information to everyone to see who the audience
react towards the media, these studies however
involve a large amount of people and is sometime
studied over a long period of time.

The disadvantages of this theory is that changing attitudes and beliefs to the
audience may not always be observable or easily measured. This theory rejects
the individual belief of what they think, this theory only takes the audience as a
whole instead individual opinions. Two researchers have

Uses and gratifications theory

Another theory, known as the uses and gratification theory can clearly explain
why audience consume different forms of media instead of the audience as a
whole. This theory is a more of a broader way of finding out why people use
different types of media forms. This theory was made in the 1970s as a reaction
to traditional mass communication research emphasizing the sender and the
message. The gratification theory uses four main subjects, which include
Personal identify when watching television, some viewers may tent to look at
models/ actors behaviour, which find a similarity towards them, making them
their favourite character. Sometimes in a film for example, a character may do
something good, the characters can change the emotion of the viewers as these
characters help us decide what to think about ourselves.
Information when people watch the news , they like to learn new things which
is why we gather information about the society in the world , so people are
satisfied when a gaining a bit of knowledge everyday which is why the news is
such a popular show.
Entertainment - entertainment is something people watch as a source of
relaxation or killing time. Entertainment can be seen on the Internet and TV,
which allow the viewers the laugh at some of the media for our own enjoyment.
Interrogation and social interactions the media is used for people to find out
more about different religions in the ways the live and the style of there lives,
however television broadcast shows allow people to talk about different
programmes with there friends.

Reception study
This is theory is when a hidden message in the media is given out. This theory
also allows people to have their own opinion which is kind of like the hypodermic
needle theory as it gives off the idea of injecting the message into there heads. I
feel tis theory has a downside towards it as I think when people take the
message the wrong way they will do something bad /think the wrong way.The
messages given out to the viewers can sometimes be misunderstood. The
message has three ways that the audience can react to, oppositional, dominant
or negotiated.
Dominated this is when the viewers understand the message whilst agreeing
with it
Oppositional this is when the viewers have there own opinion and dont agree
with it.
Negotiated - this is when the audience accept part of it and disagree with other
side to it.

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