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Inspiration is not something that generally can be sought after.

It is the type of
phenomenon that unexpectedly smacks you in the face like a dodgeball. Inspiration can
be found in vast aspects of life: flowers, bugs, teachers, experiences, novels, etc.
Inspiration yields actions, ideas, and creativity. When we are young, we are generally
asked What do you want to be when youre older?. Many times the answer is
correlated to the last television show or movie that weve watched. Personally, since the
first grade, my answer has always been a doctor. Reflecting back on my response, I
never knew what type of doctor, but I knew I was passionate about helping people. The
sole idea of nursing someone back from sickness to health amazed me. When I met Dr.
Ben Carson in the 6th grade, it was a reaffirmation of my career goals.
Ben Carson is a retired, renowned neurosurgeon and distinguished author. He
has lived an immensely notable life. To illustrate, he was the first surgeon in the world to
successfully separate conjoined twins. He became head of pediatric neurosurgery at the
reputable Johns Hopkins Hospital at just 33 years old, and he has received the
Presidential Medal of Freedom which is the United States highest civilian award.
Dr.Carson has led a positive, impactful life. His childhood, however, wasnt as
esteemed. He grew up as an impoverished child from Detroit raised only by his mother.
In school, Ben Carson was temperamental and aggressive; he once attempted to stab
his friend, but his friends belt deflected the knife. After the incident, Carson felt
overwhelming remorse which inclined him to pray more than he ever had. His faith and
supportive, yet stern mother propelled him on the course to success. He began to study,
read, and research; he astonished his peers and teachers.

Dr. Carson shared with us his story, occupation, and ideology. I found that I could
relate to him being raised by a single mother in a low- income home. Dr. Ben Carson
thrived in life despite his past and destitute circumstances. When we met with him, I
knew at that moment that anything was possible. Every obstacle could be beaten, every
test could be aced, and every mistake could be reconciled. When I experience failure or
fault, I look to Dr. Carsons life and become persistent once more. His narrative was
significant. Before I met Dr. Carson, I knew I wanted to become a doctor, but I always
wondered Can I do it? and Is it possible?. Even though I was so young, I was
always well aware of the stigma of being just another poverty-line black girl. Ben
Carsons and our shared African-American heritage proved that I was not destined to be
Ben Carson ultimately inspired me to pursue a career in the medical field. In the
fall of this year, I will attend Baylor University with an intended major of biomedical
engineering. Once I earn my bachelors degree, I plan on going to medical school. With
a biomedical engineering background, I hope to become a prominent member of the
medical field. I have aspirations to advance medicinal practices and improve patient
Final Grade:
Content: xx/50
English Composition: xx /40
Neatness/Following Instr.: xx /10
Total: xx /100
This will definitely be a contender.

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