System Security Parameter Settings: (Edit)

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System Security Parameter Settings[Edit]

In addition to the standard R/3 authentication mechanism of each user requiring an individual user id and
password the following system parameters should be set:
In addition to the standard R/3 authentication mechanism of each user requiring an individual user id and
password the following system parameters should be set:
Number of times user can attempt log on
login/fails_to_user_lock = 4
4 times thereafter user locked
Users locked due to incorrect logons
login/failed_user_auto_unlock = 0
Users are not unlocked automatically
Number of failed logins before a session is ended
login/fails_to_session_end = 3
3 times thereafter session is ended
Minimum length of password
login/min_password_lng = 8
8 characters
Password change enforced
login/password_expiration_time = 35
Every 35 days
Default client for a system
login/system_client = nnn
Main client
User SAP* automatically created after deletion
login/no_automatic_user_sapstar = 1
Switched off
Authorisations in user buffer
auth/auth_number_in_userbuffer = 3000
Set to Maximum (3000)

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