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Laurel Wenzel

How Attire of Students and Teachers Affects the Learning Environment in Schools.
Research Question:
Can attire affect behavior in the classroom?
Student and teacher attire can impact classroom behavior and academic outcomes as well as
create a correlation in the learning environment.
Background History:
Clothing has been a tool for thousands of years to differentiate groups of people. This idea has
evolved into many different eras of dress and numerous examples of symbols and identity, as
well as conformity. Fashion has been a part of human culture since human existence and
therefore has affected the way we view others by appearance based on ideals and traditions
that have been taught to us by our ancestors. Only in the 20th century did people start
researching these effects of appearance on behavior and perception with the birth and
acceptance of modern social psychology. Psychologist of this time like Phil Zimbardo and the
The stanford prison study showed how a uniform can change an attitude a person gives of and
how other behavior around them is affected. However, people in recent times have become
adapt to an increasingly casual wardrobe. this is due in part to the appeal of casual fridays, first
introduced by the hawaiians in the early sixties. With this teachers and student attire has also
changed significantly through the years and can be a major behavioral influence in the
classroom. Educators have had an expectation to set themselves apart from the students since
1800s using attire, starting with uniforms and evolving into a professional dress. Students also,
with the freedom of not wearing uniforms in public schools can affect classroom management.
Attire has been proven to be an influence on perception of success, and behavior of the
individual and of those around them. I have seen attire be the downfall for teachers regardless
of their instructional talent, therefor I believe attire can be used as a tool in the classroom to gain
respect from students and colleagues. Also, regarding student attire, all over the world the
debate of the behavioral effects of uniforms vs. only a simple dress code have been studied and
put into practice. Spirit weeks or dress for sucess days can also have a major affect on the
productivity in the classroom. This issue is important because it affects the experience and
learning environment students grow up with. With each experience, the students will have a
different outlook on professional dress for when they enter the workforce and perhaps set new
precedents for future generations.
Basis for Hypothesis:
As a highschooler I have found that no matter what appearance is the first impression and the
the second impression is your actions which can be perceived differently according to your
appearance. Everyone has been a victim of impressions weather they realize it or not. Through
personal experience I can say clothing has been a way to allow me to express myself and be
more confident in my abilities. I asked a class of 20 seventh grade students the same question

Laurel Wenzel
and 14 either agreed or strongly agreed with this assumption. At a young age kids are learning
the emotional effects of clothing and this idea can influence their transition into adulthood. Also,
there are many articles and journals that show significant effects of behavioral changes through
clothing. Using these studies, reforms have been made in british schools and across the world.
There is large support for my thesis however through my personal investigation I have found
there is a disconnect of perception on how one should perceive a professional appearance and
how one is actually perceived.
Operational Definition:
Student professional attire: A more sophisticated garment or outfit that is unusual
for the particular student to wear. This could include more solid colors or key pieces such
as blazers/jackets, overall clean appearance.
Teacher professional attire: Norms suggested in their dress code as well as the
unwritten expectations. Each teacher has a different style however, a professional
teacher may also wear key items such as a blazer and have a consistent and put
together appearance, meaning clean shaven, ironed cloths, etc.
Positive/ negative learning environment: engagement of the students as
measured by the number of participants in discussion, the number of hands raised vs
calling out. Eye contact, posture and calculated speech during a presentation can also
determine a positive learning environment.
Academic outcomes: How well the students behave and contribute to the positive
learning environment described above.
Descriptors used for literature search:
Teacher attire
Classroom management tools
Business attire
Perception by appearance
Dress code in schools
Influence of professional dress
Behavioral consequences of dress code
emotional effects of clothing

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