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Lose 7 Pounds in 7 Days! % % *, te % a % a Each meal > clean lean protein (4-6 ounces chicken, turkey, or fish) > healthy fats (1TB olive oil, almond butter without sugar, flax, unsweetened coconut flakes; 1/4 - 1/8c almonds, walnuts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds; 5 olives; or % avocado) > slow low carbs (1/2 c sweet potatoes, butternut squash, quinoa, or brown rice) > plenty of low sugar vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, green beans, kale, squash, cabbage, arugula, eggplant, mushrooms, onions, etc.) Dump the sugar/artificial sweeteners Eat within an hour of waking up Eat every 4-6 hours (water in between) Stop eating 3 hours before bed AVOID for 1 month: eWheat/Gluten eSugar eArtificial Sweeteners eDairy eCorn eEggs ePeanuts eSoy After 1 month: e Add 1 food back every 4 weeks Start with eggs then dairy e Watch for intestinal symptoms such as bloating, gas, constipation/diarrhea, joint pain, weight gain, food cravings, water retention, and fatigue ¢ Eliminate those foods that cause you to react poorly e Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners Lifetime: e Exercise e Avoid corn, sugar, and artificial sweeteners 95% of the time ¢ Re-challenge the potentially healthy foods that you have been avoiding that you reacted to such gluten, soy, eggs, or dairy to see if you can tolerate them now e Every 12 months, repeat the program Breakfast - shake Lunch — protein, veggies, health fat, and slow, low, carb Snack — if necessary — protein shake Dinner — same as lunch Basic Shake (Breakfast and Snack) 1 scoop VegaLite or 2 scoops MediClear SGS or 1 % scoops of Sun Warrior 1 scoop FiberMend or 2 tsp PaleoFiber % -1 cup frozen organic berries 8-10 ounces unsweetened coconut or almond milk 1-2 cups of spinach, kale, or greens Extras: Chia or freshly ground flaxseed meal, greens, almond butter(no added sugar)

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