Love Me: Bottom Line Scripture Goal of Small Group

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When I feel rejected, God loves me.

JOHN 3:16 (NLT), ISAIAH 53:3,5 (NLT), LUKE 23:34 (NLT)


To remind students that, even though theyll sometimes face rejection, God will always love them. To do
this, create meaningful conversation. This guide is a suggestion, not a formula. Adjust the questions and activities
as needed, and dont feel like you need to do, or ask, everything you see here.

Because of the way kids are

changing physically, emotionally,
and culturally in middle school,
the students in your small group
are in crisis. Theyre asking big
questions like, Who do I like?
and Who likes me? and Who
am I? Middle schoolers have a
lot of questions about their own
identity and their value, which is
why rejection can be so painful
during this phase. With this in
mind, your role as a middle
school small group leader can be
summed up in one word: affirm
them. They need it!

Today we talked about one Would You

Rather question that we would all answer the
same way. Wed all rather be loved than

How does it make you feel when someone rejects you?
Take turns sharing your own stories of rejection and
disappointment. (Small group leaders, you start!)
Why do you think its helpful when we hear someone else say
they know what its like to feel rejected?
Now that we know how much rejection Jesus was willing to
experience, what does that tell us about what He is like and how
He feels about us?
Why do you think forgiving someone is so difficult, especially
when theyve rejected us?
When weve been rejected, what does it mean to rest in Gods
What is one thing you can do this week to focus on how much
you are loved by God?


Take turns inventing Would You
Rather questions and answering
them together.

Take some time after small group to visit the Selfie

Station and take some pictures together. By the
end of this series, it should be your goal to get a
selfie with every kid in your small group so you can
send it to them with an encouraging note. So get

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