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Formwork- SFCA -square feet on
concrete area. + Reinforced Steel
pounds of weight + Concrete cubic
yards of volume + Finishing &
Curing are measured in square feet.

10.1 FORMS
Wall height -ft; Plywood -sf; Lumber bf, Form -tiles; Labor hours making
forms -carpenter, helper-; Labor hours
erecting and removing the forms carpenter, helper-


Con crete Structures

Concrete is a malleable material which can be used to

produce almost any shape, implying variation in cost. Cost of
forms for complicated shapes implies extra material -lumber,
plywood, steel, aluminium and composite materials bolts, nails10.2 COLUMN FORMS
and labor -installing, removing and cleaning- better to spend
Hight -ft; Plywood sf; Lumber
money in quality materials than in cost required to build them,
bf,;Labor-hours making forms while a reusable form will produce a lower total cost of the
carpenter, helper-; Labour hours
erecting and removing the forms Size of forms, type of material [extend of prefabricate
carpenter, helperpanels 3/4, 7/8 x 4 x 8, 10, 12, Polyform (HDO 100 uses)
can be reused more times than plywood- Lumber in
Beam width -in; Number of uses;
dimensions of 2ft (8ft-18ft), Nails (10-20lb/1000bf, 5-10lb/
Plywood -sf; Lumber -bf; Form -tiles;
1000bf), form oil (300-500 sf/gal), Form Tiles (units safe loads
Labor hours -carpenter, helper3,000-5,000 lb), Form Liners (PVC 4 x10)], shape of structure,
location of the forms, rigidity of dimension requirements, and
the extend of the forms that can be prefabricated and
transported to the site are the factors that determine the
Ceiling hight -ft; Thickness of slab in,;Plywood -sf; Lumber -bf; Labour
amount of labor. Reusable forms must estimate
hours -carpenter helperseparately the assemble, remove and cleaning. [tables specify
the labor-hour, verify union regulation ratio if apply] Forms
for slab on grade placed directly on the ground, side form
of metal or constructed of 2in, lumber commonly used,
Ceiling hight -ft; Floor thickness -in;
secured with wood stakes or metal pins, wired mesh or
Lumber -bf; Labour hours -carpenter
reinforced steel is placed then concrete -finished and cured-.
helperFooting and foundation walls include beam footing,
basement walls, retaining walls, vertical walls for water
reservoirs, etc. Wall forms -plywood, lumber, form ties and
Type of work (beams and girders,
labour hours- for multiples of 2 other measures or openings
columns, elevated slabs, footings Slab
will be a wastage of material. Prefabricated Panels 2 wide
on grade, Spirals and stirrups, walls)
x 2, 4, 6, 8 long-2x4x3/4 lumber for frames will permit
Bar size -5/8 and less, 3/4 and over.
flexibility, permit ties and eliminate the need of holes.
Commercial Prefabricated forms -Polyform sheathing
Stile -no, Weight -lb per sf, Spacinf of wire- attached to steel or aluminium frames can be purchased or
in longitudinal, in transverse, Gauge
rented-. Forms for concrete columns -forms for round
number -longitudinal, in transverse,
columns are made of fibre tube, fibreglass or steel, clamps are
Sectional area of wires -in longitudinal, in
installed around the forms prior to filling. Clamps are installed
to ensure the form resist the maximum internal pressure. The
four sides of columns forms are usually prefabricated;
Sacs of cement, Water -gal, Weights of
assembled and fastened with clamps, securely located,
saturated surface-dry aggregate -lb fine ,
reinforcement is placed and concrete is poured. Labor is
lb coarse, 28 day compressive strength psi
calculated in two operations making the forms and then
erecting and removing them. By using in you design the same
columns type on you design, considerable saving can be
achieved. Columns heads , capitals and drop panels are
Type of work (continuous footing,
a common practice to provide more distribution of the load
spread footing, grade beams, slabs on
between the column and the slab; and it generally increases the
grade, walls, beams and girders,
cost of the formwork.
columns elevated slabs) , Method of
Shores and care folding -lumber, aluminium, are
handling - direct chute, Crane bucket,
Pumpedinstalled single member and tied horizontal and diagonal with
braces- are used to support beams , girders, floor slabs, roof
slabs bridge decks and other members to ensure the concrete
has gained sufficient strength to be self-supported.
Several methods are used to construct the Concrete
Beams forms, lumbers -vertical direction provide more
resistant to deflection-should be cleated together -3
intervals-,ledgers attached to vertical blocking carry the joist
load to the shoring. Kickers at the bottom -to resist lateral
TWA NY 1962
pressure from the concrete. Forms for flat-slab concrete

Mumbai Airport Terminal 2, 2014

floors as beams can be supported by the column heads,

Patented forms for floor slabs, material and labor hours
corrugated steel forms -metal or fibreglass patented forms
are available for two way floor system, pans & domes reduce the cost of material and labor cost-. Metal-pan
concrete floor requires lumber, connecting strips,
stringers, shores and bracers, vertical shores or scaffolding.
Corrugate steel forms -available in several gauges
widths and lengths- for floor and roof slabs supported by
steel beams and precast concrete joists. Cellular-steel
floor system -have multiple cells that can be used for
telephone power and computer cables available in 24 &
36- roll steel shape panels and plates are electrically
welded together to provide routing for wire through the
floor slab in to the room area.
Concrete stairs cost per unit of volume or area
varies greatly, depending on the length and width of the
tread -squared or rounded- & height of the riser -open or
closed with curbs- steel dowels should be set in the
concrete floor and beam supporting the landing prior
placing the concrete, dowels are died to the reinforcing
steel. Labor is difficult to calculate carpenter & helper
should install about 25 br/ht of lumber.

Reinforced steel is a deformed bars or

welded wire fabric used separately or together cost
is estimated by lb or sf, shop drawings are necessary -cut
length, bending details, price of steel, charge depends on
the complexity and quantity- for the fabrication, the
estimator must submit drawings to the supplier. Labor cost
depends on size, shape, complexity, distance and height,
bars spacing, extent of tying & workers skills. Time is
depends on the amount tons and bars types. Welded-wire
fabric is used for concrete sidewalks, pavements floors,
canal lining because its lower cost compared to
reinforcing steel bars. Labor is calculated by the area,
cuts, lapping the edges and ends, labor rate is .25hr to .50
Concrete Cost is determined by the
materials: sand, aggregate, cement, water,
admixture, mixing transporting and placing the
concrete. ready mix will vary with the job size,
location and concrete quality. Price is estimated by
cubic yards and a waste of 10% for small jobs and
5% for larger jobs must be calculated, considering
also the 28 days. Crew task is to place, spread,
vibrate and finish the surface, equipment -gas or
power-, location - below, on or above ground,
drilling, pumping, belts, trucks, trailers, skids- ,
type of structure. Also light weight concrete and
tilt up is available for floors, roof or decks to lower

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