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Computer Short Questions 9th Class

Chapter: 1

Introduction to Computers

Q.1. What is Computer?

Ans. Computer is an electronic device that processes data and converts it into
information and gives us results accordingly.
Q.2. What is an ABACUS?
Ans. Abacus, a wooden frame of wires and beads, was made by Chinese about 2000
years ago for simple addition.
Q.3. What is Napiers Bones?
Ans. John Napier created a device using rods to perform arithmetic calculations that is
called Napiers Bones.
Q.4. What do you know about Pascaline Calculator?
Ans. Pascal invented a machine that had a system of gears. Numbers could be
entered and cumulative sums obtained by cranking a handle.
Q.5. Who made the Difference Engine?
Ans. Charles Babbage designed an automatic mechanical calculating machine that he
called a difference engine.
Q.6. What is Analytical Engine?
Ans. Charles Babbage constructed a general purpose, fully program-controlled,
automatic mechanical digital computer that is called analytical engine.
Q.7. What is the use of Punched Cards and who made it?
Ans. In 1890, Herman Hollerith developed the first electro-mechanical punched card
tabulator that could read information that had been punched into cards.
Q.8. Who made ENIAC?
Ans. In 1942, P.Eckert, John W. Mauchly decided to build a high-speed electronic
computer that is known as ENIAC.
Q.9. What is the modern idea of Stored-program and who proposed it?
Ans. John Von Neumann gave the modern idea of stored-program and according to
him Data and program can be stored in the same memory. Thus the machine
can itself alter either its program or internal data.
Q.10. Write the Technologies and Computers of Computer Generations.
Vacuum Tubes
IBM7094,1400 Series
Integrated Circuits
UNIVAC 9000,IBM 370
Apple Macintosh, IBM PC
Artificial Intelligence
Q.11. Name the first Digital Computer?
Ans. In early 1940s, Aiken built the first general-purpose digital computer called MarkI.
Q.12. What is a Terminal?
Asif Rasheed BS(HONS) Physics

# 03447846394

Computer Short Questions 9th Class

Ans. A terminal is a monitor and a keyboard connected to a mainframe computer to

build a network.
Q.13. What is meant by a Virtual Classroom?
Ans. In a virtual classroom, the teacher deliver lecture at its own workplace while the
students, connected to a network, may listen to him at their homes. They may put
questions and answers are sent to them via email.
Q.14. Define Universal Production Code.
Ans. The sequence of lines that is read by a Bar Code Reader. The price of the item
is stored in this code and these are automatically added to the bill.
Q.15. Define Computer Simulation.
Ans. Computer Simulation is the use of computer to represent the dynamic responses
of system by the change in behaviors of another system modeled after it.
Q.16. What is a Computer Program?
Ans. The set of instructions to solve any kind of problem is called computer program.
Q.17. Define Low Level Languages.
Ans. These languages are quite close to the processor but not even understandable
for human being e.g. machine language, assembly language.
Q.18. Define High Level Languages.
Ans. These languages are quite close the human languages like English language
and far from machine language e.g. FORTRAN, BASIC, C/C++, VB.
Q.19. What is an Assembler?
Ans. Assembler is a program that translates an assembly language program into
machine code.
Q.20. What is a Compiler?
Ans. Compiler is a program that translates a program written in high-level language
into machine code. It reads the whole program before executing.


Electronical Numerical Integrator and Calculator

Universal Automatic Computer

International Business Machine

Integrated Circuit

Large Scale Integrated Circuit

Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit

Artificial Intelligence

Personal Computer

Liquid Crystal Display

Automatic Transaction Machines

Universal Production Code

Operation Code
Formula Translation

Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

Common Business Oriented Language

List Processing) Language

Visual Basic
Asif Rasheed BS(HONS) Physics
# 03447846394

Computer Short Questions 9th Class


Chapter: 2

Personal Data Assistants

Computer Components

Q.1. What is a Program?

Ans. The sequence of instructions given to computer for manipulating data is known
as a program.
Q.2. Define Electronic Data Processing.
Ans. The process of performing arithmetic and logic operations with the help of
computer is known as electronic data processing.
Q.3. What is meant by Computer Hardware?
Ans. The physical parts of the computer that you can touch and feel are known as
computer hardware.
Q.4. What is meant by Computer Software?
Ans. The organized collections of computer data and instructions are called computer
Q.5. What is Input Unit of computer?
Ans. Input unit consists of input devices with which we send data to the central
processing unit e.g. keyboard, mouse, scanner etc.
Q.6. What is Output Unit of computer?
Ans. Output unit consists of output devices with which we get results e.g. monitor,
printer etc.
Q.7. What is System Unit of computer?
Ans. System unit consists of motherboard, microprocessor and the peripherals
attached to it.
Q.8. Define System Software.
Ans. The programs that are responsible for controlling and managing the actual
operations of the computer hardware are called system software e.g. operating
Q.9. Define Application Software.
Ans. The programs that are used to accomplish tasks specified by the user are called
application software e.g. word processing, spreadsheet etc.
Q.10. Define the working of CPU.
Ans. CPU is called the brain of the computer and the primary work of CPU is to
convert data from input, process the data and giving results accordingly.
Q.11. Define the working of ALU.
Ans. ALU is the combination of Arithmetic and Logic unit and it performs all the
mathematical and logical operations.
Q.12. Define the working of CU.
Ans. CU consists of circuitry that generates signals to direct the entire computer
system to execute the programs and controls the flow of information through the
Asif Rasheed BS(HONS) Physics

# 03447846394

Computer Short Questions 9th Class

Q.13. What is meant by BUS?

Ans. BUS is the common path that is used to send and receive data and commands to
and from CPU and memory and all I/O devices.
Q.14. What is Data Bus in Computer System?
Ans. It is an electrical path that connects the central processing unit, memory,
input/output devices and secondary storage devices.
Q.15. What is Address Bus in the Computer System?
Ans. It carries address information and connects only central processing unit and
Q.16. What is Control Bus in the Computer System?
Ans. It carries control information from the control unit to the other units.
Q.17. Define Computer Storage.
Ans. Computer Storage is used to store programs and data.
Q.18. Define Main Memory (RAM).
Ans. It is a type of memory that stores data temporarily and data can be stored and
retrieved much faster than the secondary storage.
Q.19. Define Secondary Memory (ROM).
Ans. It is a type of memory that stores data permanently and data can be stored and
retrieved but not be re-written.
Q.20. What is meant by PORT?
Ans. A socket that enables an external device such as printer device to be attached to
the computer.
Q.21. Define Serial Port.
Ans. Serial port allows s a serial hardware device to communicate with the computer
by transmitting one bit of information at a time such as mouse, modems and
Q.22. Define Parallel Port.
Ans. Parallel port lets an external parallel device communication with the computer by
transmitting eight bits of data at a time and eight times faster than a serial port.
Q.23. Define USB Port.
Ans. USB is a Plug and Play hardware interface for peripherals such as the keyboard,
mouse, joystick etc.

I/O Devices
COM Ports

Electronic Data Processing

Central Processing Unit
Arithmetic and Logic Unit
Control Unit
Input and Output Devices
Random Access Memory
Read Only Memory
Universal Serial Bus
Communication Ports

Asif Rasheed BS(HONS) Physics

# 03447846394

Computer Short Questions 9th Class

P& P

Chapter: 3

Plug and Play

Input / output Devices

Q.1. Define Input Devices.

Ans. The devices that are used to enter data and instructions into the computer are
called input devices e.g. keyboard, mouse, microphone etc.
Q.2. What is a QWERTY Keyboard?
Ans. Keyboard is the standard input device used to enter textual data into the
Q.3. What are Alphanumeric Keys on Keyboard?
Ans. The keys that are used to input alphabet (A-Z) and numbers (0-9) are called
alphanumeric keys.
Q.4. What are Numeric Keys on Keyboard?
Ans. The keys that are used to input numbers are called numeric keys.
Q.5. What are Function Keys on Keyboard?
Ans. The keys consist of (F1 to F12) are called function keys and these keys provide
shortcuts for doing routine tasks on a computer.
Q.6. What are Cursor Control Keys on Keyboard?
Ans. These four keys are used for moving the cursor from its current position to right,
left, up or down.
Q.7. What is a Mouse?
Ans. A mouse is an input device that rolls around on a flat surface and controls the
pointer on a display screen.
Q.8. What is a Trackball?
Ans. A trackball is a stationary pointing device that works like a mouse and contains a
ball exposed on its surface. It is mainly used in portable computers.
Q.9. What is a Joystick?
Ans. Joystick is an input device used for games, computer aided designs or
Q.10. What is a Scanner?
Ans. A scanner is an input device that reads the image present on piece of paper and
transfers the information into a computer where a program can store and
interpret it.
Q.11. What is a Microphone?
Ans. A microphone is an input device used to digitally record audio data such as the
human voice.
Q.12. What do you know about Voice Recognition System?
Ans. Voice recognition system use a microphone as an input device and converts a
persons speech into digital data by comparing the electrical patterns produced
by the speakers voice with a set of prerecorded patterns stored in the computer.
Q.13. What is meant by Discrete Speech?
Asif Rasheed BS(HONS) Physics

# 03447846394

Computer Short Questions 9th Class

Ans. Voice recognition applications require each word to be separated by a distinct

pause to determine where on e word begins and the next stops. This style of
dictation is called discrete speech
Q.14. What is a Light Pen?
Ans. Light pen is a light-sensitive input device shaped like a pen. It is used to draw on
the computer screen or to make menu selection.
Q.15. What is a Digital Camera?
Ans. Digital camera is a device that stores images digitally in its memory rather
recording them on film.
Q.16. What is a Disk Drive?
Ans. A disk drive is a machine that reads data from and writes onto a disk.
Q.17. Define Output Devices.
Ans. The devices that are used to receive data and information from the computer are
called output devices e.g. monitor, printer, speaker etc.
Q.18. What is a Softcopy?
Ans. An electronic version of a document stored on a storage device is called
Q.19. What is Hardcopy?
Ans. The printed version of an electronic document is called hardcopy.
Q.20. What is a Monitor?
Ans. It is an output device that is used to get result in the form of image and text in
different colors.
Q.21. What is meant by resolution?
Ans. The number of pixels on the screen expressed as a matrix is called resolution.
Q.22. What is a CRT Monitor?
Ans. A phosphors coated screen with three electron guns on its back is called CRT
Q.23. What is a LCD Monitor?
Ans. LCD Monitor is commonly used in portable computer and it creates images with a
special kind of liquid crystal that normally transparent but becomes opaque when
charged with electricity.
Q.24. Define Video Controller?
Ans. Video controller is an intermediary device between the CPU and the monitor and
determines the resolution of the monitor e.g. VGA and SVGA.
Q.25. What is a Printer?
Ans. Printer is an output device that produces hardcopy on the paper.
Q.26. What are Impact Printers?
Ans. Impact printers produce images by striking an inked ribbon with a hammer or a
set of pins, pressing ink from the ribbon onto a piece of paper.
Q.27. What are Non-impact Printers?
Ans. Non-impact printers produce images on paper without striking the page in any
Asif Rasheed BS(HONS) Physics

# 03447846394

Computer Short Questions 9th Class


What is a Plotter?
Plotters are used as output device and print a large drawing or image(s).
What is meant by CDR?
A CDR is a drive that allows for recording information to a CDR disk.
What is meant by CDRW?
CDRW is a drive that can use both CDR and CDRW discs. These are the discs
on which old data can be erased and new data can be written.



Optical Character Recognition


High Density Disk/Hard Disk Drive


Floppy Disk Drive


Cathode Ray Tube


Liquid Crystal Display


Video Graphic Array


Super Video Graphic Array


Line Per Minute


Computer Aided Education


Computer Aided Design


Computer Aided Manufacturing


Compact Disk


Compact Disk Recorder


Compact Disk Writer and Re-writer.

Asif Rasheed BS(HONS) Physics

# 03447846394

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