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IB 11th Grade English SYLLABUS


1. Come to class. This is a college-level class. Students are responsible for making up
any missed work. Also, continually missing days when major essays are due creates
a negative impression.
2. All major writing assignments must be TYPED. Some homework or class work
(usually for vocabulary or timed writings) may be written in INK. Annihilate pencils
3. With the exception of the first quarter, ESSAYS comprise most of your grade. NO
COPIES ONLY! ZEROES FOR MISSING DEADLINES! All IB teachers will be following
this rule! I will discuss your essay grades AFTER SCHOOL or during advisory period,
but all essay grades will remain final. When a paper is due, the hard copy
must be in your hand before the tardy bell!!
4. Keep all handouts! Get a notebook or one of those large accordion contraptions.
Expect a zero if a handout is missing. Because there is no official IB textbook, we
will require several paperbacks throughout the year. A list with prices will be
available next week. Zeros are given if any appropriate materials are not
brought to class.
5. Whining is not allowed, at least not in class. Whining is unattractive and
6. Unless you have my permission, you are not allowed to have a laptop
outside your backpack. If you use a laptop without my permission, it will
be treated like a phone and turned in to M Office. Should you do any work
for another class in my class, that work will be taken up. Likely, you will
not get that work returned. Yes, that includes artwork or anything that
you will claim that you have worked on for fourteen weeks. Seriously, I DO
7. Book lists will be on a separate handout. NOTE: you must have the translation that
I require. Having another translation will result in a zero for not having
appropriate materials. NO EBOOKS! Period.
8. If you are serious about earning college credit for this IB class, I am more than
qualified to help you. If you cannot meet deadlines, wait until the last minute to
write a major paper, cannot or refuse to comprehend serious literature you might be
in the wrong class.
9. Writing Contest Alert! Throughout the year we will participate in writing
competitions. Virtually all of these require no fee; however the Scholastic Arts
Writing Competition does (last year, the fee was under $10). We had nearly two
dozen medalists in the regional contest last. Bottom line: if you receive any
recognition in these contests, put it on your resume!

Grading Are you a point person or a letter person? Have you set
specific, but realistic goals? For example, do you want to be in the top ten of
the class? Or do you want to have a respectable GPA with membership in
NHS, president of a club (sergeant-at-arms does not count), and other
impressive items on your high school resume? Do you want to make at least
a six or higher on the English section for the IB Diploma?


Think seriously about your answers to these questions. 70% of the English
section for the IB Diploma is writing. Strong readers make good writers. Do
you know your reading scores from PSAT in the 9th and 10th grade? (FIND
your 10th grade scores) These scores are a good diagnosis of where you need
to be for the IB diploma, your final PSAT this fall, ACT reading scores, AND
most likely the essay writing in this class.
Finally, how does Mr. Pullen grade? Mr. Pullen grades on total points. For the
sake of categorizing, lets say we have small grades, medium grades, and major
grades. Small grades, such as vocabulary homework, class participation,
reading check quizzes, and in-class journal writing count less than 50 points.
Medium grades, such as summer reading work, vocabulary quizzes, in-class
timed writings, contest essays/poems, and ACT English practice count about 51100 points. Major grades, such as essays, count 101-300 points. Note: essays
count 40-70 % of a quarter grade. Why? Well discuss.
Signatures below indicate that you have read and comply with class rules. (One copy is
for you and the other is for my files.)
Student _______________________________________________________________

Parent ________________________________________________________________

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