Zanesville Times Recorder Milestones Submission Form

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Announcements Submission Form

Please choose from the following package options:

Free Ad (3% / 1x4 or 2x2)

Bronze Package (10% / 2x6)

Without photo, approx 35 words* FREE

Includes b&w photo, approx 90 words* $89.00

With color photo, approx 90 words*
Silver Package (12% / 2x7.5)
Includes b&w photo, approx 130 words* $99.00
With color photo, approx 130 words*

Basic Package (6% / 2x4)

Includes b&w photo, approx 70 words* $69.00
With color photo, approx 70 words*

Gold Package (25% / 3x10)

Includes b&w photo, approx 300 words* $160.00
With color photo, approx 300 words*

Authorization for announcement publication**

Last name(s) of person(s) in announcement:_______________________________________________________
Occasion of celebration: (circle one) Wedding -- Birth Announcement -- Engagement -- Anniversary
Sunday Publication date:_______________________________________________________________________
By submitting the attached photograph and the announcement information set forth above, you grant the Times Recorder
the right to publish, distribute, archive and otherwise use the photograph and this information, in whole or in part, in print, electronic
or any other media and for promotional purposes related to the Times Recorders products and services. In addition, you represent
that you have the right to authorize the Times Recorder to use the photograph and information you are submitting.

I agree to the terms outlined above:

Signature***:________________________________________________________________ Date:________________________
Name: _____________________________________________________________________Date:________________________
Information of person placing announcement:

Address:____________________________________________________________Apt: ________________________
City:___________________________________________________________________________________ State:
Daytime phone:______________________________________________ Home phone: ________________________

Payment method****:
Credit Card:





Amount enclosed:________________________

Am Exp


Account #:_______________________________________Expiration Date: _______________CVV Code_________

You may place your Milestones announcement by printing off and completing this form and mailing to:
The Zanesville Times Recorder, Attn: Milestones

3871 Gorsky Dr., Unit G1, Zanesville, OH 43701
Or you may fax this completed form to: 740-450-6780
Please call 1-800-886-7326 for more information.
*The Zanesville Times Recorder reserves the right to revise, edit or reject any copy and photographs.
The number of words may vary, depending on the photo size.
** Completion is required to publish your announcement.
***For birth announcements the signatures of each parent included in the announcement are required.
****Payment must be made at the time of submission.

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