Business Requirements Document

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Business Requirements Document

Project: Incident Response Web Form Enhancement

Prepared by: Preeti Shrestha

All Firmwide incidents are reported via the online Information Security Incident
Response Web Form or iRespond. Any event that may result in Firms information
being accessed by an internal or external unauthorized party, lost or stolen of Firm
issued electronic devices, Suspicious e-mails, and Fraud etc. can be reported using
The business requirements of this enhancement are as follows:
1. Currently, LDAP connectivity is used to retrieve user details information and
simultaneously the information is used to determine the proper workflow and
fields to display. Also, appropriate mail groups are used to determine the
user type. We need process to capture the employee and contingent
workers of the firm who does not have E-mail access.Employee who
oversees Administrative/Hospitality fields they do not have email
access. Greg to provide preeti requirement.
2. iRespond allows user to upload multiple file path individually in the form. In
this enhancement we would like to have the functionality to upload the file as
attachments. While uploading multiple files users should be presented with
the option to check off documents, which they would like to upload by simply
clicking the empty box next to each item.
**what are the default acceptable file types (extensions) and default
acceptable file size? Do we want to make any changes to the
extensions and size?
3. Managing the workflow: Need access to understand the incident workflows.

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