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Production Aims

For my Film Studies coursework, I am aiming for produce a five-minute short

film that portrays the ways in which males are represented in romance films.
Males are been represented in very strong and confident ways that conquer a
very dominant role in society. I will be writing a 3000-word essay that will
explore this further where I will explore such films as Pretty Woman (1990) in
comparison to The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2013).
The idea I have come up with is about a young man, James, who is in a long
term relationship with his girlfriend, Annabel, and is ready to take it to the next
level by proposing to her but as the story develops he soon establishes that
she is no longer with him. My idea focuses on the male protagonist and the
journey he goes on but still representing males in the ways that society sees
My main focus is on the representation of males in my final production. I want
to show the change in representation in society through the years and the
audiences responses to these changes.
I will be illustrating these ideas through the four microelements. Mise en
scene will be used to covey the male representation and how they are seen in
society today. Location will be used to show the romantic side of the male
representation and the type of character James is. The characters costumes
will also tell the audience a lot about who they are and what type of
personality the character has.
Overall my production is not only to provide my audience with the
representation of males but to also provide them with a message about the
situation and characters in the film.

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