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Dear Sir,

To ensure continued good performance of our operations and cementing wells to increase
the quality of operations, cementing Service Company must provide equipment, personnel
and materials as requested in accordance with our technical task from tender.
Technical task from tender included estimation of necessary equipment, personnel, cement
and cement additive, along with a support package like
-Design cementing operations
-Analysis complete the necessary laboratory
-Post job analyze
- Engineering technical support
The cementing package are sized for 3 drilling and 1-2 WO rigs activity .For overlap
operations ,we must have option for on call equipment (pump unit and BMX) and personal if
is required.
These charges for one package are inclusive of all cementation and pressure testing
operations like:
Casing cementing,
Cementing plugs and remedial operations
BOP & all related surface well control equipment, Wellhead,
Completion packer set,

Normal package are include:

1 cementing pump unit two triplex pump ,10k pressure

1 BMX (batch mixer) 2X50 bbl with power pack module
1 water tank for mix fluid ,with two compartments
3 cement silos total 130MT
1 air compressor
Cutting and handling equipment (cutting bottle, hose 4,air dryer, rocks catcher )
10 k treating iron
Banana truck for cement transfer from one location to another (cement left in silos
after operations)
Set of cementing heads (13 3/8 with x-over for 12 ,9 5/8 and 7 ,or another size if
the design of well are changed in futures)
Set of circulation had for above size of casing
Recording of operations facility (computer software )
Laboratory facility ,to perform all test as per API 10 B

The personal requested are:

1 Field cementing supervisor

1 Cementing equipment operator
2 cementing equipment operators assistance (helper)

Also in personal group are included, free of charge:

1 Cementing desk engineer dedicated for all our operations

Laboratory technicians dedicated for all our operations
Quality assurance support from services company


Cement class G as per API standard

Squeeze cement for remedial cementing operations.
Acid soluble cement for WO operations

Following chemicals will also be stocked and supplied by the contractor, as required per job:

Fluid Loss Additives

Extending Agents
Weighting agents
Gelling agents
Bonding additives
Gas Migration Control additives
Dispersant Additives
Retarder Additives
Accelerator and Strength Activators
Anti-Foam Additives
Expansive agent
Spacer Additives
Strength retrogression agent
LCM (CemNet,InstanSeal cement ,..)
Tixotropic systems
Additional Cementing Materials, as required like blend cement solution for special
design like Frac design elastic design cement.

Laboratory tests facility available to run a standard test as per API RP 10 B and additional;
Cemstress analyze
SGSA test (gel strength analyze)
Compatibility tests,
Gas migration risk test
Best Regards,
Cementing Engineer

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