AASHTO T 258-81 - Determining Expansive Soils

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1. SCOPE, AL This standard covers a method to determine if a soll is expansive and ‘methods to predict the amount of swell [NOTE 1—Methods tat ae being ued by venous agencies 16 con the anosnt of sell are given ia the appendix 1.2. The values stated in SI unite are to be regarded as the standard. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2 AASHTO Standards: TST Dry Preparation of Disebed Soil and Soll Aggregate Sam- ples for Test T89 Determining the Lige sid Limit of Soils 90 Determining the Plas. ‘ie Limit and Plas: ity Index of Soils T 100 Specific Gravity of Soils T 216. One-dimensional Consolidation Prop- enies of Soils T 273. Soil Suetion DETECTING EXPANSIVE SOLS 3.1 The potential expansiveness of soil may be determined by using the ‘Acerberg Limits of the soil and the natu- ‘al soll suction. 32. Using AASHTO Test Methods, the Liquid Limit (LL), the Pasicity tn- dex (PD) and tie Soil Suction (* nat) Standard Method of Test for Determining Expansive Soils AASHTO DESIGNATION: T 258 81 TAME Denice of Eipamion LPL sna itn Se) sae Mast S040 25358 1S low sos cis are determined on a sol. From Table 1. ‘determine how porenially expansive the soil is using the Liquid Limit, Plasticity Index, and the Natural Soil Sueton, DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF SWELL 4.1 The amount of swell to be ex fected in a suatum is determined by one of the following described methods Where more exacting determination of {he amount of swells needed, the Over- burden Swell Test Procedure should be used. Due to the lengh of time and costs required to perform the Overburden Swell Test an empirical procedure called the Potential Vertical Rise Method may bbe used to estimate the swell where con: ditions do not require the more exact de- “42 Overburden Swell Test and Pre lesion Procedure: 42.1 Method J~-Prepase an undise turbed sample for consolidation testing according to the pfocedure in T 216. xtreme care shouldbe taken to prevent moistute loss during the preparation sage. From the sample wimmings,ceter- ‘mine the field moisture content and the specific gravity of the soil. The field moisture is determined ae 2 percentage of the mass of oven-dried coil and shall be calculated as follows Percentage of Moistre Mass of Water * Nass of Oven-Dried Sail * 10° ‘The Specific Gravity ofthe soil is det mined a¢ outlined in T 100. After the sample has been placed in the consoli- ‘dometer, 2 load equal 10 the exising overburden pressure is applied on the " sample, This load shall be maintained tnt dhe dial gage of the extensometer indicates that all adjustment t0 the ap- plied load has ceased. During the appl Cation ofthis load and adjustment period, extreme care must be exercised {0 pre- vent desiccation. It is extremely imn- portant not to lose any moistce from, {his sample. This may be accomplished bby covering the consolidometer with ‘moist coton. This loading procedute ce turns the sample, as closely as possible to the actual Geld void ratio and field conaltion since extrusion allows undis- tured samples to immediately eebound clasuically. Actual field conditions are defined as Point One (1) ia Figuee 1. The sample is thea inundated and allowed to ‘reach an equilibrium as indicated by the dial gage of te extensometer. This con- dition then is defined as Point Two (2) in Figure 1. The sample hen is unloaded in decrements of lond that 2 laboratory formally ses t0 the desized pressure, thus producing a swell curve from Point Two (2) w Point Three (3) in Figure | From this point Point 3, Figure 1), a formal consolidation-rebound testis conducted as outlined in T 216. The ‘swellcurves form approximately straight lines on a semiclog plot therefore. the No Volume Change pressure is deter- mined by extapolating the swell curves between Points 2 and 3 until it intersects the Field Void Ratio as Point Four (4). ‘The Field Void Ratio (¢) is determined 1 follows: Percent Field Moise % Specific Gravity Perce Sanration 422 Method This method is presented because there may be a aced 639 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 7256 60 (a) einsseig jo 60} vols Roto (a) aanssaad jo Boy “sa ones proa W1dAVXa Nossa FIGURE 1 1258 to expedlie the work and the existing overburden load may be so small that obtaining swell cuves directly may be meaningless. This method may be used fonly after running several tests by Method I and finding that the slope of the rebound curve, Points Five (5) and Six (6), is substantially the same asthe slope ofthe swell curve, Points Two (2) and Thyee (3). Method Tis the same as ‘Method [10 the point where the sample is inundated and the total swell is corded. At this point, normal consolida Won-rebound load sequence is followed to produce the desied curves, Since the slope of the rebound and swell curves ae substatally the same, the swell curve canbe produced by passing a curve through Point Two (2), Figure that 's parallel 0 the rebound curve. The intersection of this curve with the Feld Void Ratio gives the point of No Volume Change or maxim swell pressure po- ‘ental 42.3 Calculations—Caleulation for the amount of swell to be expected in 2 siratum can be made as follows =H = Amount of Swell in a (in.) © = Difference in Void Ratio at over burden pressure (No Volume Load) and the desired overbur. en pressure Hi = Thickness of Stratum in mm (in) 6 ® Noid Ratio at field streze condi 43 Powemio! Vertical Rise (PVR) Test and Prediction Procedure: 43.1 For this procedure, itis neces- sary to know the moisture content of each layer sampled, lis preferable that mois- ture samples be taken a the time of sain- pling, These moisture samples can be laken from cores that have been mois: luge sealed, 43.2 When cores have been taken, termine the wet deasity by wimmung the cores to make nght cixcular cylinders, measuring height and diameter, 19 the ‘eaest 0.25 mm (0.0 in.), determining ‘he mass to the nearest estimated 0:5 g (0.001 1b) and calculating. When cuings only are taken during sampling, use a wet METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING ensity of 2002 ky? (125 Ib) which is usually a reatonable valve. 4.3.3. Fromreptesentative portions of the cuttings or cores, determine the Lit vid Limit, Plasticity Todex. and percent soil binder {minus 0.425-mm (No, 4) Sieve} in the soil layers. Record these results on Table Ill at the appropriate layer 434 Begioning with the tp layer at the Surface ofthe ground fiom the driting log (Tablet), sast compilation of Table UL. Determine whether the layers are "wet." “ey.” oF average [NOTE 2—1t has been determined! tac 02 LL 95sthe “ry condo from which lite shrinkage is experienced, but whee volume ‘smell potedal ig greatest ce the minim ponds tothe masimam capillary absorpuon by laboratory tess on specimens molded a ‘optioury moisture and Furcharged wiih a Pa (1 pa) load. This st alro analogons 10 Imoistre cones (und beneath of pave ments and ote jghtweighestuctures. This isthe “optim” condition. 435° Using Figure? and the wet dey, or average moisture condition, find the Pl on the fst soil layer on the abscissa, Move vertcally upwards to the appro- priate swell eurve (ry, average, or wet) and read the percene volumetric change ‘onthe ordinate, This Percent Volumetic Change was determined for 7 KPa (1 st surcharge NOTE 3—The PVR vs Load Curves in Figures 3 and 4 are for fee swelling clays ander no load aed ae sed oa wet desi of sil of 2002 ka (125 Ib. In order 9 se the eaves in Figures 3 and as be determined that per he conditions of free swell and the percent volometne swell at 7 kPa (1 psi surcharge given im Figute 2. the following relasoninip exists Percent Volumetis Swell @ No Load = Percent Volumetric Swell @ (7 APs (0 pei] jL07) + 26 ‘Example: From Figute 2, the swell a7 kPa =10 escent at n lond ot free swell = 10x (1.07) $265 107428133 ou ‘These curves may have tote penile in on Figures 3 ord Yor accurate reauing. 43.6 Incalculaing the potential ver- tical rise, i is convenient or prefecable 'o use 6m (2-0) elements oF layers provided the moisture contents and the log of the hole will permit, The use of 0.6-m (2-R) layers andthe assumption of 2002 kg/m (12S If) wetdeasiy, which, is usually areasonable wer density. makes the tabulation simpler. The modification ‘caused by using 2002 km’ (125 lott’) rather than 2307 kgm? (144 Ib?) for ? kPa (1 psi) per meter has aleady been incorporated into the curves on Figures 3 and 4. Where wet densities vary from 2002 kg/m (125 Ib) and greater aceu- acy is desired, a modification factor should be applied to that aver equivalent 4 2002 (125) divided by the actual wet ensity. NOTE $n the 0.6 (2) layer atthe surface, the “average” load inthe yer is 9 LPs ps); Whewise, ia te 06 to U2 to 4 ayer. the kPa load (4 A (2 pi for the sop 06 m plus one-half ofthe 05 v0 12m (2 to dt ayer o 21 Pa pr oa ‘Thereore the average loadin any OG m layer 1s te average dep ofthe layer (Suject © the conection lato a deverived above} 43.7 Using the percent minus 0.425. men (No. 40) sieve column, PYR subse. quently determined shall be modified 25 follows: a. Use zero swell where the percent tminus 0.425-mm is less than 28 percent. , Multiply the swell obtained forthe layer by the percent minus 0.425 mm when the percentage exceeds 25 perce, 43.8 Then using Figure 2. determine the percent Volumetric Swel in the frst layer (0 100.6 m (0 to 2 0), Since this ‘well is determined using 7 kPa (I psi) surcharge, it must be modified for teee swell. ot ao surcharge, 35 given in Note 3. Using Figures 3 and 4, and the percent fice swell curve, just determined. begia to compile the swell inthe layer, 8 In the 0 10 O6:m layer, read the ‘ordinate (PVR) atthe 7 KPa (1 psi load from the swell curve nd secord an Table Ul as “boom of layer.” 1, From the curve ead the “top of the layer” load of zero in the case of this layer, and record on Table I, «The difference in these two readings METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 3255 taste IT Soa ae DRILUNG Los siiansen sinain_Warthonre evs Ho igh 1 ee me (is nat ie =e my i Sa] me S| = dC a ant tae dnaae pm day. dark brown, wet P.Bbi [Cley, dark brown firm =P. BbI. Clay. red and yellow, firm =P. bi. Clay ed and Palio aT Er q P. Bb. Push Barret "No good cores obtained due to Je: Fe percentage of gravel, Pte daha Date aha Sm 7258 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING. 643 TABLE CA, Fere ERE yo ry Var Percent Top Bowen Mod Med in asa Pernt Swell Free of o 2.25 mm Dentin Layer Dept KPa 4.25 om (Fig 1) Seed _Layer Layer_Dit_ Fanoe.” Factor mh we 730 Sha SS ks ed 12ig 3s se tto ies 00 Tee Sus ito fo 39 @ Sis ie $a ia3s ie 3 Lo 323 a to 458° (os o 19 fise a 100 sto Bt B02 ws ie sags tas Sas is £09 $612 13) Bae igo mo ip i2ns 38 Has igo Lop Tage ise Ba 396 Hs igo m {Bp 4239 ao Ba he 33 as ieo mip 5a3s hie Ba Bs 39 Ss leo boo " ‘Toa PvR = 61 116096 iwe2490 250 396 39 Aw oo se 16919 sass In? too" “oon > 2002 sograms per cube meter met ces asumat for aly. When greater accuray i deed we sue moder, Rail wet cay fst, xp? “Note lace be 3.6m lye srr 6019 96 i uelorm, te PVE ny be Geermined none reading by using the Nop of he yer” as 1 KPa (88 13 06m layer) sd reading te "Soon o be yea 214 Ka onda ate 9.010 9.6 lye, Reads of 239 tam aod 135. cm, ‘expeniey, ora difereace of 1.7 em, wl be obtaned wis ga suman of acemens (derence) at sbowa above fr the BOGE 3.6 ‘ea yer of expaasive ay fess tan 06 mex (Earle 12-14) is peerable to enter the aac on he prope Sel curve a respec, ized | ne se the ciderenes the rpc ciate eang sth unmered Swe inthe O18 ek ye. See eample oo Figure 2 Taste 1 a es Gh oko ee Mo te oe peas tau Vy “Ta “ae tao om ag fel Ge Ue Ot fee Bee 3 & ae 3) ow a Gs ur am km ce ty tm oer os & ue Bo oy to 8 no us Ls te cs tm tm oss oF % ko Bi oy me @ Gs mo tn et Gee Ln ta he mau @ Be xe ee Maite =) bam aa 808 Se BG Ba ug 8 (elie 3 Sm toa bo ee & Be Geog S (etee=S tm tm tee tong S Be Goeo& 4 hSiie stm as boo we oo 8 ee a3 Sa we 3 2 us Te nat ton ta Les oon ba x & ds 33 ye ie ot tao a tan abo Bub @ io 3) Mt me 4 BS ee so sh Gh tm an ie Som ue Ro oe te ae tea Sat an Gon tan han San tau nt We me no eo ® ie (eo sm sar om to tm oa me 3 Boome ny se tm ite ee sar S33 om too km Gas jam oN ome ha Ae too Re So Sa) Se oat tan tat wtosk ym SO me Ms me OM 126 160 MAE 534 Oat Ngo Las! Tia pants cw on ny ud i Ws ao anne a eeecitee ea pt oS 12 nero 20 3 nt titre PR trident yg ry er” 9p a in Rice acreage Soma eee pad woe Oi ep ang tn 5 3 rpc dee 046, rile cbtaed wach aes lincoln own ve te lo hn lo elo et a ei Foe i pe e he ioeroper el wre sl ngayon ae apne want mag th ened reste Oe 06 ak oe ov etamel oe ewe ou METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 1258 INTERRELATIONSHIP OF PI, AHO VOLUME CHANGE (Spacimans Subjected to Swell Under Jay of 7 Pa Surcharge] 40, Percent Volumetrle Change 3 § 60 7% Bw KOO Plostlelty Index FictRe2 to made at Oem ver subjec ‘no diference when PVRs ea fom that mite eopy of Table It with appropiate Fron cenation for density comection curve (Actually the swell i negligible job and she wosuhernen from Section 4.3.6 and for soil binder or zero anywhere beyond the end of one {mins 0.425-rm) comection from Sec- given curve at shown on these vo he tion 43, wes.) Thicker layers may be used in this NOTE6—Ofte, during design nis necer fotlne ne pa to12-m layer and calculation where ey consist of uniform s4y aetna PVR win Looming ee Externe the percent Volumetric Swell soilhaving a similar Pland molstare com, tle coments snicpad ord oe ef by modifying the valve determined from tents sireton. In eases of thie hod. the desig and Sul cure eeaneceeart Welumeris 43.11 Check each nyer for modin- ing St ob shuld ne hie Stilcurve-oraskeichedsin pencilcurve cation for density factor and el binden, ©! line on Figure 210 be selected fr exe the project exis anid to semi climate andthe plans and specfcalons donot provide formoiswcedensiy conzel or presenti of ‘moire, iis pggesie thatthe ine for 02 LL+ 9 beused Ifthe pansandspecieanons NOTE S—Table I harbeen ulead for 40" mosh densry convo] a mo to lending due to te secre Whegcaey tre preservaion, the avenge ine wep be and record, The difference in the 160 [eadings dete ite Soicing eka ited readings i he svel in the 06 10 12-m simpy aa tio avenge Gor poe ligh anal wes the average lie may (ieee Rebiets0 any density or soil binder andincease cach Spurn thecelannig nee, ied Where meitre preeraio spe ere the line isnot actually on Figures "43.12 Add the PVR in all lee vo 3 of 4 read the PVR on the ordinate obtain the total PVR for the site

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