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(Drunken Air and Space Administration)

Wasted in space
Josh Gutenberg
GAT 211-A
Version 6

2014 DigiPen Institute of Technology

In the not so far future several space stations orbit the earth, all owned and funded by
NASA. Humanity has come together in an effort to explore the stars. Many people are out
and about in space, and not all of their intentions are 100% pure. Take the astronauts in
quadrant B-9 for example. They have turned their station into a massive party hub. It was
a small miracle these fools had yet to do something absurdly stupid. That is, until the
faithful day another party station wandered into their quadrant.
Things continued as they had normally until the day someone drunkenly suggested that
their station could waste more tax dollars than the other. Many claims were made, insults
thrown, and mothers called fat. After further drinking and thinking, both teams of
astronauts have come to the same drunken conclusion: the other team cant waste more
money if they dont have a station.
2 Players


Waste the most tax dollars by destroying your opponents space station.
8D4 (Used as satellites)
2D6 (used for combat)
1D8 (used in conjunction with the event deck and numbered board spaces)
Map (where the actual game takes place)
Event deck [23 Total cards 6 Quote cards 17 Event cards] (cards that sometimes
make random things happen)
2 Health counters (used with the player cards to keep track of player health)
2 Player cards (used for storing satellites and keeping track of player health)
1 Rule book

2014 DigiPen Institute of Technology

Above is a labeled photo of a properly set up play area.

1. Each player takes 4D4, 1D6, 1 player card, 1 health counter.
2. Shuffle the event deck.
3. The player with the blue card controls the blue station. The player with the red card
controls the red station.
4. Both players roll 1D6, highest roll goes first.
5. Both players set their stations health tracker (located on player card) to 5.
6. Both players roll their 4 satellites and place them in storage.

2014 DigiPen Institute of Technology

1. Play follows this order: Player 1s turn, Player 2s turn, Event. Repeat until a player wins.
2. Each players turn is broken up into 3 phases: staging, movement, and combat.
- Whenever a satellite is removed from the board, its owner rerolls it and place it
in their storage.
- Satellites launch on the players lane start from storage.
- They do not have to be launched in any particular order.
- Players may only launch a one satellite per turn unless otherwise prompted.
- On a players turn, they must move all satellites they own forward the value
shown on the satellite.
- Satellites may not cross into the enemy lane for any reason.
- If a satellite would land on the same space as the enemy station, the satellite is
removed from play and the stations health is decreased by 1.
- After movement a satellite may attack any enemy satellite that is one space
away in any direction.

In the above example, the pink satellite can attack any space that is marked ok.

2014 DigiPen Institute of Technology

Players can attack with each of their satellites once during their turn
one at a time.
- Combat is resolved by both the attacking and defending player rolling 1D6, then
adding that roll to their respective satellites. The lower roll wins.
- If the attacker wins, the targeted satellite is destroyed. If the defender wins or
ties, their satellite lives to fight another day.
3. After both players take their turns, either player flips one card from the event deck into the
discard space. Players then carry out the instructions on the card, rolling the D8 if need
4. If the event deck runs out of cards, shuffle the discard pile and place it in the event space
face down.
5. Play repeats until a space station reaches 0 health and is destroyed.
The player who successfully eliminates their opponents space station is the winner.

2014 DigiPen Institute of Technology

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