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Find A Solution

Novato Creek
by, Ciara Samuel and Julia Corbani

Background About the Novato Creek:

Miwok and Pomo people were the first residents to live at the watershed
17 miles long
six major tributaries: Leveroni, Bowman Canyon, Warner, Vineyard Creek, Arroyo Avichi, Arroyo de San
Jose, and Simmonds Slough

Native Species:
California Roach


Sacramento Pikeminnow

Threespine Stickleback

Sacramento Sucker

Prickly Sculpin

Invasive Species:
Bluegill Largemouth Bass

Brown Bullhead

Chameleon Goby

Inland Silverside

Wetland Adapted Species

San Pablo Song Sparrow

California Clapper Rail

California Black Rail

Western Pond Turtle

Marsh Common Yellowthroat

Naturalized Bullfrog

Introduced Species:
Rainwater Killifish

Striped Bass

Western Mosquitofish

Green Sunfish

Human Impact:
Sedimentation and erosion are negative impacts from human development to the Watershed
Trash being left and contaminating the creek water
Owners not cleaning up after their dogs

Solutions Already in Effect:

Marin County Watershed Program: to identify
opportunities to integrate flood protection goals
with creek and wetland restoration elements
Friends of Novato Creek:is an environmental grassroots
organization with the goal of protecting, restoring, and
improving the quality of the Novato Creek Watershed. Their
goals include building community awareness and understanding
of the Novato Creek.

Solutions We Came Up With:

Volunteers to clean up the creek for community service hours 2-3 times a week
Setting up more trash cans/recycling bins around the area
Prevent creek damming

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