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Part Giacinto Scelsi PRANAM IT pour neuf instruments Fonte Lalo . iii ot Glacinio SCELSI «PRANAM Hy FORMATION 2 flutes, Thorn in 1 bass clarviet br Bb (written ar sounding piteld, electric organ (2 keyboards and pedalboard), violin iol. cello, double bass For the organ part ~ Unless otherwise indicated the first stare correspamis to the first Kevbourd, the secomd stare sn the second keyboard and the third (0 the pedalboard = Unless vthierwise indicated ; use only 8” registers (without superior harmonics). The registration is frown time to time suggested by the following indicutions VBR, vibrato TREM. remnoio V. UM. expressive stop such as vox humana TRASP. rrastsparent tone-colour, stch as muted strings CLAR. veiled ANCIE. drarsh, nasat For the other parts 1/4 tome higher 1/4 tone lower 3/4 of a tone higher (sharp + 1/4 tone) ©OBoO9O 314 of a tone lower (flat + 1/4 tone) Penne side vibrato (without this indication play now-vtbrato) Duration + ¢ 5° 30" min, NOTE POUR L’EXECUTION Bien que les indications métronomiques et générales (Lento, mo- endo, etc...) doivent étre respectées, une certaine flexibilité de phrasé est nécessaire pour eréer une impression de respira ion Cinspitation, ex piration, souffle suspendu, ete...) ou Timage d'une vague sur fa mer. Une attention particuliére aux dynamiques devrait faciliter de résultat PERFORMING NOTE wnt, moreno, ete.) Urhough the mesremunaie aud general (2 ldications shuld be respected, a certain flexibility: of phrasing is neces sary to ereate the impression of breathing Cinating, exhaling, held breath, ete.) oF the fae of « sew wave, Particular attention: tothe dvnamies shuould facilitate this result NOTA PER LESECUZIONE Bonche le indicazioni metronomiche e general per Morchestra (Lento, morendo. eee...) debbano essere rispettate. una certa flessibilita centro il frasewgio & richiesta per creure un” impressione di respirazione Ginspirazione, espirazione. flato sospeso, eee...) oppure inim ue marine, Un’ attenzione particolate alla dinamica deve fucilitare questo e diol risultato, PRANAM II Stan SeELSY + ¢ BS Ss * ee c= Baca ar yar S CS Pom yyy Ss 7 — 7 a CHEE 1) fe 43-3 z er == a ——— P oo] cad ” Graz +H mats (asus) SBIA-T ee (Be, (Gast) —<——$— = re re ee ————_ [Aa =~ --TAST ree / Or 5 —— i= ————————— —_ maa — Se a a ———— = — 4 ——— a eS Se H.| ya yn a SF — a ry LUM-V1 Zs a> a hey | gums’ F = EE a —— 0g a re’ Treas. pe ‘reen.) —— = = tPF ¥ TaN = =. a tn gp (vom—vipr) == y— ey ee) a yl [mrsurate) Simii —— ee Y= = = ie A ee 8 2 a am pid ee + BS Gord) Pow. = = MPLS _B~— ~~ - - ({pee) Fe

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