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Introduction to Computer- Aided Drafting = and Design Name Date Class, Part 1: Multiple Choice Select the best answer and zorite the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1. A(n)___ is a collection of standard shapes and symbols ty application. A. material report B. hard copy C. software command D. symbol library 2. Which part of the computer contains the processor or microprocessor, memory, and input/output interfaces? A. Software. B. Central processing unit. C. Hard copy output device. D. Keyboard. 3. Which type of software is usually designed for making typical mechanical drawings? A. General purpose CADD package. B. AEC software package. C. Windows software. D. Special application software. 4, A(n)___ allows you to enter commands and data into a computer system. A. input device B. output device C. monitor D. plotter ‘Copyit by The Goodhear Wax Co, Ine 37 38 10. With. Architecture: Resi sntial Drafting and Design Workbook 5. Larger drawings are typically created on _. A. plotters B. printers C. monitors D. paper 6. There are two general types of CADD_packages: general purpose and AEC-specific, A. hardware B. input C. software D. output 7. Which of the following commands may be used to change the orientation or size of an object? copy. AREA. MOVE. None of the above. pos> 8. Specifying a starting point, center, and end point is one method for drawing a(n) . A. line B. circle ©. are D. rectangle 9. To draw a rectangle, generally you can pick opposite corners or specify the A. location B, width and height C. thickness D. rotation you pick a starting point and specify a displacement from that point. A. relative displacement B. offset displacement C. projected displacement D. extended displacement 11. The ROTATE command may be used to__. A. move entities to a new location on the drawing, B. alter the orientation of entities on a drawing C. draw a mirror image of an object D. Allof the above. {Coop by The Goodhoar Wicox Co. me Chapter Introduction to Computer-Aided Drafting and Design 39 Name 12, 1. 16. 17. 18. ‘The command that trims two lines and then connects the trimmed ends with a new straight line is the _commang. A. FILLET B. CHAMFER C. ROTATE D. SCALE The LIST command enables the drafter to _. A. show data related to an object B. measure the distance and angle between two points C. generate copies of a specific object D. None of the above. The ___ command is used to increase or decrease the magnification factor. A. VIEW B. PAN Cc. ZOOM D. REDRAW The process of measuring and identifying lengths, distances, or angles between objects is called. A. finding area B. editing C. dimensioning D. Allof the above. The function of the LEADER or POINTER command is to__. A. regenerate a program B. connect dimensions to objects, C. add a specific or local note D. Allof the above. Which of the following statements applies to layers? A. Layers are similar to opaque overlays. B. Most software packages provide six layers. C. Each layer has a different zoom factor. D. Objects can be drawn on different layers. ‘A drawing aid helpful for accurately connecting objects is_. GRID AXIS ‘SNAP None of the above gOe> Cops by The Goedhosriteox Co, ne 40 Architecture: Residential Drafting and Design Workbook 19. A3D model that has volume is called a(n) model, A B. c D. solid surface shaded animated often. A B. c D. ‘WINDOW |. STATUS. DRAW SAVE Part 2: Completion 20. To protect a drawing in the event of a power loss, use the _.command Complete each sentence with the proper response. Place your answer in the space provided. 1 2. 10. nn. 12. The acronym for computer-aided drafting and design is_ A(n) ____isa virtual piece of paper on which CADD objects are placed. . Related to presentation drawings are__, which show motion, Tablet computers have touch screens that use the __as an input device. . An important aspect of a CADD system's display device is the which transmits data from the CPU to the monitor. . In CADD, objects are always drawn at their__size. Text information saved with the block when i drawing is called a(n) inserted into a Inkjet technology is capable of producing hard copies of ___ in full color. . Specifying a center and diameter is one method used to draw a(n) ___. Calculating distances, areas, and perimeters is a function of a(n) command. A line may be lengthened to meet a boundary edge using the ‘command. ZOOM, VIEW, and REGEN are all examples of ___control ‘commands. Use the ___command when moving repeatedly between views ona drawing. Conia by The Govehoart Wiens Co, ne

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