Gpspeechoutline Jonathanlopez

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Graduation Project Speech Outline

Attention Grabber Interesting fact, statistic, rhetorical question
Did you know that Twitter is an accidental social network, but even though it
accidental, the creator of twitter makes $1.55 million dollar a year but it not only
about twitter is also about all social media. Media is a double edge sword the can
make a difference or create disaster in mass proportion. If done wrong it can
disconnect to our surrounding and it can also create a distraction and can affect us
in the long run and in more of a damaging road is death.
Statement of Purpose Hello, my name is Jonathan Lopez and today I am here to
talk about the damaging road of social media.
Social media as change throughout time and it was created to talk to people
around the states, nation and even the world. For example my family never has the
money to visit their home country and thats El Salvador. But one day with the help
of Facebook my mom and dad get to communicate with their mom and dad and
also there brother and sister.
Statement of Relevance How can your audience relate to this topic?
You may ask how this relates to me. Well that a simple question with a simple
answer. just like the example i said before if some want to communicate with
someone from afar you can have their number and call or text them. But what
happen if you have none of those well just simple clicks you can find your long
lost friend. But is it really your friend. Like i said before the media is a double edge
sword that can help or hurt someone.

Preview Statement Outline body of speech, i.e.

In order to understand why (thesis), we must first discuss the history of (topic), the
causes and effects of this issue, and possible solutions.
What do i mean about the sword well that simple? The three reasons why this hurt
us, one is the disconnection, another is the distraction and the last reason is the one
that we everyone know and it cyber bully.
BODY POINT 1 (History of topic/overview of topic/explanation of problem)
Topic Sentence one of the topics is connection. What i mean is this; we are
becoming zombie that is glued to a screen. And it became a part of us and it
Historical Information Relevant to Topic
About 20,000 + year ago the first method of communication is by voice. Then by

sending a piece of paper around the cities then when horses and other animal were
introduced mailing was one of the quickest communications then is the telegraph
and uses the language of Morse code. And as time continues the telephone was
created with the telephone you can pass on a message through the grapevines. And
that was not enough people wanted more so the first computer was created in 1822
to communicate form another state. And then the social media was born.
Current Information Relevant to Topic
Now in the pass it take time to send a message and now a simple text can be send
lease then 2 second and we take advantage of it we use for the most simplest thing.
Like a friend that live a house away they text each other. But the first main idea is
disconnection, to what. Well to life, because if we want to look up at the sky and
look at the stars under the gleaming moon. But now a lot of people just look at a
screen to see the sky. That one of many reason why we are disconnecting to our
environment but what about to people. That another reason why we are becoming
disconnect. For example I have a friend that love to talk but only in message, like
Facebook or text message. In face to face interaction he only speaks a few words,
why well not use to communicating face to face. I am the opposite I can talk face
to face no problem but behind a screen I just talk in a few words
Why is this problem in todays society?
How those affect our society today is the disconnection. We are becoming more
and more like zombies and also this effect are surrounding. Did you know in 2011
at least 23% of auto collisions involved cell phones that also mean 1.3million
crashes has accords
Transition to Body Point 2
BODY POINT 2 (Causes & Effects)
Topic Sentence
The second main idea is it a distraction. Student use there devices to text other
student from another classroom or their own class mate, and this distract the
teacher and loss their focus, and other teacher let it go because the tired of it but it
effect the student progress.
Causes (Why do people become serial killers?)
Why does student use their phone in class? Well there many reason, one is because
there more advice then there other classmate. Another reason is because it away
too focus, not texting, but listening to music to focus. Im one of them I like to
listen to music to focus. But this causes a distraction that can make hurt them self
or other. But there is another problem and is cyber bulling this can cause the most

Effects What are the effects of serial killers on our society (positive and
The effect of using there device in class can bring their grades down and the cyber
bulling can hurt or kill someone. More than 80 percent of teens regularly use cell
phones, making them the most popular form of technology and therefore a
common medium for cyber bullying. And the suicide rate as increase dramatically.
Transition to Body Point 3
BODY POINT 3 (Solution)
Topic Sentence
There are many solutions to stop this problem. The solution is simple stop using
your device for at least 3 hour or more and then they can think of an alternative use
of there time
General Solution What would happen in an ideal world? (I.e. people would not
become serial killers)
What positive effects would this have?
This can cause free time to do anything productive to create or do something.
Transition to Body Point 4
BODY POINT 4 (Product)
Topic Sentence
And I created a product to create in detailed of the problem and the solution
Description of Product
This product that I created can be use as a backbone to make a better tomorrow
Extension of Research How does this apply the knowledge you gained?
Well learning this new information made me open my eyes and also made me see
how dependable we are to be devise
Benefit to Society How will others be positively affected by what you created?
Transition to Conclusion
Restatement of Thesis & Main Points
The problem with today generation is that we are disconnected, distracted and also
getting hurt by the social media
Restatement of Relevance
The problem is that we are hurting are self and also the people around us.

Tie-back to Attention Grabber

And this creates the multiple problem and solution. If we can survive using only
the first form of communication, we can just use keep doing that and it also helps
use with is speech. Majority of people today cant talk or have a problem speaking
in public. And this is why we much change this to make a better tomorrow

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