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Mitosis is a method of asexual reproduction, involving the splitting of one cell. During
this process the whole cell copies itself, then splits into daughter cells. This whole process takes
several steps. Mitosis was discovered by a German researcher named Walther Flemming in 1882,
this was a fundamental discovery in the microbiology field of science. Mitosis was named from
the Greek word thread, which describes the reflecting chromatin. This process is the base for
reproduction in cells. Most cells, including skin cells on the human body, reproduce using
mitosis. Mitosis is the most efficient way to reproduce at the cellular level, this is why cells can
reproduce using little to no energy. Mitosis is the building blocks of life.
Mitosis is split into several steps, interphase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase,
anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis. Each of these steps has its own purpose in mitosis.
Interphase has three parts to it, G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase. G1 phase period to
synthesis of DNA. In this phase the cell increases mass to prepare for the division. Next is the Sphase, during this phase the DNA is being finished synthesizing. In other words, this is the part
where the DNA makes an exact replica of itself. If this stage is messed up, it could result in
extreme disease and or death of the cell. For this phase, S means synthesized. This part of the
interphase is in preparation of the prophase. The cell starts the synthesis of the proteins, this
makes the cell continued to grow in mass. The G in G2 phase represents gap. Later in this
phase the cell still has a nucleoli present.
By this time in the cells life it is time for the prophase. The first thing to happen in this
stage is involving the chromatin. The chromatin condense, and become coiled. This results in

the formation of visual chromosomes. The chromosomes are extremely organized, single strings
of DNA. Then the chromatin pair up, creating Sister Chromatids. These two chromatin are
joined together at the middle, otherwise known as the centromere. After this happens the mitotic
spindle begins formation. The mitotic spindle is composed of long proteins called microtubules.
These form at opposite sides of the cell. These mitotic spindles will be responsible for the
division of the sister chromatids.
The Prophase is followed by the prometaphase, during this part of cells life the cell
duplicates the genetic material carried by the nucleus. This is necessary for the cell to split into
two. During prometaphase, the physical barrier that encloses the nucleus, called the nuclear
envelope, breaks down, this is also necessary for the cell to split. Another important even in the
phase is the development of the protein called a kinetochore, this is around the centromere. At
this point long protein filaments called kinetochore microtubules extend from either side of the
cell and attach to the kinetochore.
The next phase is called the Metaphase, during this phase the cell splits from the copied
material. The cells chromosomes align themselves in the cell, they push and pull against each
other in the middle of the cell.
Next is the Anaphase, this is the fifth stage of mitosis. This is the process where the cell
splits the material into equal parts. During this phase the chromosomes are pulled apart from
each other, this makes two separate chromosomes that are identical to each other. The structure
that separates the chromosomes are called the Mitotic Spindles, which were
Mentioned earlier in the paper. These Mitotic Spindles are attached to each opposite poles
of the cell. Each of the chromosomes are separated simultaneously to prevent the cell from being
off center. The spindles stop pulling once the chromosomes are on either sides of the poles.

Telophase is the next and final step for mitosis. This phase includes wrapping up the split
of the genetic material and the cell splitting making an exact copy of itself called a daughter cell.
This phase only starts when the chromosomes are on each end of the cells poles. During
telophase, a nuclear membrane forms around the sets of chromosomes. Then the chromosomes
uncoil, this diffuses them and makes them less compact. The nuclear membrane is the beginning
of the new forming nucleus, and the start of a new cell.
Then the cells go through a process called cytokinesis, this process is when the cytoplasm
splits and the cell becomes two separate cells. This process may only happen in animal cells, so
not every cell goes through this, and this is why it is not a phase of its own. Cytokinesis starts
when a anaphase is occurring, and continues through the telophase. A ring of protein filament
called the contractile ring rounds the cell just beneath the cells plasma membrane. The
contractile ring squeezes the cells equator, this pinches the membrane until it comes together
and the cell splits. This is called the cleavage furrow.
This is the end of the cells reproduction method. This method proves to be very efficient,
using little to no energy to reproduce. Mitosis is the key to all life.

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