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Character Project

CAA- UCA Rochester

The Outcast of Parvus
Design Bible
Catriona Barber


Parvus City

Parvus is a city that

houses creatures of the
insect world. It is
dominated by Maters
palace, a hive castle that
sits upon the royal oak
tree, shadowing the
civilisation below. The
palace belongs to Mater,
the queen of bees, and
she is the most powerful
figure in Parvus. Before
her hive was built, Parvus
was a peaceful city, where
all creatures live in respect
of each other. When Mater
start her colony in Parvus,
she ordered her army to

Small plentiful creatures such

as ants are classified as low
class. They are workers who
serve the hive by mining for
minerals. These minerals are
used to preserve the royal
oak tree, where the hive sits
on. The mines are made up
from an old dead oak tree.
Whilst the tree is gone, its
roots remain giving access to
the underground. The lower
class live in the slums, which
are located on the outskirts of
the city, bordering the
wilderness. The slums have
very natural houses, made up
from organic material. This
makes the homes very simple

The higher class citizens

live in the Lofty district,
which is located at the
base of the royal oak tree.
In this district there are a
number of mansions, all
with large expanses of
land. One of the species
classified as high class are
the butterflies. The honey
bees particularly favourite
this species, as their
physical appearance
resemble flower petals.
The bees see the
butterflies as a sacred
symbol of life. The high
class live in more
artificially styled homes,

Queen of Bees

Mater is the Queen of

Parvus, and the highest
authority in the hive. She
has a very stubborn
personality and does not
believe in the concept of
negotiation as her word is
law. She takes her role as
queen very seriously as
she enjoys the luxuries a
royal lifestyle brings. As
for problems, she
pretends they dont exist.
If someone has an
objection against any part
of her law, they must be
the one to change, not
her. Maters design is

Maters preferred
choice of weapon is a
colossal hammer,
embedded with
jewels, and made of
fossilized amber. Its
an extremely rare and
valuable piece of

Ruler of Beasts

Beyond the border of

Parvus lies the
wilderness. An expanse
of forests, mountains
and rivers. Many of the
citizens of Parvus tried to
leave the city when
Mater moved in, but they
were unable to as the
wilderness is ruled by
Venenum. She is the
queen of wasps, and has
a colony of her own in
the forest. The wasps are
beastly creatures, that
feed on the flesh other
insects. Venenum leads
them, as the most

Venenum uses a
number of different
weapons to improve
her natural assets for
battle. Although she
does have a favourite
weapon, known as the
queen cleaver a tail
blade made especially
for Maters neck.

Outcast of Parvus

Lecti is the main

character in this story.
He is a bee born with a
deformation; he has no
sting. In the world of
the bees, a sting is
what defines a bee. It is
a symbol of power and
loyalty to the hive.
Because Lecti was born
without a sting, he was
discriminated for it.
When Mater hears of
his deformation, she
orders for him to be
killed. However Maters
servants fail to kill him,
and Lecti escapes the

When escaping the

hive, Lecti finds bee
weapons in the
hive. These
weapons are very
stylized for bees,
however Lecti
comes across
opportunities to
customize and
improve the
weapons so that
they are more

Story to be Told

Lecti runs away from his hive,

because of the discrimination
he faced among his own
species. He now must learn to
live with out the hive,
something considered as
taboo in his race. Although
half of Lectis story has been
told, the other half is left to
the player to decide what
happens. Lecti discovers that
taking on the wasps, and
slaying Venenum will
guarantee his place back with
the hive. However Lecti also
realizes that Venenum is the
one that Mater fears most.
This could result in the
downfall of Mater, and maybe
even the freedom of Parvus.

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