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Partial Cell Availability (node restarts excluded)

This KPI measures system performance. Since the KPI is measured by the
RBS, it does not include time when the RBS is down, i.e. node restart time
is excluded.
The length of time in seconds that a cell is available for service is defined as
cell availability. Cell availability for a cluster of M number of cells during N
reporting periods can be calculated using the following formula. The counters
are on cell level.
___ __________ __ _ ___
_ ___ _ _________________ _ _____________
_ ___
Equation 14 Cell Availability
Note: The manual blocking time of a cell is included in this KPI to show the
overall availability of the cell. To remove the manual intervention impact
on cell availability, remove the PM counter pmCellDowntimeMan
from the numerator and subtract the value of the PM counter
pmCellDowntimeManfrom the denominator.
Note: If the files with the PM counters are missing, the time that those files
represent in "NxMx900" shall be excluded from Cell Availability result.

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