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Presentation to Board

10pt - 9pt ran 8pt - 7pt ran
CATEGORY ge ge 6pt - 5pt range 4pt - 3pt range
Information All Most Most Information
information information information had several
presented in presented in presented in inaccuracies
the debate the debate the debate OR was usually
was clear, was clear, was clear and not clear.
accurate and accurate and accurate, but
thorough. thorough. was not
Use of Every major Every major Every major Every point
Facts/Statisti point was point was point was was not
cs well adequately supported with supported.
supported supported facts, statistics
with several with relevant and/or
relevant facts, examples, but
facts, statistics the relevance
statistics and/or of some was
and/or examples. questionable.
Understandin The team The team The team The team did
g of Topic clearly clearly seemed to not show an
understood undestood understand adequate
the topic in- the topic in- the main understanding
depth and depth and points of the of the topic.
presented presented topic and
their their presented
information information those with
forcefully and with ease. ease.
Organization All arguments Most All arguments Arguments
were clearly arguments were clearly were not
tied to an were clearly tied to an idea clearly tied to
idea tied to an (premise) but an idea
(premise) and idea the (premise).
organized in (premise) organization
a tight, and was
logical organized in sometimes not
fashion. a tight, clear or
logical logical.

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