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Once in a kingdom known as Magnolia, there where twins born with great expectations in
the world of royalty, but due to the adults decisions they were eventually separated.
[Holds Elise's Hand] Eren: I'll be back, I promise. [Lets go of her hand] [ walks away]
Scene 2:
A fair little girl named Kim, approached a sobbing little girl just about her age and asked
whats wrong.
Kim: Hey why are you crying? [sits beside her]
Yassi: I'm different from the others, I have no family anymore, I rather die.
Kim: Now, now, don't talk like that, you can stay with me! Come lets go home! [stands
and smiles] [walks away together]
Scene 3:
8 years had passed since Eren and Elise got separated and Kim took Yassi in.
Kim and Yassi worked on a rich merchants shop, then one day while Kim and Yassi were
on their way to work Kim accidentally tripped over to Eren.
Kim: hurry Yassi, were going to be late! [Kim trips over]
Kim: Sorry sir, Im truly sorry. [Eren helps her up]
Yassi: we are truly sorry for the inconvenience, will you please excuse us. [both girls
rushed away]
Eren could not do anything but stare, with her tender soothing voice and gentle
welcoming smile, he just fell in love at first sight.
[Escort enters] Justine: Sire, your carriage is ready. [both walks away]
Scene 4:
Kim and Yassi arrived, then an unexpected guest greeted them with a charming smile. it
was the prince of Versaels.
Alistair: good morning dearest Kimberly. [takes her hand and slightly kisses it] [Gives
Yassi: good morning your highness. [bows] [escorts them inside the shop]
the prince is dearly in love with Kimberly. He even declined to the proposal of a
neighboring queen.
After traveling from Versaels to Magnolia, Eren arrived to the queens palace, his sister
became queen in the age of 16.
[Elise saw her brother] [Runs and hugs him] [Eren hugs back] [kneels down before the
queen] [slightly kisses her hand]
Scene 5:
One day Eren invited the queen for a walk in the shore, he gaver her a glass bottle with a
piece of paper.

Eren: Write your wish on the paper and fold it in half, and place it in this glass bottle...let
the sea take it away... someday your dreams will come true.
Elise: Why should I? its a game for commoners! [Eren Frowned] Eren: but Eren always
grants my wishes right? so there is no need for that anymore. [Smiles]
the next day the city Admin discussed something to the queen about the palace budget
Christian: your highness, the palace budget is falling. Youve held 5 balls straight in a
Elise: just get money from the people...Raise their taxes, thats all dismissed.
Christian: your highness the people are starving!
Elise: and you blame me? how rude! take him away! or let me say, take his head away!
Christian: Forgive me your highness! please spare my life I have a family.
no matter how the admin plead the queen showed no mercy, the castle steward and the
escort took the admin away.
Elise: Eren? help me get ready for tonight's ball. [Elise walks away] [Eren nods] [follows
her silently].
Scene 6:
In the night the queen's ball already started and royalties from diffrent kingdoms were
dancing in her halls and the queen was happily dancing with the prince of Versaels, until
the music ended.
Eren smiled to the crowd and eventualy saw kim. She was standing in a corner.
[Eren Approached] Eren: good evening milady, I believe we've met before.
Kim: are you certain sire? [Eren was about to speak] [The prince excuses kim]
Alistair: Will you excuse us sire? [Exit Eren]
the prince introduced Kim to the queen.
Alistair: your highness let me introduce you to my fianc
The queen did not say a word but forced a smile and walked away.
after the ball the queen gathered the castle steward and by her side was her friend
Josephine [joecy].
Joecy: Your higness this could not be done. [Elise looked away and rappidly fluttered her
fan] [turns to the castle steward]
Elise: Make sure the kingdom on the outskirts of Versaels is badly stirred, and Kill the
prince's Fianc
with that the steward did what the queen ordered and told Eren to kill the prince's fianc
Khen: the Queen has a wish that needs to be fullfilled, the girl must die even if her blood
is spilled
Eren:I will. [Eren Frowned]

Scene 7:
Castle maids were lingering in the hall, then Eren heard the chat between the maids.
Kathleen: Did you heard? the queen is going to take down the kingdom on the outskirts
of Versaels.
Christel: well she is the queen! everything she says must be done.
Kathleen: and she is only 16 ...she rules this kingdom brutally, someday someone will
take her down for sure. [maids walks away]
later Eren was escorted to his horse and was on his way to the kingdom of Versaels.
Scene 8:
A day passed and the queen's order was put to action, houses of the neighboring nation
was burnt to ashes and screams that never reached the ears of the queen was shushed
by death.
The news was reported in the kingdom of Versaels and Kim heard that the village she
once lived was burnt, she was eager to go back but the prince would not allow.
Kim: my village is now a dun of ashes! let me go there!
Alistair: its too dangerous, I will send my finest men to go fetch your sister. [Kim runs
towards the castle's garden]
She was in the garden sobbing until an earie figure appeared infront of her, it was Eren,
he snuck himself inside the castle.
Eren:I'm sorry [takes out knife] [Stabs kim]
Kim:You were that boy we met back in my village weren't you? [Kim closes eyes & dies]
[Eren Sobs] [fled away]
after sometime the prince went out to find Kim and he saw her lying dead on the ground.
[takes kim in his arms] Alistair: what have they done?! [cries]
Scene 9:
after a few days everything was back to normal the queen was sitting on her throne
fluttering her fan and smiling.
until, the castle steward reported to her.
Khen: Your highness, the kingdom of Midori is near our midst.
Elise: Midori? what is Midori?
Josephine: its the neighboring country of Versaels, your highness, the country you burnt.
Elise: Send my finest soldiers in no time all of this will be over. [Elise stands and flutters
her fan, walks away] [Josephine follows]
After a few days Elise heard loud chattering outside of her castle, she saw common
people soldiers from the kingdom of Versaels and mercenaries Surrounded her Castle,
Eren approached the queen with a frown on his face.
Eren: Elise I'll buy you time, run away.

Elise: Run? where to?

Eren: Another country.
Elise: im the queen of this country! this is just a mere revolt go and surpass the people!
Eren: Elise. its not a revolt... its a revolution, to bring you down. [Elise sat] [Eren hands
her his clothes]
Eren: they wont know that you are gone, because we look a like [Eren Smiles] [Elise
takes Erens clothes]
Scene 10:
The people was led by a woman mercenary, who has anger built up over years, her
brother was executed by the order of the queen, and she teamed up with the prince of
Versaels and both entered the castle without hesitation, it was quiet because the staff all
fled away, the only one remaining was the queen.
Mae: surrunder! Eren: such disrespect! for a mercenary woman. [Eren glared at Mae and
eyed the prince beside her].
Mae tied Erens hands and brought him to prison.
Alistair: its not the queen. [Mae went back and talked to the queen]
Mae: who are you and why are you doing this? [Eren remained silent]
Mae: princess until the execution. [walks away]
Scene 11:
The clock stroke 3 and the time has come to execute the queen, loud chattering was
heard as the queen silently walked to the site, her hand tied behind. and she was
escorted by the prince and the mercenary.
Elise went through the crowd, she saw Eren wearing her dress and in any second, he'll be
executed. he never even dared to look at the crowd, while people yelled in victory.
Crowd: Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
Mae: Retribution to the queen! [raises sword] [Crowd continues to yell freedom].
[Alistair whispers to Eren] Prince: I don't know who you are but your a spitting image of
[Eren looks at the crowd] [sees Elise in a hood] [smiles] [Mae swings her sword and cutts
Eren's head] [Elise kneels down and cry] [SFX: church bells] [Elise Stands up]...
Scene 12:
After the Execution, Elise travelled away far from their country and she eventually gave
up ,she sat on the ground feeling hopeless, until someone approached her.
[yassi approaches] Yassi: are you alright?
Elise: Im so tired Yassi: come home with me.
[both walks to yassi's small nippa house by the sea]
Yassi: sorry my house is a bit small, because my teal house was burnt down.
Elise: why?

Yassi: they say the queen of Magnolia ordered to burn the kingdom.
[Elise looked away]
Yassi: hmp! the evil queen is already dead they say, good for her, she was the reason
why my sister died.
Elise: because of the fire?
Yassi: no! she ordered someone to sneak in the castle of Versaels and killed her! she was
the fianc of the prince...
Elise: she was your sister?
Yassi: well...she took me in when we were still young, My parents died.
After the chat Yassi left her to rest but she asked for a pen paper and a glass bottle.
Elise: Can I have a paper and pen, and a glass bottle please.
Yassi provided her the things and went outside. Elise wrote a wish on the piece of paper
and placed it inside the bottle. after that she rested. Yassi saw the bottle and opened it
and read the letter.
on the middle of the night Elise woke up and went to the shore, she carried the bottle
and placed it on the water, she watched as it was taken by the sea.
Elise: in our next life if we ever meet again , lets play together once more and be the
best of friends.
[Yassi stands behind her and stabs her]
Yassi: you took everything from me, you Evil queen...
And that ends our story about the Evil queen who wanted everything and ruled brutally.

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