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Ju n e 20 15

L e a rn in g th e p o w e r o f social m e d ia
Facebook, T w itte r an d o th e r social p la tfo rm s e x te n d a business's c u s to m e r service arm
By RaissaTetanish
Truro Daily News, TC M edia

M ic h e lle
M cC an n , o w n e r
a n d o p e ra to r
o f Bold a n d
Ita lic Social
C o m m u n ic a tio n s
in T ru ro , s ta rte d
h e r business
ju s t o v e r tw o
y ears a g o a n d
is c o n s ta n tly
u p d a tin g th e
social m e d ia
accounts o f
10 c lie nts . Jeff

TRURO - In just over two years, Michelle

McCann has picked up 10 clients.
To some that might not seem a lot, but to the
owner and operator of Bold and Italic Social
Communications, it takes up quite a lot of her
My biggest clients would be the Halifax
Comedy Festival and the Busker Festival, and
locally owned Inglis Jewellers and Take it
Outside, said McCann, who stalled the social
communications business in 2013.
The comedy festival was McCanns first
client, jumping on board only two months into
her business.
McCann looks after her clients social media
accounts, such as Facebook and Twitter.
Social media can be a powerful tool for a
small business, McCann said, but only when
resources have been budgeted for it.
A lot of the small businesses dont have the
time, but they need to dedicate some time daily
to pay attention to it, she said from her office
in the old Margolians building on Inglis Place.
If clients are talking to you, you need to be
talking back to them. Take the time to post to
your social media accounts, and even time to
plan it.
She said many small businesses may
only have one or two people, but the key to

Babineau photo

managing social media is to work it into the

schedule - and the budget.
She said having some money for advertising
and marketing is a good idea, especially with
the way some of the sites, including Facebook,
Just because you have it popping up on some
peoples feeds, it doesnt always get seen by the
people you want, she said, adding that roughly
five to 10 per cent of followers will actually see
posts on Facebook.
If you want to give that a little boost, its
great to have some money on hand. Even if its
just one to two dollars a day, she said.
But simply posting on social media doesnt
gamer success - its also about whats being
posted, said McCann.



Think about what you want your personality

to be. Show the person the behind the
She said many consumers love knowing the
people behind the businesses they deal with,
and they want to see those faces on social
media. McCann also said businesses should
plan promotions on social media around special
holidays, sales and events.
Include those holidays in your marketing and
sales plans. Keep your eyes and ears open to
things that could affect or boost your business.
When posting to social media, McCann said
its important to demonstrate to customers that
youre listening to their comments. She said
even the business owner liking a comment a
customer left is a way of listening.
If youre asked a question, answer it. You
would never let your phone keep ringing. Its
the same situation. Your social media accounts
are an extension of your customer service,
she said. A lot of businesses just dont pay
attention. Pay attention to your feeds and
Business owners also need to pay attention
to their environments, she said. She said one
client wanted to launch a contest to the Boston
Comedy Festival, which was slated to launch
the day of the Boston Marathon in 2014. But
that was the day two brothers set off homemade
bombs, killing three and injuring more than 260.
Needless to say, the contest launch was
yanked that day.

Its about using common sense.

While many people are hesitant about using
social media, McCann said to have fun with it.
Social media is not supposed to be painful,
but it can be and will be, but its supposed to be
an extra way to reach out to customers. Enjoy
it. Dont be afraid to play around with different

At A Glance
Michelle McCann launched Bold and Italic
Social Communications in 2013 after
more than 12 years in public relations
with fundraising organizations.
She sent her first tweet on April 7,2008,
sparking her interest, which turned into a
Landed first client two months in - Halifax
Comedy Festival. The festival is still a
client today.
Other large clients include the Buskers
Festival, Inglis Jewellers and Take it
Bold and Italic Social Communications is
located in the old Margolians building on
Inglis Place in Truro.
Bold and Italic Social Communications can
be found on Facebook ( www.facebook.
conVbftldanditaJicw ial), Twitter (twitter,
com/boldnitalicl. and Linkedln ( www.

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