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UNITED STATES CENTRAL COMMAND OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF STAFF 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BOULEVARD MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, FLORIDA 33621-5101 21 December 2015 Mr. Jason Leopold Dear Mr. Leopold: This is in response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for any and all records in the possession of U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM): (1) mentioning or referring to Operation Inherent Resolve, the name of the US military campaign against the Islamic State; (2) constituting discussions that took place over the naming of the military operation against the Islamic State currently taking place in Iraq and Syria; (3) identifying the proposed name(s) for the military campaign against the Islamic State currently taking place in Iraq and Syria; (4) identifying and/or listing the names of the military campaign against the Islamic State currently taking place in Iraq and Syria that were considered to be final candidates; and, (5) that refers to the decision to formally name the military campaign against the Islamic State, currently taking place in Iraq and Syria, “Operation Inherent Resolve.” USCENTCOM conducted a thorough good faith search and located 238 pages. After reviewing the information, J am withholding 183 pages in their entirety and partially releasing 55 pages to you. The withheld information is exempt from release pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(1), applying Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information, sections 1.4(a) military plans, weapons systems, or operations; 1.4(c) intelligence activities, sources or methods; 1.4(d) foreign relations or activities; and, 1.4(g) vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems relating to the national security or defense against terrorism. Additional information is withheld pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(3) as it relates to 10 U.S.C, § 130b personnel in overseas, sensitive or routinely deployable units; (b)(5) inter-agency or intra-agency memorandum; and, (b)(6) personal privacy interests. Accordingly, in my capacity as the Initial Denial Authority, by withholding this information, | am partially denying the information released. There are no fees for processing this request since chargeable cost fell below $15. If you are not satisfied with this action, you may petition the Appellate Authority, the Director of Administration, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), by writing directly to OSD/Joint Staff Freedom of Information, ATTN: Appeals Office, 1155 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1155. Your appeal must be postmarked or submitted electronically within 60 calendar days of the date of this letter, cite USCENTCOM’s case #15- 0014, and clearly mark “Freedom of Information Act Appeal” in your correspondence. You may submit an electronic appeal at Once on the web site, select “Submit Appeal” and the next screen will require you to sign-in or register before submitting your appeal. If you have any questions, please contact my FOLA Requester Service Center at (813) 529- 6285,, and refer to case #15-0014. Sincerely, CH LY FERRELL Major General, U.S. Army nclosures: Naming Assistance, 6 Aug 14 Information Paper Naming OIR, 6 Aug 14 Inherent Resolve RTQvI, 22 Sep 14 US Names Mideast Military Effort Operation IR, 17 Oct 14 Naming OIR, 13 Oct 14 Inherent Resolve RTQ V4, 14 Oct 14 Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement RTQYS (1), 14 Oct 14 Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement RTQvS (2), 14 Oct 14 Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement RTQv5 (1), 15 Oct 14 10. Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement RTQvS (2), 15 Oct 14 11, Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement RTQvS (3), 15 Oct 14 12. Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement RTQvS (4), 15 Oct 14 13. Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement RTQvS (5), 15 Oct 14 14, Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement RTQVS (6), 15 Oct 14 15. Operation Name Public Announcement ~ Statement RTQVS, 15 Oct 14 16. Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement RTQv6, 15 Oct 14 17. Inherent Resolve RTQ V4, 15 Oct 14 18. Inherent Resolve RTQv2, 16 Oct 14 19. Inherent Resolve RTQV3, 16 Oct 14 20. OPN Name RTQVS, 16 Oct 14 PENA V EEN 28) USCENTCOM CCJ6-RDF From: [eq uscentcom ccc. Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 12:28 PM To: [is JUSCENTCOM CCIS-P-LRPE Subject: RE [S//RTUF] naming assistance Tracking: Recipient (= scenteom ces P87€ This message has been archived. View the oriainal item ho Classification: SEGRET//REL-TO-USA,-FVEY Would recommend deleting “Iraqi Guard;” similar to “Iraqi Republican Guard” and carries baggage from the Saddam era. we BA.O@ ccIs-P Strategic Communication Planner Vistra Communications, Ine. (98). 06) USCENTCOM FOIA 18.0014 01 Classification: SECRET//REL-TO-USA,FVEY Derived From: IAW CENTCOM Classification Guide, CCR 380-14 Declassify On: 8/6/2014 From: [wigs JUSCENTCOM CCI5-P Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 11:51 AM To: (bx) JUSCENTCOM CCJS-P-LRPE; CCJ5 LRPE All Subject: RE: [5//RFUF] naming assistance Classification: SECRET//REL-TO-USA,FVEY ood ‘Thanks for walking us through the process, I vote for: 1) Iraqi Res USCENTCOM FOIA 16.0014 oz (06 August 2014 CCIS P - LRPE Paper (Version 1) SUBIECT: INFORMATION PAPER REFERENCE NAMING_i@s___] (SRE) 1. (G#REE) Purpose, ‘The purpose of this paper is to recommend an operational name for[_winiaa ‘This paper will provide three recommendations in order of priority as well as the background information pertinent to deriving the recommendations. 2. (SURBE) Recommendation. In accordance with naming conventions established in Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3150.29E, “Code Word, Nicknames, And Exercise Term (NICKA) System,” the recommendations for the name of the operation, in order, follow: © IRAQILUNITY © IRAQIRESOLVE * EARNEST PARTNER 3. (U) Background, a. (SYREL) On 6 August 2014, Major General Busby (CENTCOM Director of Strategy, Plans and, Policy) designated the contingency plan for Iraqi instability as[_______(oxi)i4a ‘The plan will retain this numeric convention. This information paper recommends the name for the operation associated with +. (SWREL) The use of NICKA names to support operations, exercises, programs nicknames and code ‘words is governed by both Joint Staff and CENTCOM Regulations. The DoD NICKA office maintains the centralized database of approved Nicknames based on the assigned organization's naming convention. ¢. (SHREL) CENTCOM is restricted to developing Nicknames consisting of two separate words, the first of which must begin with one of the combination of leters of the alphabet assigned to CENTCOM as follows: « EA~EF (Examples: EAGER WORD, EDGED NAME, EFFECT NAME) © IM—IR Examples: IMAGE WORD, IOLITE NAME; IRON NAME) © NA~—NF (Examples: NATIVE WORD; NEON NAME) 4. (SHREK) The following isa lst of currently approved nicknames and code words for operations, however we do not recommend any of these as appropriate: covet USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 03 (ont da 4. (SHREE) Justification, a. (SHREK) The name of the operation must portray the country of Iraq as the focal point of the operation. The first two recommendations include the word “Iraqi” in the title to draw attention to the Iraqi government, Iraqi Security Forees, and Iraqi people who are responsible for the success of the operation. The third recommendation focuses on the word “partner,” underscoring the United States” role as an ally and an enabler to the Iraqis for this operation . (SHREL) The name of the operation should evoke optimism in those participating in the operation, including Iraqi and US personnel. ‘The first recommendation, Iraqi Resolve, evokes a sense of determination and strength in the Iraqi government, the ISF, the population, and the allies assisting their Iraqi counterparts, The second recommendation, Iraqi Unity, reinforces the notion of a country, a government, a security force, and a population which is inclusive and unified for this operation and beyond. The third recommendation, Earnest Partner, focuses on the United States’ commitment to the Iraqi people. 4. (SHREL) The name of the operation must avoid terminology associated with any previous US operation in the region, The three provided recommendations do not reference any previous operation and eannot be linked to historical events with negative connotation to any portion of the Iraqi population. 5. (SHRBL) Subsequent Actions. Upon selecting the name for the operation, cultural and language experts will translate the name to Arabic to confirm the translated name is suitable to Iraqis. The name will also be analyzed against existing databases to ensure that it has not been used before for a different operation. SECRETHREL-FO-USAFYEY 2 USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 004 POR OEE ALON (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) ‘ODRART*DRAFTDRAFT™ (alo 22 SEP 2014, 2040L) Ref: (@@] “Q&A: Meet Khorasan, the Terrorist Group That Might Be Scarier Than ISIS 2014, 3.” Sep, 20, Subject: (U) Proposed RTQ for Iraq and Sy Resolve operational name — Operation Inherent 1, (U) Background: The Khorasan group is a cell of veteran terrorists belonging to the core al= Queda group — the high command that relocated to Pakistan after the 2001 defeat of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden’s successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri, reportedly dispatched the Khorasan group to Syria in 2013 to link up with al-Qaeda's official franchise in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra — which means “the Victory Front.” Officials believe their mission is to recruit European and American Muslim militants who have traveled to Syria to fight alongside Islamist extremist groups that form part of the rebel coalition fighting Syria's Assad regime. The Group has been described by U.S. intelligence officials as a cell of veteran Al Qaeda fighters from ‘Afghanistan and Pakistan wanting to link up with the Al Qaeda affiliate known as the al-Nusra Front, and trying to recruit western extremists to attack Europe and the U.S. Supposedly, the ‘group hopes to train and deploy these recruits, who bold American and European passports, for attacks against western targets. Members are said to include operatives traiied by;notorious bomb maker Ibrahim al-Asiri, thought to be behind the 2009 attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound jet and another ‘unsuccessful plot in 2010, In July, information related to the Khorasan Group and fresh plotting led the TSA to change its security posture and call for inereased scrutiny of cell phones and laptops on U.S.-bound flights. Director of National Intelligen® James Clapper confirmed the group is operating in the region and said they may pose a vc ic’ threat to the U.S. than the Islamic State, 2, (U) PA Posture: Respond to Query. 3) (UYHOlding Statertentl (Before annouricement of “Operation Inherent Resolve” as the approved name) “U.S. Central Command maintains a constant, high state of readiness, ensuring ‘we are fully capable to support taskings directed by the commander-in-chief. As a matter of policy, we do not discuss future operations, nor do we speculate on whether we may receive orders.” 4, (U) Response to query. The following questions and answers may be used in response to query following the announcement of the “Operation Inherent Resolve” as the approved name for operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria. Ql. What is the significance behind the name Operation Inherent Resolve? Al pthieteh tt (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 00s SOR-OFFICH 5 (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) Q2. We've been told since operations began that there was not a need for an operational name. Why was the decision made to name the operation two months after strikes began in Iraq and Syria? A2. Q3. What is the significance of a named operation versus an unnamed operation? AB. Q4. What is the process for developing a name for an operation and at which level is it approved? AA. Q5. Does naming the operation give operations in Iraq and Syria a higher priority for resources and funding? AS. Q6. How will an oper: operation? A6. ional name impact those troops deployed in support of the (LIMITED D) USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 006 From: (ee. wis. Juscentcom csup Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 9:14 AM _ To: 7). 016) Subject: US. Names Mideast Military Effort ‘Operation Inherent Resolve’ Washington Wire open source USS. Names Mideast Military Effort ‘Operation inherent Resolve’ hittp://}.com/washwire/2014/10/15/u-s-names-isis-military-effort-operation-inherent-resolve/ WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has picked a name for ts mlitary effort against Islamic State forces in Iraq and Syria Operation inherent Resolve. ‘The name, selected by U.S. Central Command officials, previously was rejected by defense officials at the Pentagon who considered it uninspiring or, as one military officer said, “kind of bleh.” The U.S. Central Command, based in Florida, oversees American forces in the Middle East. Earlier: Name the Military Operation in the Middle East Despite the initial reaction at the Pentagon, military officials said that Central Command pressed to adopt Operation Inherent Resolve as the moniker. Additionally, some officials thought that a mundane name also would be a safe choice, unlikely to offend any member of the international coalition the U.S. has assembled to strike extremist targets, Central Command officials said Wednesday the name Inherent Resolve is meant to reflect “the unwavering resolve and deep commitment of the U.S. and partner nations in the region and around the globe to eliminate the terrorist group {SIL and the threat they pose to Iraq, the region and the wider international community.” The name also is intended to signify the use of “all available dimensions of national power necessary — diplomatic, informational, military, economic,” officials said. some defense officials said privately Wednesday that the Pentagon and Central Command may have missed an ‘opportunity to find a name that would better capture the imagination of the public, and potentially build support or explain the military operation. Finding a name for the operation has taken a somewhat unusual length of time. The military quickly came up with a name for its anti-Ebola mission — Operation United Assistance — after only a handful of troops had deployed to Liberia. ‘The U.S. has been conducting airstrikes against the Islamic State in Iraq since early August and since September in Syria. [ ee. ene Logistics Management Specialist DUA Energy Middle East LNO to CCI4JPO Comm Dew | LUSCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 oor JUSCENTCOM CCJ6-RDF Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M Tuesday, October 14, 2014 5:33 PM Ryder, Patrick S Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI Kellogg, Curtis J MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M [U//FOUO} Inherent Resolve RTQ V4 Inherent Resolve RTQ V4.doox Classification: UNVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFICAE-USE-OMEK sir, Draft named operation PAG is attached for initial review. V/R LTC Wollman Classification: UNVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFIGAL-USE-OMLY USCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 008 V6) |USCENTCOM CCJ6-RDF From: Kellogg, Curtis J MAY MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M Monday, October 13, 2014 1:48 PM (mi —luscentcom cccr-P Taylor T.g. LTC Mil USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P; Wellman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM cccl-M Subject: FW: [S//RTUF] ACTION FOLDER - Namning[_—[oiés—]- "IRAQI UNITY" or “almalyet Tawiheed a raq” Information_Paper Naming [_—(ityiza doce Attachments: Classification: SEREHYRELFO US FEY Doc, This is a good resource froma). toyS]explaining the process. We are working RTC to answer the mail when we announce the name, likely “Inherent Resolve”, but need your helping figuring out what from this we can pull for an unclassified explanation. Ryder wants a DRAFTRTQ by 1700 on Tuesday and we are slapping it together now, so any help you could provide would be appreciated, ve Curt Curtis J. Kellogg, MAJ, USA CCCI Media Chief DSN 312-529-0217 COMM 813-529-0217 SvolP 302-529-0217 Classification: SEGREFYREL-FO-US4 FEE Derived From: IAW CENTCOM Classification Guide, CCR 380-14 Declassify On: 8/6/2024 From: Haupt, Richard W CAPT MIL USN USCENTCOM CCCI Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 1:20 PM To: Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Kellogg, Curtis ] MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M ‘Subject: FW: [5//R TUF] ACTION FOLDER - Naming[_(iini4e RAQI UNITY" or "Almaliyet Tawlheed al Iraq” lassification: SEGREF/RELFO-USA- AEH Good info attached and below... Classification: SSCREF REL TOGA -FYEY Derived From: IAV/ CENTCOM Classification Guide, CCR 380-14 Declassity On: 5/6/2024 USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 09 From:[ 6) ____ JUSAF USCENTCOM CCJS-PLRPE Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 11:24 AM Tor Haupt, Richard W CAPT MIL USN USCENTCOM Cccl, [mie USCENTCOM CCCI-P. co:[ BO. ©). O16) ‘Subject: FW: [5//RTUF] ACTION FOLDER - Naming miai4a_—_|- "IRAQI UNITY" or “Almaliyet Tawiheed al Iraq” Classification: SSRETHREL FO USA AEH Team, ‘As you requested—background information on the naming discussion. {As it turned out there was input from the coalition that IRAQI UNITY would not work for them as it was too limited to Iraq. Despite the fact that the Iraqis really liked it—as recently as this morning | received reports form OSC-1 and the JOC in Baghdad reiterating this. Since this proposal, the JS offered /proposed the name INHERENT RESOLVE. This would cover, notonly Operations in Iraq but the broader Campaign as well. We checked this with the DET Arabic experts. They do not think that Arab audiences will react negatively to the name itself. The Arabic for Inherent Resolve is Al-Azm al-assil or Al-Hassm al-assil Both Al-Azm and Al-Hassm translate as “Resolve”; however, Al-Azm conveys the sense of resolve as determination, whereas Al-Hassm signifies achievement. Either way, we believe the name to be safe enough for Arab and Western Coalition members, {As far as | know — we still do not have an approved name for the Campaign or its parts Iraq, Syria etc, Hope this helps. Finally, do not use my e-mail or forward it as a reference—but | think it is fair to take basic content from it, Thanks ONO Classification: SEREH RETO USACE Derived From: IAW CENTCOM Classification Guide, CCR 360-14 Declassify On: 8/6/2024 From:[_____(o(6)____ USAF USCENTCOM CCJS-P-LRPE Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 5:31 PM To: Busby, Steven W MajGen MIL USMC USCENTCOM CCI5-A Cec: Siife, James C Brig Gen MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCI5-A; Deakin, Gary C Brig Gen GBR, V9). 016) - Subject: (5//RTUF] ACTION FOLDER - Namingl_—(oiniaa —_} "IRAQI UNITY" or “Almaliyet Tawlheed al Traq” LUSCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 o10 Classificat 1 SECRET REL FOIA HEE Sir, ‘As directed: Tear Line from you to the Commander 1RT Naming (BiGii4s “IRAQI UNITY" ~ Tawlheed al ra’ vr fom) “Tear Lin To: Austin, Lloyd } GEN MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCC-CCcC; Ce: Fox, Mark I VADM MIL USN USCENTCOM CCDC-DCDR; Garrett, Michael X MG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCDC-COS;, Busby, Steven W MajGen MIL USMC USCENTCOM CCJS-A; Wilsbach, Kenneth S Maj Gen MIL USAF USCENTCOM CC)3- ‘A;Grove, Steven R BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCI2-32; Piggee, Aundre F MG MIL USA USCENTCOM CC}4-A; Slife, James C Brig Gen MIL. USAF USCENTCOM CCIS-A; Deakin, Gary C Brig Gen GBR; (12) NS) (001. v6) Subject: [5//RTUF] Naming [—wxni4e sir, TRAQK UNITY" We recommend [ biii4a —]be given the name OPERATION IRAQ) UNITY which is very close in meaning to ‘the Arabic "Almaliyet Tawlheed al iraq.” “‘Almaliyet Tawlheed al Iraq" means, "Operation Unity forlrag,” As best expressed by LTG Bednarek, this is what the majority of Iraqi’s want, ie. unity (Sunni, Shia, Kurds, Yezidi's, Shabaks,) etc., etc, How we came to this is simple and direct. Naming conventions for plans and operations are established in Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3150,29E, “Code Word, Nicknames, And Exercise Terms (NICKA) System.” The DoD NICKA office maintains the centralized database of approved Nicknames based on the assigned organization's naming convention. CENTCOM is restricted to developing Nicknames consisting of ‘two separate words, the first of which must begin with one of the combination of letters of the alphabet assigned to CENTCOM as follows: ‘¢_ EA—EF (Examples: EAGER WORD, EDGED NAME, EFFECT NAME) ‘© IM=IR (Examples: IMAGE WORD, IOLITE NAME; IRON NAME) ‘*NA-NF (Examples: NATIVE WORD; NEON NAME) ‘There is list of currently approved nicknames and code words for operations, however we do not recommenc! any of those as appropriate tothe situation in iraq, So, based on the rules out lined above we came to three recommended names off pias —} IRAQI UNITY. + IRAGU RESOLVE + EARNEST PARTNER ‘Tobe honest | preferred IRAQI RESOLVE, however, in discussions with LTG Bednarek, he convinced me to go with IRAQ) UNITY / Almaliyet Tawiheed al Iraq. Criteria we used in the process: ‘The name of the operation must portray the country of Iraq as the focal point of the operation. The first two recommendations include the word “Iraqi” in the title to draw attention to the Iraqi government, Iraqi Security Forces, and Iraqi people who are responsible for the success of the operation. The third recommendation focuses on the word “partner,” underscoring the United States’ role as an ally and an enabler to the Iraqis for this operation. 3 USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 on ‘The name of the operation should evoke optimism in those participating in the operation, including Iraqi and US personnel. The first recommendation, Iraqi Resolve, evokes a sense of determination and strength in the Iraqi government, the ISF, the population, and the allies assisting their Iraqi counterparts. The second recommendation, Iraqi Unity, reinforces the notion of a country, a government, a security force, and a population which is inclusive and unified for this operation and beyond. The third recommendation, Earnest Partner, focuses on the United States’ commitment to the Iraqi people. The name of the operation must avoid terminology associated with any previous US operation in the region. The three provided recommendations do not reference any previous operation and cannot be linked to historical events with negative connotation to any portion of the Iraqi population, (Our team has already begun the process of clearing the name thru the DoD NICKA office. It will be run through cultural and language experts to confirm that the translated name is suitable to Iraqis. The name will also be analyzed against existing databases to ensure that it has not been used before for a different operation. Assuming no hang ups in this process we should be able to start using IRAQI UNITY sometime next week. Very Respectfully, Buzz Classification: SSRET/REL-FO-USA- FEY Derived From: IAW CENTCOM Classification Guide, COR 380-14 Declassity On: 6/6/2024 USCENTCOM FOIA 18.0014 on (19). ONE) |USCENTCOM CCJ6-RDF From: Ryder, Patrick Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI Sent: Tuesday, October 14,2014 7:17 PM To: Kellogg, Curtis J MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M ce: Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Haupt, Richard W CAPT MIL USN USCENTCOM CCCI; Taylor, Tg. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P Subject: [U/FOUO) (FOU) Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (V5) Attachments: {(FOUO) Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5). docx Classification: UNVCLASSIFIED//POR-OFFICAL-USEONEK Curt — Per discussion, please resend this version and include: 8G Mingus, J5 BG Groover, JS (x9). 016) We'll need inputs NLT 0900 hrs. We'll incorporate any edits, then I'l send out to the J-Dirs for quick-turn coord prior to sending to OSD/NSC for review/approval by mid-afternoon. Thanks! vk Col. Patrick S. Ryder, USAF Director, Public Affairs Deputy Director, Communication Integration US. Central Command, MacDill AFB, Fl ‘Comm: 813-529-0172 / DSN 312-529-0172 SVOIP: 302-529-7001 After hours through the JOC: 813-529-3086 NIPR: Patrick Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//HOR-OFFIGAL-USE-ONEY USCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 ors (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTH **DRAFT**DRAFT™DRART** (alo 14 OCT 2014, 1900 EDT - Ver. 5) Subject: (U) Proposed Public Affairs Guidance for Public Announcement of Operation INHERENT RESOLVE 1. (U) Background. U.S. Central Command is expected to receive a Joint Staff execute order (EXORD) this week officially designating operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria as “Operation INHERENT RESOLVE.” 2, (U) PA Posture. Prior to public announcement from U.S. Central Command, PA posture is response fo query only. Following the announcement, PA posture becomes active. Questions beyond the scope of this guidance will be referred to U.S. CENTCOM Communication Integration Directorate, 3. (U) Statements. 3.1, (U) Holding Statement. Prior to CENTCOM receipt of CICS EXORD, the following ‘statement may be used in response to queries: “U.S. Central Command will notify media when ‘we have something to announce. In the meantime, I have no further information to provide.” 3.2. (U) Public Statement. The following statement may be released to the public by U.S. Central Command upon receipt of the CJCS EXORD: “U.S. Central Command officials announced today that Operation INHERENT RESOLVE has been officially designated as the name given to U.S. military operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria. The operation name applies retroactively to all U.S. military actions conducted against ISIL in Iraq and Syria since airstrikes against ISIL began Aug. 8 in Iraq “According to CENTCOM officials, the name INHERENT RESOLVI intended to reflect the unwavering resolve and deep commitment of the U.S. and partner nations to eliminate the terrorist group ISIL and the threat they pose to Iraq, the region and the wider international community. It also symbolizes the willingness and dedicated efforts of coalition members to apply all available dimensions of national power necessary — diplomatic, informational, military, economic — to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL." 4, (U) Response to query. The following questions and answers may be used in response to query following the announcement of the “Operation Inherent Resolve” as the approved name for operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria, QU. What is the significance behind the name Operation Inherent Resolve? Al. The name INHERENT RESOLVE is intended to reflect the unwavering resolve and deep ‘commitment of the U.S. and partner nations to eliminate the terrorist group ISIL and the threat they pose to Iraq, the region and the wider international community. In addition, the naming of operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria does carry some practical implications for U.S. military forces. The Defense Department order officially designating this operation as INHERENT POROEFICIAL-USE-ONEY (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 om (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) RESOLVE provides the authorities necessary to the CENTCOM commander to conduct, operations within a framework approved by the Secretary of Defense. This includes the authority to establish a joint task force headquarters to provide operational and tactical oversight of operations within the designated operations area. Q2. What has it taken so long to name this operation? A2. In coordination with the Defense Department, U.S. Central Command has taken great care to thoroughly socialize the name with the Iraqi government and other partner nations prior to making this announcement. Q3. What is the legal or administrative significance of a named operation versus an unnamed operation? ‘A3. There is no significant legal difference between a named or unnamed operation, nor does it affect legal authorities. However, the naming of operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria does carry some practical implications for U.S. military forces. The Defense Department order officially designating this operation as INHERENT RESOLVE provides the authorities: necessary to the CENTCOM commander to conduct operations within a-framework approved by the Secretary of Defense, This includes the authority to establish a joint task force headquarters to provide operational and tactical oversight of operations within the designated operations area. Q4. What is the process for developing a name for an operation and at which level is it approved? ‘Ad. There is a standard DoD methodology for naming operations. The process begins with the development of several proposed operation names at the combatant command level — in this case, U.S. Central Command, These options are then forwarded along with a recommendation for approval to the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Staff then reviews, recommends changes as appropriate and forwards to the Secretary of Defense for final approval. Once approved, the Joint Staff issues an execution order for the operation, officially designating an operation name. QS. Does naming the operation give operations in Iraq and Syria a higher priority for resources and funding? ‘AS. Operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria have been declared a contingency operation by the Secretary of Defense in accordance with Title 10, U.S. Code, Subsection 101(A)(13). This designation has enabled the use of overseas contingency operation (OCO) funding since operations began Aug. 8. A named operation results in additional funding only if Congress appropriates funds for that operation. At this time Congress has not appropriated specific funding for Operation INHERENT RESOLVE. Q6. How will an operation operation? ‘AG. Naming the operation has no immediate impact on service members deployed in support of this operation. Service members operating over Syria or in Iraq already receive a combat zone tax exclusion benefit. Service members serving in Iraq receive imminent danger pay for land and ait operations and hardship duty pay. CENTCOM has also made a request to award the name impact those troops deployed in support of the — 8 (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 01s, (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) Global War on Terror Campaign Medal to service members who have supported Operation Inherent Resolve. Q7. You mentioned standing up a joint task force. When will it stand up? Where? Who will command? AT. It would be premature to discuss details at this time. We will have more information to provide concerning the establishment of a joint task force in the near future. Until then I have to further information to provide. Q8. What is the designated joint operation area under Operation Inherent Resolve? ‘A8. Operation INHERENT RESOLVE is focused on operations in Iraq and Syria designed to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL. 4, Points of Contact. The point of contact for this guidance is MAJ Curt Kellogg, CCCI,, 813-529-0220. (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) USCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 016 OO JUSCENTCOM CCJ6-RDF From: Cae uscentoom cova Sen Tuesday, October i, 2014933 6M To: —™—N—_™——_ a Kellogg, Curtis J MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM ¢CCEM « ‘pa, mm uscenrcom cca Subject: CE TUTFOUOT erst inherent Reszve Public Announcement RTQ (5) Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flogged Concur, fox. 00] Classification: UIVCLASSIFIED//POR-OFFICEAL-USE-OMEY : [pm USCENTCOM CIA Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 8:30 PM To: Kellogg, Curtis } MA) MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M. XO, XS) JUSCENTCOM CCA Ui Operation Inherent Resoive Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) Classification: UVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFICHAE-USE-OMEK Curt: My comments from CIA. Bottom line is that | am unaware of any positive authority granted by naming an operation other than perhaps priority of resources from within DoD. vie, Classification: UIVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFIGIAL-USE-ONEE From: Kellogg, Curtis J MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 7:33 PM To: Mingus, James 3 BG MIL USA USCENTCOM COIS; Groover, Ralph H III BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCI5; Malloy, James J] RDML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCI3-A; Mcguire, Timothy P BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CO}3-A;[___ (9), (6) 01. 01) ‘Ce: Ryder, Patrick 5 Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI; Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Taylor, T.9. USCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 07 LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P ‘Subject: [U// FUG] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) Classification: UIVCLASSIFIED//POR-OFFICHALUSE-GHE Gentlemen, My apologies for this late note requesting such a quick turn. Attached is CCCI's DRAFT Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement and Response-To-Query for your review/edits/inputs. Respectfully request and need your inputs NLT (0900 hours so we can incorporate edits and staff with I-Directors prior to sending to OSD/NSC for review/approval by mid-afternoon. Thanks in advance for your time and assistance, Please let me know ifyou have any questions. Very respectfully, Curtis J. Kellogg, MAI, USA CCCI Media Chief DSN 312-529-0217 COMM 813-529-0217 SvOIP 302-529-0217 Classification: UNVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFIGAL-USE- OME USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0014 ons [ag pscentcom cess-n0F From: Malloy, James J RDML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCI3-A, Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2:34 AM To: Kellogg, Curtis J MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Mingus, James ) BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCJ5; Groover, Ralph H Ill BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCIS; Megi ‘Timothy P BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCI3-A; 010), (016) ce: der, Patrick 5 Col MiL USAF USCENTCOM CCCT, Wollman, Steven JLTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Taylor, T.g. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P Subject: RE: {U//FOUO} Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement && RTQ (v5) Attachments: DRAFT EXORD - Operation INHERENT RESOLVE (v20) (2014-09-18) CC Consolidated CHOPs_24SEP_1300ZM.docx Follow Up Fl Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Classification: UVCLASSIFIED//HOR- OFFICAL USE-OMEY Attached (track changes)...focus on mentioning coalition aspects. r/iim From: Kellogg, Curtis J MA) MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 7:33 PM To: Mingus, James J BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCJS; Groover, Ralph H TII BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CC35; Malloy, James J. RDML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCI3-A; Mcguire, Timothy P BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCI3-A;[—©)9).1016) | Wo), 16) ‘Cc: Ryder, Patrick 5 Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI; Wollman, Steven 3 LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Taylor, T.9. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCcI-P ‘Subject: [U//FOUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) Classification: LIVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONEY Gentlemen, My apologies for this late note requesting such a quick turn. Attached is CCCI's DRAFT Operation Inherent Resolve Public ‘Announcement and Response-To-Query for your review/edits/inputs. Respectfully request and need your inputs NLT (0900 hours so we can incorporate edits and staff with J-Directors prior to sending to OSD/NSC for review/approval by afternoon. Thanks in advance for your time and assistance. Please let me know if you have any questions, Very respectfully, Curtis . Kellogg USCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 oro MAJ, USA CCCI Media Chief DSN 312-529-0217 COMM 813-529-0217 ‘SVOIP 302-529-0217 Classification: LIVCLASSIFIED//HOR-OFFIGIAL-USE-OMEY Classification: UIVCLASSIFIED//POR-OFFIGA-USEONEK USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 20 wie) JUSCENTCOM CCJ6-RDF JUSCENTCOM CCB Wednesday, October 15, 2014 8:22 AM Kellogg, Curtis J MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; NE). 018) (049). 096) ce: Ryder, Patvick § Col ML USAF USCENTCOM CCCI; Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA. USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Taylor, Tg. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P Subj RE: [U//FQUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Classification: UNVCLASSIFIED//POR-OFFICHAL-USE-OMLY No additional edits from 8. gah 099). |Resources and Analysis Classification: UIVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFIEAL-USE-ONEY From: Kellogg, Curtis J MA] MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCL-M Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 7:33 PM To: Mingus, James } BG MIL USA USCENTCOM COIS; Groover, Ralph H II BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCJ5; Malloy, James J RDML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCJ3-A; Mcguire, Timothy P BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCI3-A;[__ it}, (06) V9}. OY) ‘Cez Ryder, Patrick 5 Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI; Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI; Taylor, T-3. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P ‘Subject: [U//FOUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) Classification: IVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFICHAI-USE-ONLY Gentlemen, USCENTCOM FOIA 16.0014 oat ‘My apologies for this late note requesting such a quick turn, Attached is CCCI’s DRAFT Operation Inherent Resolve Public ‘Announcement and Response-To-Query for your review/edits/inputs. Respectfully request and need your inputs NLT (0900 hours so we can incorporate edits and staff with I-Directors prior to sending to OSD/NSC for review/approval by mid-afternoon. Thanks in advance for your time and assistance. Please let me know if you have any questions. Very respectfully, Curtis J. Kel MAI, USA CCCI Media Chief DSN 312-529:0217 COMM 813-529-0217 voip 302-529-0217 Classification: UIVCLASSIFIED/POR-OFFIEHM-LUSE-OMEY USCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 on 2@ JJUSCENTCOM CCJ6-RDF. [pa mm Juscentcom ccie-rm ‘Wednesday, October 15, 2017836 AM Kellogg, Cutis MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM C¢CL:M Ryoer, Patrick SCol MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI Taylor... LIC MIL USA USCENTCOM Ceci] 0), 096) ao RE [U//FOUO] Operation inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Classification: UNVCLASSIFIED//POR-OFFICAL-USE-ONEK Good job capturing what we provided by SEPCOR and obviously melding it with what you received from J3 and JA. The result is a nicely balanced “it’s convenient to have a name for the operation, but it isn’t what allows the operation to be cartied out.” Thanks for working with us in advance. a re me. —_] CC8-FM Headquarters, US Central Command (V9. 016) Classification: UNNCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFICIML-USE-OME From: [————tyjgnmy@) ——__JUSCENTOM cou8 Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 8:22 AM To: Kellogg, Curtis ] MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; 25 CREE Te caro cccr Wa (Gar Ryder, PaURKS Col IL URAP USCENTCOM CECT; Wolhfan, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI; Taylor, T9. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P ‘Subject: RE: [U//FOUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) (V9). 0X6) IResources and Analysis OO) USCENTCOM FOIA 18.0014 023 (x9). (016) Classification: (/VCLASSIFIED//POR-OFFIGAL-USE ONE From: Kellogg, Curtis ] MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M ‘Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 7:33 PM To: Mingus, James ) BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCJ5; Groover, Ralph H Ili BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCJ5; Malloy, James J RDML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCI3-A; Moguire, Timothy P BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CC33-A;[ a ae (x9. (010) ‘Ce: Ryder, Patrick 5 Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI; Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Taylor, T.9. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P ‘Subject: [U//FOU} Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (V5) Classification: /NICLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-OMEY Gentlemen, My apologies for this late note requesting such a quick turn. Attached is CCCI's DRAFT Operation inherent Resolve Public ‘Announcement and Response-To-Query for your review/edits/inputs. Respectfully request and need your inputs NLT 0900 hours so we can incorporate edits and staff with J-Directors prior to sending to OSD/NSC for review/approval by mid-afternoon, Thanks in advance for your time and assistance. Please let me know if you have any questions. Very respectfully, Curtis J. Kellogg, MAJ, USA CCCI Media Chief DSN 312-529-0217 COMM 813-529-0217 SVOIP 302-529-0217 Classification: U/VCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFICIA-USEOMEY USCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 26 C DG ]USCENTCOM CCJ6-RDF Malloy, James J RDML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCI3-A, ‘Wednesday, October 15, 2014 10:10 AM Kellogg, Curtis ) MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Mingus, James J BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCIS; Groover, Ralph H Ill BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCJS; Mcguire, Timothy P 8G MIL USA USCENTCOM CCI3-Ai[____o).@) (019).(0N0) ce: Ryder, Patrick S Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI, Wollman, Steven 3 LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Taylor, T.g. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P RE: [U//FOUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) (FOU) Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement RTQ (vS)malloy.docx Classification: UWVC1ASSIFIED//FOR-OFFICHALUSE-ONEY What | meant to send...sorry.. fii From: Malloy, James ] RDML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCI3-A Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2:34 AM To: Kellogg, Curtis 3 MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Mingus, James J BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCI5; Groover, Ralph H TI BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCIS; Moguie, Timothy P 8G MIL USA USCENTCOM Cc33-A;[ 6.0] (09). 0) ‘Cez Ryder, Patrick S Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI; Wollman, Steven } LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Taylor, T.9. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P ‘Subject: RE: [U//FOUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (V5) Classification: UVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFIGIAL-USE- ONLY Attached (track changes)....focus on mentioning coalition aspects... rim From: Kellogg, Cutis J MA) MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M ‘Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 7:33 PM To: Mingus, James } BG MIL USA USCENTCOM COJS; Groover, Ralph H II] BG MIL USA USCENTCOM C35; Malloy, James J RDML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCI3-A; Meguire, Timothy P BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCJ3-A;[ 9.09] x9), 096) 1 USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 os TG. wE___JUSCENTCOM CC)1-AA = Ryder, Patrick S Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI; Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Taylor, T:9- LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P ‘Subject: [U//FOUG] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (V5) Classification: UNNCLASSIFIED//OR-OFFICEM-USE-ONEE Gentlemen, My apologies for this late note requesting such a quick turn. Attached is CCCI's DRAFT Operation Inherent Resolve Public ‘Announcement and Response-To-Query for your review/edits/inputs, Respectfully request and need your inputs NLT (0900 hours so we can incorporate edits and staff with J-Directors prior to sending to OSD/NSC for review/approval by mid-afternoon. Thanks in advance for your time and assistance. Please let me know if you have any questions. Very respectfully, Curtis J. Kellogg MAJ, USA CCCI Media Chief DSN 312-529-0217 ‘COMM 813-529-0217 ‘SVOIP 302-529-0217 Classification: (NCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFIGIAL-USE-OMEH Classification: UVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-OMK Classification: UINCLASSIFIED//POR-OFFICIAI-USE- OME USCENTCOM FOIA 18-0014 8 — 5-ON (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) **DRAFT**DRAFT**DRAFT** (alo 14 OCT 2014, 1900 EDT — Ver. 5) Subject: (U) Proposed Public Affairs Guidance for Public Announcement of Operation INHERENT RESOLVE 1. (U) Background. U.S. Central Command is expected to receive a Joint Staff execute order (EXORD) this week officially designating operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria as “Operation INHERENT RESOLVE.” 2. (U) PA Posture. Prior to public announcement from U.S. Central Command, PA posture is, response to query only. Following the announcement, PA posture becomes active. Questions beyond the scope of this guidance will be referred to U.S. CENTCOM Communication Integration Directorate. 3. (U) Statements, 3.1. (U) Holding Statement. Prior to CENTCOM receipt of CICS EXORD, the following statement may be used in response to queries: “U.S. Central Command will notify media when we have something to announce. In the meantime, I have no further information to provide. 3.2. (U) Public Statement. The following statement may be released to the public by U.S. Central Command upon receipt of the CICS EXORD: “U.S. Central Command officials announced today that Operation INHERENT RESOLVE has been officially designated as the name given to U.S. military operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria. The operation name applies retroactively to all U.S. military actions conducted against ISIL in Iraq and Syria since airstrikes against ISIL began Aug. 8 in Iraq, "According to CENTCOM officials, the name INHERENT RESOLVE is intended to reflect the unwavering resolve and deep commitment of the U.S. and partner nations to eliminate the terrorist group ISIL and the threat they pose to Iraq, the region and the wider international .. Italso symbolizes the willingness and dedicated efforts of coalition members to apply all available dimensions of national power necessary — diplomatic, informational, military, economic — to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL." 4, (U) Response to query. The following questions and answers may be used in response to query following the announcement of the “Operation Inherent Resolve” as the approved name for operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria, QI. What is the significance behind the name Operation Inherent Resolve? Al. The name INHERENT RESOLVE is intended to reflect the unwavering resolve and deep commitment of the U.S. and partner nations to eliminate the terrorist group ISTL and the threat they pose to Iraq, the region and the wider international community. n, the naming of operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria does carry some practical implications for U.S. military forees. The Defense Department order officially designating this operation as INHERENT ROR (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 or (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) RESOLVE provides the authorities necessary to the CENTCOM commander to conduct operations within a framework approved by the Secretary of Defense. This includes the authority to establish a joint task force headquarters to integrate coalition forces, and provide operational and tactical oversight of operations within the designated operations area. Q2. What has it taken so long to name this operation? ‘A2. In coordination with the Defense Department, U.S. Central Command has taken great care to thoroughly socialize the name with the Iraqi government and other partner nations prior to ‘making this announcement. Q3. What is the legal or administrative significance of a named operation versus an unnamed operation? ‘A3. There areis no significant legal difference between a named or unnamed operation, nor does it affect legal authorities. However, the naming of operations against ISIL_ in Iraq and Syria does carry some practical implications for U.S. military forees. The Defense Department order officially designating this operation as INHERENT RESOLVE provides the authorities necessary to the CENTCOM commander to conduct operations within a framework approved by the Secretary of Defense. This includes the authority to establish a joint task force and appoint a commander headquarters-to synchronize U.S. and coalition efforts, and provide operational and tactical oversight of operations within the designated operations area, Q4. What is the process for developing a name for an operation and at which level is it approved? ‘A4, There is a standard DoD methodology fornaming operations. The process begins with the development of several proposed operation names at the combatant command level in this case, U.S. Central Command. These options are then forwarded along with a recommendation for approval to the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Staff then reviews, recommends changes as appropriate and forwards to the Secretary of Defense for final approval. Once approved, the Joint Staff issues an execution order for the operation, officially designating an operation name. QS. Does naming the operation give operations in Iraq and Sys resources and funding? ‘AS. Operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria have been declared a contingency operation by the Secretary of Defense in accordance with Title 10, U.S. Code, Subsection 101(A)(13). This designation has enabled the use of overseas contingency operation (OCO) funding since operations began Aug. 8. A named operation results in additional funding only if Congress appropriates funds for that operation. At this time Congress has not appropriated specific funding for Operation INHERENT RESOLVE. a higher priority for Q6. How will an operational name impact those troops deployed in support of the operation? ‘AG. Naming the operation has no immediate impact on service members deployed in support of this operation. Service members operating over Syria or in Iraq already receive a combat zone tax exclusion benefit. Service members serving in Iraq receive imminent danger pay for land g — " (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 028 ROFF SE-ONLY (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) and air operations and hardship duty pay. CENTCOM has also made a request to award the Global War on Terror Campaign Medal to service members who have supported Operation Inherent Resolve. Q7. You mentioned standing up a joint task force. When will it stand up? Where? Who will command? AT. It would be premature to discuss details at this time. We will have more information to provide concerning the establishment of a joint task force in the near future. Until then I have to further information to provide. Q8. What is the designated joint operation area under Operation Inherent Resolve? A8. Operation INHERENT RESOLVE is focused on operations in Iraq and Syria designed to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL. 4, Points of Contact. The point of contact for Curtis,, 813-529-0220. guidance is MAJ Curt Kellogg, CCCI, POH GEHCEAEA ROSE (LIMITED DIST IL APPROVED) USCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 028 (19). 06) lUSCENTCOM CCJ6-RDF Malloy, James J RDML MIL USN USCENTCOM CC3-A, Wednesday, October 15, 2014 10:53 AM Kellogg, Curtis J MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M RE: [U//FOUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) Attachments: (UO) Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement RTQ (v5}final.docx Classification: JJVCLASSIFIED//HOR-OPFICIA-USE-OMEK From: Kellogg, Curtis J MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 10:44 AM To: Malloy, James } RDML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCJ3-A ‘Subject: RE: [U//FOUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (V5) Classification: LNCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFICHL-USE-OMH Sir, | apologize, and I'm not trying to be a pain. | don’t think you sent me the version you just chopped on in the JOC, It's missing some of the verbage | watched you type into it. | just want to make sure | include your comments in the public statement. I've attached what you sent me. | will go ahead and include the edits from the Q&A section. vir curt Curtis J. Kellogs, MAI, USA CCCI Media Chief DSN 312-529-0217 COMM 813-529-0217 ‘svolP 302-529-0217 Classification: UIVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFIGIAUSE-ONLK From: Malloy, James 3.RDML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCI3-A Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 10:10 AM To: Kellogg, Curtis J MA} MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Mingus, James J BG MIL. USA USCENTCOM CCIS; Groover, Ralph H TIT 8G MIL USA USCENTCOM CCIS; Mcguire, Timothy P BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCI3-A;[ (0). 0x9 @, 6) ‘Cc: Ryder, Patrick S Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI; Wollman, Steven 3 LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Tayior, T.9. LTC MILUSA USCENTCOM CCCI-P ‘Subject: RE: [U//FOUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) Classificatio INCLA SSIFIED//FOR-OFFIGIAL-UISE-ORLY USCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 030 What | meant to send..sorry, fim From: Malloy, James } ROML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCI3-A Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2:34 AM To: Kellogg, Curtis J MA) MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Mingus, James J BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CO35; Groover, Ralph H III BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCJ5; Meguire, Timothy P BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CC33-A;[ (bv (9, 016) ‘Ce: Ryder, Patrick S Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI, Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Taylor, T-9. LTC MILUSA USCENTCOM CCCI-P ‘Subject: RE: [U//FOUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) Classification: (/VCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFICTAL-USE-ONLY Attached (track changes)...focus on mentioning coalition aspects... him From: Kellogg, Curtis J MA) MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 7:33 PM To: Mingus, James] BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCIS; Groover, Ralph H IIT BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CIS; Malloy, James J RDML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCI3-A; Mcguire, Timothy P BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCI3-A;[__ V2). 09) Cz Ryder, Patrick § Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI; Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Taylor, T.9. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P ‘Subject: [U//FOUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) Classification: UIVCLASSIFIED//FOR-GFFIGIAL-USE-OMEK Gentlemen, ‘My apologies for this late note requesting such a quick turn. Attached is CCCI’s ORAFT Operation Inherent Resolve Public ‘Announcement and Response-To-Query for your review/edits/inputs. Respectfully request and need your inputs NLT (0900 hours so we can incorporate edits and staff with J-Directors prior to sending to OSD/NSC for review/approval by mid-afternoon. Thanks in advance for your time and assistance. Please let me know if you have any questions. Very respectfully, Curtis . Kellogg MAI, USA CCCI Media Chief OSN 312-529-0217 COMM 813-529-0217 USCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 ost ‘SvolP 302-529-0217 Classification: UIVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFIGIM-USE-OMEE Classification: (/VCLASSIFIED//FOR-GFFIGIAL-USE-OMEE Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFIGIAL-USE-OMEK Classification: UVCLASSIFIED//POR-OFFICA-USE-ONEK LUSCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 ose FOR GEHL (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) **DRAET#*DRAFT“*DRAFT** (alo 14 OCT 2014, 1900 EDT ~ Ver. 8) Subject: (U) Proposed Public Affairs Guidance for Public Announcement of Operation INHERENT RESOLVE. 1. (U) Background. U.S. Central Command is expected to receive a Joint Staff execute order (EXORD) this week officially designating operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria as “Operation INHERENT RESOLVE.” 2. (UPA Posture. Prior to public announcement from U.S. Central Command, PA posture is response to query only, Following the announcement, PA posture becomes active, Questions beyond the scope of this guidance will be referted to U.S. CENTCOM Communication Integration Directorate. 3. (U) Statements. 3.1. (U) Holding Statement, Prior to CENTCOM receipt of CICS EXORD, the following statement may be used in response to queries: “U.S. Central Command will notify media when ‘we have something to announce, In the meantime, I have no further information to provide.” 3.2. (U) Public Statement. The following statement may be released to the public by U.S. Central Command upon receipt of the CICS EXORD: “U.S. Central Command officials announced today that Operation INHERENT RESOLVE has been officially designated as the name given to U.S. military operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria. ‘The operation name applies retroactively to all U.S. military actions conducted against ISIL in Iraq and Syria since airstrikes against ISIL began Aug. 8 in Iraq. "According to CENTCOM officials, the name INHERENT RESOLVE is intended to reflect the ‘unwavering resolve and deep commitment of the U.S. and partner nations in the region and around the globe to eliminate the terrorist group ISIL and the threat they pose to Iraq, the region ‘and the wider international community. It also symbolizes the willingness and dedication ed efforts of coalition members to work closely with our friends in the reeion and apply all available dimensions of national power necessary — diplomatic, informational, military, economic ~ to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.” 4, (U) Response to query. The following questions and answers may be used in response to query following the announcement of the “Operation Inherent Resolve” as the approved name for operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria. Q1. What is the significance behind the name Operation Inherent Resolve? ‘Al. The name INHERENT RESOLVE is intended to reflect the unwavering resolve and deep commitment of the U.S. and partner nations to eliminate the terrorist group ISIL and the threat they pose to Iraq, the region and the wider international community. In addition, the naming of operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria does carry some practical implications for U.S. military OROFFC! — (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 039 FORGE HEE OM (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) forces. The Defense Department order officially designating this operation as INHERENT RESOLVE provides the authorities necessary to the CENTCOM. commander to conduct operations within a framework approved by the Secretary of Defense. This includes the authority to establish a joint task force headquarters to intewrate coalition forces, and provide operational and tactical oversight of operations within the designated operations area. Q2. What has it taken so long to name this operation? ‘A2. In coordination with the Defense Department, U.S. Central Command has taken great care to thoroughly socialize the name with the Iraqi govemment and other partner nations prior to making this announcement, Q3. What is the legal or admi unnamed operation? 'A3, There atcis no significant legal difference between a named or unnamed operation, nor does it affect legal authorities. However, the naming of operations against ISIL in lraq and Syria does ‘carry some practical implications for U.S. military forces. The Defense Department order officially designating this operation as INHERENT RESOLVE provides the authorities necessary to the CENTCOM commander to conduct operations within a framework approved by the Secretary of Defense. This includes the authority to establish a joint task force and appoint a ‘commander headquariers-to synchronize U.S. and coalition efforts, and provide operational and tactical oversight of operations within the designated operations area, istrative significance of a named operation versus an Q4. What is the process for developing a name for an operation and at which level is it approved? ‘A4. There is a standard DoD methodology for naming operations. The process begins with the development of several proposed operation names at the combatant command level ~ in this case, U.S. Central Command. These options are then forwarded along with a recommendation for approval to the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. ‘The Joint Staff then reviews, recommends changes as appropriate and forwards to the Secretary of Defense for final approval. Once approved, the Joint Staff issues an execution order for the operation, officially designating an operation name. Q5. Does naming the operation give operations in Iraq and Syria a higher priority for resources and funding? ‘AS. Operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria have been declared a contingency operation by the Secretary of Defense in accordance with Title 10, U.S. Code, Subsection 101(A)(13). This designation has enabled the use of overseas contingency operation (OCO) funding since operations began Aug. 8. A named operation results in additional funding only if Congress appropriates funds for that operation. At this time Congress has not appropriated specific funding for Operation INHERENT RESOLVE, Q6. How will an operational name impact those troops deployed operation? ‘A6. Naming the operation has no immediate impact on service members deployed in support of this operation. Service members operating over Syria or in Iraq already receive a combat zone support of the ic OM (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 034 FORGEHCE ESE OME (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) tax exclusion benefit, Service members serving in Iraq receive imminent danger pay for land and air operations and hardship duty pay. CENTCOM has also made a request to award the Global War on Terror Campaign Medal to service members who have supported Operation Inherent Resolve. Q7. You mentioned standing up a joint task force, When will it stand up? Where? Who will command? AZ. It would be premature to discuss details at this time. We will have more information to provide concerning the establishment of a joint task force in the near future. Until then I have to further information to provide. Q8. What is the designated joint operation area under Operation Inherent Resolve? A8. Operation INHERENT RESOLVE is focused on operations in Iraq and Syria designed to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL. 4, Points of Contact. The point of contact for this guidance is MAJ Curt Kellogg, CCCI, Curtis, 813-529-0220. (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) USCENTCOM FOIA 16.0016 035 oe “JUSCENTCOM CCJ6-RDF (ms uscentecom coef Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2:11 PM [6 ___JUSCENTCOM CCI8-FM; Kellogg, Curtis MAI MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M ce: Ryder, Patrick S Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCE Taylor, T.g. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM Cccl-P;[_——jma tag SCENTCOM cole Subject: RE: [U//FOUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) “New Dawn” now seems somewhat ironic. Given current bleak scenario and situation, for sequencing purposes I'd have gone with “High Noon”. From: [pa im) JUSCENTCOM cCIB-FM ‘Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 8:36 AM or Kellogg, Curts ) MAY MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCE-M; Wollman, Steven 3 LTC MIL-USA USCENTCOM CCCL-M Ce: Ryder, Patrick S Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI; Taylor, T.g, LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P; [exh ysl] aD, JUSCENTCOM CC)8-FM [U//FOUO) Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) ‘Subject: Classification: UIVCLA SSIFIED//FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-OMEK Good job capturing what we provided by SEPCOR and obviously melding it with what you received from J3 and JA. The result is a nicely balanced “it’s convenient to have a name for the operation, but it isn't what allows the operation to be carried out.” Thanks for working with us in advance. Cae) —se—_]cce-rm Veadquarters, US Cental Command (0x9). 016) Classification: UVCLA SSIFIED//FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONEY From:[————‘py@. bya) JUSCENTCOM ccI8 ‘Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 8:22 AM To: Kellogg, Curtis 3 MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; a pg ig JUSCENTCOW CET Ce: Ryder, Patrick § Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCT; Wollman, Steven 3 LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Tayior, T.9. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P Subject: RE: [U//FOUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (¥5) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFIEEM-USE-OMEY No additional edits from 48, Ve, cae USCENTCOM FOIA 15-0014 036 (0x9, v6) [Resources and Analysis V9). 016) Classification: UNVCLASSIFIED//OR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONEK Fromi Kellogg, Curtis ) MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M ‘Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 7:33 PM To: Mingus, James J BG MIL USA USCENTCOM COIS; Groover, Ralph H III BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCJ5; Malloy, James J RDML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCI3-A; Meguire, Timothy P BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCI3-Aj (oy. 096) ‘Cez Ryder, Patrick § Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI; Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Taylor, T.3. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P ‘Subject: [U//FOUO] Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5) Classification: UIVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-OMCE Gentlemen, My apologies for this late note requesting such a quick turn, Attached is CCCI’s DRAFT Operation Inherent Resolve Public ‘Announcement and Response-To-Query for your review/edits/inputs. Respectfully request and need your inputs NLT (0900 hours so we can incorporate edits and staff with J-Directors prior to sending to OSD/NSC for review/approval by mid-afternoon. Thanks in advance for your time and assistance. Please let me know if you have any questions. Very respectfully, Curtis J. Kellogg, MAJ, USA CCCI Media Chief DSN 312-529-0217 COMM 813-529-0217 SVOIP 302-529-0217 Classification: UNVCLA SSIFIED//FOR-OFFIGIM-USE-OMEY USCENTCOM FOIA 18.0014 07 De JUSCENTCOM CCJ6-RDF From: Ryder, Patrick $ Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI Sent Wednesday, October 15, 2014 9:55 AM To: Haupt, Richard W CAPT MIL USN USCENTCOM CCCI ce: Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Kellogg, Curtis J MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCC-M Subject: [U//F@UG] For Coord: Operation Name Public Announcement - Statement & RTQ Attachments: (FOUO) Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement & RTQ (v5).docx Classification: UNVCLASSIFIED//FOR-OFFIGIAL-USE-ONEY Sir- A proposed push note for you to send this AM, vr Pat TO: Garrett, Michael X MG MIL USA USCENTCOM CCDC-COS michael.x.garrett@centcom.smil,mil; Wilsbach, Kenneth $ ‘Maj Gen MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCJ3-A ; Busby, Steven W MajGen ML USMC USCENTCOM CCIS ; CC: Watson, Kenneth N. AVM AUS [jg ye; Mingus, James J BG MIL USA USCENTCOM cas, j Sife, James C Brig Gen MIL USAF USCENTCOM CIS (Groover, Ralph H III BG MIL USA USCENTCOM CIS |, Mcguire, Timothy P 8G MIL USA USCENTCOM CCI3-A, ome. Malloy, James J ROML MIL USN USCENTCOM CCI3-A james.malloy@centcom.smil mil TOMO — 1 |Ryder, Patrick S Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI-AA; Taylor, T.g. LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-P ;[ by. (ox6) MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCC patrick.ryder@centcom,; Wollman, Steven 4 LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M ; Kellogg, Curtis J MAJ MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M curtis.kelloge@centcom.smil nil a V9), 18) ‘SUBJECT: Operation Name Public Announcement ~ Statement & RTQ Chief/Maj Gen Wilsbach/MajGen Busby — Attached for your review is a proposed statement and RTQ regarding the official designation of our operations in Iraq and Syria as Operation INHERENT RESOLVE. I've pasted the draft statement below for quick reference. Our intent is to post this as a CENTCOM News Release upon CENTCOM’s receipt of the CICS EXORD. FYSA, we sent this draft to the AO/Deputy level in CC/1, J3,J5, 18 and to Ms Laura Watson, StratComm Advisor, and have incorporated inputs as appropriate. ‘My apologies for short notice, but I'd like to respectfully request any feedback/inputs you may have by 1400 hrs today, if possible, We will incorporate any requested edits you may have and then forward along to OSD and NSC this afternoon for coordination prior to release. ‘Thanks very much in advance. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. USCENTCOM FOIA 16.0014 038 WR ys). DRAFT CENTCOM NEWS RELEASE: IRAQ AND SYRIA OPERATIONS DESIGNATED AS OPERATION INHERENT RESOLVE “US. Central Command officials announced today that Operation INHERENT RESOLVE has been officially designated as the name given to U.S. military operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria. The operation name applies retroactively to all USS. military actions conducted against ISIL in iraq and Syria since airstrikes against ISIL began Aug. 8 in Iraq. “ pccording to CENTCOM officials, the name INHERENT RESOLVE is intended to reflect the unwavering resolve and deep commitment of the U.S. and partner nations to eliminate the terrorist group ISiL and the threat they pose to Iraq, the region and the wider international community. It also symbolizes the willingness and dedicated efforts of coalition ‘members to apply all available dimensions of national power necessary ~ diplomatic, informational, military, economic ~ to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.” 30- USCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 030 (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION U! PPROVED) **DRAFT**DRAFT*DRAFT** (alo 14 OCT 2014, 1900 EDT — Ver. 5) Subject: (U) Proposed Public Affairs Guidance for Public Announcement of Operation INHERENT RESOLVE ted to receive a Joint Staff execute order ns against ISIL in Iraq and Syria as 1. (U) Background. U.S. Central Command is ex (EXORD) this week officially designating oper: “Operation INHERENT RESOLVE.” 2, (U) PA Posture. Prior to public announcement from U.S. Central Command, PA posture is response to query only. Following the announcement, PA posture becomes active. Questions beyond the scope of this guidance will be referred to U.S. CENTCOM Communication Integration Directorate. 3. (U) Statements. 3.1. (U) Hol statement may be used in response to quetis ‘we have something to announce. In the meantime, I have no further information to provide, g Statement, Prior to CENTCOM receipt of CICS EXORD, the following : “U.S. Central Command will notify media when 3.2. (U) Public Statement. The following statement may be released to the public by U.S. Central Command upon receipt of the CJCS EXORD: “U.S. Central Command officials announced today that Operation INHERENT RESOLVE has been officially designated as the name given to U.S. military operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria. The operation name applies retroactively to all U.S. military actions conducted against ISIL in Iraq and Syria since airstrikes against ISTL began Aug. 8 in Iraq. "According to CENTCOM officials, the name INHERENT RESOLVE is intended to reflect the unwavering resolve and deep commitment of the U.S. and partner nations to eliminate the terrorist group ISIL and the threat they pose to Iraq, the region and the wider international community. It also symbolizes the willingness and dedicated efforts of coalition members to apply all available dimensions of national power necessary — diplomatic, informational, military, economic ~ to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL." 4, (U) Response to query, The following questions and answers may be used in response to query following the announcement of the “Operation Inherent Resolve” as the approved name for operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria QU. What is the significance behind the name Operation Inherent Resolve? Al. The name INHERENT RESOLVE is intended to reflect the unwavering resolve and deep commitment of the U.S. and partner nations to eliminate the terrorist group ISIL and the threat they pose to Iraq, the region and the wider international community. In addition, the naming of operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria does carry some practical implications for U.S. military forces. The Defense Department order officially designating this operation as INHERENT FOROEHCLMASEOSES (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) USCENTCOM FOIA 16.0014 «0 FOROFHCHALLSEOMEE (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) RESOLVE provides the authorities necessary to the CENTCOM commander to conduct operations within a framework approved by the Secretary of Defense. This includes the authority to establish a joint task force headquarters to provide operational and tactical oversight of operations within the designated operations area. Q2. What has it taken so long to name this operation? ‘A2. In coordination with the Defense Department, U.S. Central Command has taken great care to thoroughly socialize the name with the Iraqi government and other partner nations prior to making this announcement. Q3. What is the legal or administrative significance of a named operation versus an unnamed operatio ‘A3, There is no significant legal difference between a named or unnamed operation, nor does it affect legal authorities. However, the naming of operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria does carry some practical implications for U.S. military forces. The Defense Department order officially designating this operation as INHERENT RESOLVE provides the authorities necessary to the CENTCOM commander to conduct operations within a framework approved by the Secretary of Defense. This includes the authority to establish a joint task force headquarters to provide operational and tactical oversight of operations within the designated operations area, Q4. What approved? 'A4, There is a standard DoD methodology for naming operations. The process begins with the development of several proposed operation names at the combatant command level — in thi case, U.S. Central Command. These options are then forwarded along with a recommendation for approval to the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Staff then reviews, recommends changes as appropriate and forwards to the Secretary of Defense for final approval. Once approved, the Joint Staff issues an execution order for the operation, officially designating an operation name. the process for developing a name for an operation and at which level is it Q5. Does naming the operation give operations in Iraq and Syria a higher priority for resources and funding? ‘AS. Operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria have been declared a contingency operation by the Secretary of Defense in accordance with Title 10, U.S. Code, Subsection 101(A)(13). This, designation has enabled the use of overseas contingency operation (OCO) funding since operations began Aug. 8. A named operation results in additional funding only if Congress appropriates funds for that operation. At this time Congress has not appropriated specific funding for Operation INHERENT RESOLVE. Q6. How will an operational name impact those troops deployed in support of the operation? ‘A6, Naming the operation has no immediate impact on service members deployed in support of this operation. Service members operating over Syria or in Iraq already receive a combat zone tax exclusion benefit. Service members serving in Iraq receive imminent danger pay for land and air operations and hardship duty pay. CENTCOM has also made a request to award the FOR OFHOEMASEOSEY (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) USCENTCOM FOIA 16.0014 ot POROFHGHE SEO (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) Global War on Terror Campaign Medal to service members who have supported Operation Inherent Resolve. Q7. You mentioned standing up a joint task force. When will it stand up? Where? Who will command? AT. It would be premature to discuss details at this time. We will have more information to provide concerning the establishment of a joint task force in the near future. Until then I have to further information to provide. Q8. What is the designated joint operation area under Operation Inherent Resolve? AB. Operation INHERENT RESOLVE is focused on operations in Iraq and Syria designed to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL. 4, Points of Contact. The point of contact for this guidance is MAJ Curt Kellogg. CCCI,, 813-529-0220, (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) USCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 oz 0) JUSCENTCOM CCJ6-RDF From: Ryder, Patrick S Col MIL USAF USCENTCOM CCCI Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 1237 PM To: CENTCOM JOC CCCI ce: Kellogg, Curtis MAI MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M; Wollman, Steven J LTC MIL USA USCENTCOM CCCI-M Subject: [U//FOUE} FUE) Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement RTQ (v6) Attachments: {FOUO) Operation Inherent Resolve Public Announcement. RTQ (v6).dooe Classification: //VCLASSIFIED//FOR-GFFIGM-USE-OMEE JOC Team —Please transfer this and send to me on NIPR ASAP. Thanks in advance! VR Col Ryder Classification: UWVCLASSIFIED//POR-OFFICIAL-USE-OMEY USCENTCOM FOIA 15.0014 os FOROFRICHELSEOMY (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION UNTIL APPROVED) DRAFT“ DRAFE=

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