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This document consists the complete analysis of the 25

members of the student council member forged in the year
2014-15. Analytical report of 4 captains, 4 vice captains and
17 prefects. All figures are estimations only, no figure can
describe the member exactly and/or completely, these are
just estimations on their rate of activity.

The analysis of all the members are processed regarding 6 critical


Number of duties assigned

This is the total no. of duties assigned to the certain member,
excluding all weekends and vacations. Some are less than the
others and vice versa, only because of their limit of capability
and accomplishment rate

Percentage of duties accomplished and completed

This includes the amount of duties completed and the amount of
duties where the member has been absent, two rates, the
Completion rate and the Absence rate, both ranged from the
figure 100%

Control rate
The control rate is simply the amount of physical and mental
power of the member over the students in the designated area of
the duty and his physical and mental presence around that
perimeter. It is ranged from 1%-100%

Heat Map
The heat map of a member is basically the areas where he has
been noticed frequently and involves a lot of his movement in
that area. The parts highlighted in the color red and the
difference in its intensity or darkness indicates the amount of
movement observed of that particular member in those areas

The performance value is ranged from 1 10, and is estimated
only, no exact judgment can be taken in consideration, and the
value is estimated on behavior, attitude and mental inclination
from time to time and place to place

The four Captains :

Amr Essam (Captain of Yellow House and IG student)
Number of duties assigned: One per week
Total no. of duties: 23

Duties Completed: 20

Duty completion rate: 86.96%

Control rate: 89%

Absence rate: 13.04%

Performance: 8.2/10

Ahmed Ali Ijaz (Captain of Blue House and IG student)

Number of duties assigned: One per week
Total no. of duties: 23

Duties Completed: 18

Duty completion rate: 78.3%

Control rate: 78%

Absence rate: 21.07%

Performance: 7.65/10

Mohammed Yahya (Captain of Green House and IG

Number of duties assigned: One per week
Total no. of duties: 23

Duties Completed: 19

Duty completion rate: 82.6%

Control rate: 77%

Absence rate: 17.4%

Performance: 7.89/10

Abdul Baset (Captain of Red House and IG student)

Number of duties assigned: One per week
Total no. of duties: 23

Duties Completed: 14

Duty completion rate: 60.9%

Control rate: 79.8%

Absence rate: 39.1%

Performance: 7.4/10

The four Vice Captains

Waleed Ayman (Vice captain of Blue house and IG
Number of duties assigned: 2 per week
Total no. of duties: 46

Duties Completed: 23

Duty completion rate: 50%

Control rate: 59%

Absence rate: 50%

Performance: 6.66/10

Moosa Izzat (Vice Captain of Yellow House and IG

Number of duties assigned: 2 per week
Total no. of duties: 46

Duties Completed: 28

Duty completion rate: 60.9%

Control rate: 61%

Absence rate: 39.1%

Performance: 7/10

Omar Samer (Vice Captain of Green House and IG

Number of duties assigned: 2 per week
Total no. of duties: 46

Duties Completed: 35

Duty completion rate: 76%

Control rate: 88%

Absence rate: 24%

Performance: 7.8/10

Bashaar Choksy (Vice captain of Red house and IG

Number of duties assigned: 2 per week
Total no. of duties: 46

Duties Completed: 40

Duty completion rate: 86.96%

Control rate: 90%

Absence rate: 13.04%

Performance: 7.95/10

The 17 Prefects
Total no. of duties: 54

Duties Completed: 38

Duty completion rate: 70.4%

Control rate: 51%

Absence rate: 29.6%

Performance: 6/10

Rashid Abdullah
Total no. of duties: 49

Duties Completed: 39

Duty completion rate: 79.6%

Control rate: 49%

Absence rate: 20.4%

Performance: 7.6/10

Numan Salman
Total no. of duties: 50

Duties Completed: 45

Duty completion rate: 90%

Control rate: 61%

Absence rate: 10%

Performance: 8.1/10

Hudaifah Khalid
Total no. of duties: 50

Duties Completed: 48

Duty completion rate: 96%

Control rate: 65%

Absence rate: 4%

Performance: 8.8/10

Mohammed Hashim
Total no. of duties: 40

Duties Completed: 34

Duty completion rate: 85%

Control rate: 68%

Absence rate: 15%

Performance: 7/10

Abdur Rahman Mohd.

Total no. of duties: 50

Duties Completed: 48

Duty completion rate: 96%

Control rate: 69%

Absence rate: 4%

Performance: 8.8/10

Brandon Ahmed
Total no. of duties: 50

Duties Completed: 44

Duty completion rate: 88%

Control rate: 69%

Absence rate: 12%

Performance: 7.9/10

Yusuf Khan
Total no. of duties: 40

Duties Completed: 29

Duty completion rate: 70%

Control rate: 70%

Absence rate: 30%

Performance: 6.1/10

Tariq Ismail
Total no. of duties: 50

Duties Completed: 47

Duty completion rate: 94%

Control rate: 91%

Absence rate: 6%

Performance: 8.8/10

Mohd. Irtiza
Total no. of duties: 50

Duties Completed: 45

Duty completion rate: 90%

Control rate: 64%

Absence rate: 10%

Performance: 8.2/10

Haider Khan
Total no. of duties: 50

Duties Completed: 46

Duty completion rate: 92%

Control rate: 80%

Absence rate: 8%

Performance: 8.7/10

Nouman Ali
Total no. of duties: 50

Duties Completed: 48

Duty completion rate: 96%

Control rate: 85%

Absence rate: 4%

Performance: 8.7/10

Mohd. Tallal
Total no. of duties: 40

Duties Completed: 29

Duty completion rate: 70%

Control rate: 59%

Absence rate: 30%

Performance: 6.5/10

Amir Dast
Total no. of duties: 50

Duties Completed: 48

Duty completion rate: 96%

Control rate: 86%

Absence rate: 4%

Performance: 8.8/10

Umair Mansoor
Total no. of duties: 45

Duties Completed: 39

Duty completion rate: 86.7%

Control rate: 70%

Absence rate: 13.3%

Performance: 8/10

Total no. of duties: 50

Duties Completed: 48

Duty completion rate: 96%

Control rate: 94%

Absence rate: 4%

Performance: 8.8/10

Naeem Mohd.
Total no. of duties: 40

Duties Completed: 27

Duty completion rate: 67.5%

Control rate: 71%

Absence rate: 32.5%

Performance: 7/10

Disavowed Prefects:

Umer Malik

Particular Analysis and

Observations of some members:

Hudaifah Khalid, Abdurrahman Mohd and Numan Salman: The only

prefects to come and ask for more duty positions, can be evolved into
efficient prefects, loyal lads.
The vice captains showed poor results in almost all regions of duty but
then they cant be blamed due to the IG pressure over their heads, only
probable and expected captains are Omar Samer and Bashaar Choksy.
The captains were average since they only had one duty per week.
Great chemistry between some members such as Haider Khan and
Tariq Ismail, Numan Salman and Hudaifah, resulting in more
control and physicality in the area.
Great solo prefects in this campaign needing no help or whatsoever from
other prefects, members such as Amir Dast, Tariq Ismail and Nouman

Nominees for the Best Prefect

Haider Khan
Amir Dast
Hudaifah Khalid
Numan Salman
Tariq Ismail
Mohd Irtiza
Numan Salman
Abdurrahman Mohd
Rashid Abdullah

All remain prefects with class and loyalty, really quality students,
with sufficient and stable Control rate and good influence along
impactful personalities and character.

Probable Substitutes for Vice

captain, Captain and Head boy
Vice Captains: Haider Khan, Amir Dast, Tariq Ismail, Nouman Ali, Umair
Mansoor, Mohd Yasir.

All possess the sportsmanship spirit needed for the games and sports, all
contain the qualities of an effective assistant consultants, all round
developed for sports, tough mobile mindsets, and immobile courage.

Captains: Omar Samer, Yousuf, Moosa Izzat and Waleed Ayman.


Only negotiable candidates, ready for the title, good names for leaders,
impact and result cant be promised.

Head boy: Colin, Bashaar Choksy.


Complete anomalies of a man and a student, all round developed

mindsets, skilled individuals and evolved human beings, can be made into
representatives of the school and efficient suppliers of motivational
speeches, rigid and analytical minds. Only worthy students in the batch
worthy of the sachet and badge.

Once again , all the letters typed in this document are just
estimations and mere observations of the expected probabilities
and my thoughts and ideas , the real word to consider is that the
consistency of motivational speeches should be very much
happening in almost every working week day of the school , the
starting of the semester , the morale is high , slowly its drained
out and that needs consistent refilling just like an ink cartridge or
a toner of a printer , the more the ink present and refilled , the
clearer and better the impact outside. Thats the one true key of
an effective student council, I think. Thank you for reviewing this
document and taking the time to read the whole of it.



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