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,An anclent ICap'ital lair: R:alk:hliine'

Cover of tbe Book.

in Co,ul~le~c#o'clnW'S,e O,r.der:

Tme s;£atll1e of Mo:ng Ba G'ree~ 'the 13!'Ii1 ,KIng of Mrauk- 'D'yna$ty~ a p at,to Iil b'ldld e r Oi f :f,a, DUUUii Sh,itel'bau g;g; Tem:ple is, in slandi,iIlg:

IPOs:tllllf:'!e w:ith '!the haU :form of :11 s;Ru~ll :ilto,n,e stupa oii 'Vesl;l,li r',~rio d at. ils, 'DaJi:~Ik.

A. b~alJJti:fUJl ,p3Jh- 0" dall~er.s~ :fash~nne:d W U:b. Utl:1i '1:' entu ry native dress-a fine ~afving fr,o,m ,Slb,~t:etha:t!i,n'g Til!BtI:ple •

.A 'breastf:eediing b,dy ~, llllli igt,~n~i!itiin:g e:a::rvin:g, 'fr:om ,':ao 001 I.m,:a,ge bu,iU: by NaU: S~n~ml :M,ay, the 'CMef 'QIIIH3ien '0' f IOn,g T ~drU~nJd,ammJII, Bazi (1'6"2,1 .. Hi],8),.

Mo,p'g Ua Gree w itlil, his 'Qu,eens", the fiigu:rles plf\o,'trud:i!llg from tbe SioU'Ul"" 'Vr'le'}ji' enraer ,otf inl'l,er gaUe1i'Y 10>(' Sldtfth,a'uog T;e:mple" To,e si:x hands o'rthe KIng slg .. nify~h,e royal power!l duties of a,m,o,na,rd~. The Icostume. used by tllle QUleen:!j, [i,nd.h:at~ as to Ulle pevaUing, f'Dsl~-, iO,'D o:f' tlllat' p,eriod, was, . .

The s:ilvier co ~n~s Jss u ed by Klng, Waradl,rnuI, I.aza (16:86 .. 1691 AD). The' g,old cQli:ns i.S8u,ed by 'th,t sa:me:

KilLg (23 types 0'( SilVIe'F coins alll,d 31~"pes, lofgollll1, COi]llS of' !'t1,rau-k .. ~ bave so 'far been fcm.nd,. The other two kim,gs '1,,,.11.01 i,ssu~d bot]1j :!ic~l,ver and ~p:I)ld coins 'W'erle Mon,OJ

.mr ~ !t

'Green (]59'3~ :1612-) and Ah'baya

M,a,h'aR,a2a (1.764-1173) !of' the same dynasty.

,A b o'w ... ,sJu\:p-,e LayUI: ~d,,3J,Il,mg!!tb C most [impo.rt-a ot 'fOII'h'fSS~ sta odill g on tIH~~ sioufhel"n :palft of ,Mrauk-U', WI!i blldh by Klng, MQ'AI, BII. Gree du ring bi.s. nign (1531 ~1. 55,3). Peacefu.l Lak~a)! Kan, :alDiil3it Ey .. ip.g: hli the sGu,th,e;rlQ :part (l;f' M'ra:l!I~k,. U was fOlrmed by -C'OHIiiJ,e'C:liog the

two eutdi~, of 'two north - 8o'uit:h rug"lng' hUIs".

24i' lo:n:g, 17' hi:gh :a,llJd :8' wid,e La Iks a-y KlIIII G:I,te- :PI, we~;t(:'rmJ gate of Laksay Kan emb:ankm;en,t eon .. neclcii!ll,,~ tlt,e two kiU fa.ID:g!flS.

A fii:g,u:res o'f kneGUngE!:arUI. g,(ld~ dess (fi&sun:dlun"i) as a SiU18l5pU)'a,r ,of SIl itetba DUg. te:sury~ng to the .fIlet thatU~lc: tcroplle wms ba'SieaUy built.

..... ,''', ,0; l'I'm-' ' ... , I"'r' ld"i lf~ .. ,t' ;""n' -:11. .. I] Mi. ... ,~ 'II' ( .. iQ .". _ .IIUiA. .. IiV· I I!, ...... II. '!!II

A scene frum Itl'n~ of '~hl@: J ateka 5tOries,i1.a,ll1i~iyflitss(,uu:II~'fil JaNlk(s - '~he ~a;st ,pr:tw:[o'U:fi ex,is'tien,c,e or Lord, Budd ha, H, co1Inulrf!u1 c-a:Nin,g ft'UlllthiC ShU,etball!ln:g'lem,lde.

A B:yala ,- :Pl'(:ICJQrdlngt~ ltalllldliLG tm .. Eirtion, lJy.flla ts a creature Oif p,ea!ce:

R~wa:ys we'3ir:i,n:g ,a s,m iUng £3iee,. Th~s,. :Ii rtera,c:~ is a piece 0 f' Mrau,k,·:U Mru-, s,l:um,. The figlu res of ,fJ.yal'a in d i:ffcren'~ styles C:3i"" be seen j n most 0,(' the Cemp,ies, u:€' .Mnuwk-lJ.

Tile orn,a1ell' earved porch of Mong K,h a m 0; I!!, I~j'g, ~e,IiIlII,)b!, (1. 6 :12-:], 622) t great ga1"Dd SO.U of'Mong Ba Gree, Figure of MOIHI Ba Gree inm!,~di .. n:ill~(ln nlrOfu:l--a f<em:ar'1'ab~~ ,c:f:lI,rvi,ng from tt",: ShUeUullluiI'g TempJc'.

.A. :kl1,eeli 01; sto:me. ,ogre at the we:s:t,,, eJ:'iIlI entra'll:ce '0 f.S.akyamallauDiI' Psgods.

Fi:~llIIre (If H,erm:tt: U M~'9, 'Wi9i'!1 UI,e archi,te~t ,of massive SliU:eUuuu~g Tem'p~l'e. U Mra Wa was ,;1 fdepd of M:~IiI,:g: B,a, Gree", T'hey b()U~ 'fuu:1, stucUed, b~ Bie'n:~n~i li nivlc:rsit,Y', Indb'i,.

Vt;el' of Mrauk-U (Frt},m SC1Wllt(m' "Voyages ('I 1 '0 76)

V91f'.ie'f~es of cedwnlcs I.ud ulensib of dUIe:r~n,t periods w'h~ch are d~s~ phliyed, in Mrftuk-U Arch:Reo~.ogi,c:3il Mill se WI m.

Cover Registration No. 9'7'1100.4(9)

M' u!k - U 1e;:S, ..... ,-,fM' 'hkhtli'F'1 .,

;5 :~mc 5'~~::'I~Im~II~fe~~:'!o~:

1B!l~~ :~ 430AD' :!1!ld :t~7,8\S; AD it: wiiS! i~~ b!~ '~i)pi~~1 ilIf '~: !pow.~ Rail1ihle :kI!I!S 'wb_~'ft 1la'~1 ~g'lu:irt ,had;iu full,l;iloom"

M'rfii.ll;';U wu ,co:smC1Jgiiluilii ,cilY~, wml1a ltiiiy-' ii. 30a . 1Uh~~:er. IfliDS: :£Q'riiifitjt5:o:u iiltd, ,iilind ;iill, ,intriciile iiGlt of :i4!jj,~m; lfid '~~I!l!!" Am: i~t: ii;ie!!l:t~\~: ,@f ~t '~ir;y W,i)!ij, thel Ro)'td IPab!Ct,j' ~liJMDm8- :1U,g'lt owr'dtc S:U'm'J!lDdinR: ,~a .1EJib; al!!!~:ii~ i\!l;:JiiI),pdliSi. 'Wau:I'W!!.~' f'Q~~d, [by' 'l;:.l!Ii-

"===- ........... ~ ... 10111, :lilld m:cu Gamed'm.e tilmiC 'illf dl_:SEi~ot rcse~blliDiC_; !,-' ---1


M-Wk-U o.ff1:m :5Om!: of '~. ridieil, Ittd!lao. ~1l.·,Cll ____ '$i~ in ~,. ~ BipD :ilk CG1iiidi-, Htd, ,g me ,city ,of Il,-mhsj, Mrauk~Q'i 'rhcC 1., :sonnga

r--~=~------;JI Ili. O'.: .• 'ldJ .... ,ot. d.ll .... !l-. ,Mra'-,':. -~ .. -- .'U._'~ ,1:m .... ~-. p, iCOui~, d, -'.b.-'; .. 'EIWy.:.: co. ".W.-- . .1dU.".!!:d-. :a!!:,

Ute fOJ.~~3 QJi;y iIiPi ,M;y.(liDlll1liI'"

M~U,!; ficli hedfalc' is~virl_~C:Cldl b~ ,1:Da:l1JY mag

.!...._~ __ -~- , Dific'¢DI mQil~ii,$ :i)!:!:d p~~~ :as - ithc: :m-~~~

:SbNt-c:m~,n.:mg 'lkit IJO\il~!I ,ij H'Ch. :U1'6:Y 'H LNd B!lu:ld!ba's pre:viou.!: 'Iiv-es udl i.!\sO 1ibi: ifipriDi:i:5loi hlkhin'E ,-Ulw~ of ~t: paiod. 'Th~ ~1'Q:i5$1l Hm:kDimt: D,em,~ 1m, 'I!JrdiF

r~;.:.,=,,~~~· g~l;nd] wtth !~rgl imq~ ~bitiDg ,cl'ollliDg :p!J;p1Lib10i1" l:m. li&t 161h ~;i!lmryilri~ d\c:CQraitCd i\1:emttal [palliaI' iof A._~.i~> ... ""'"~",, " .. ,'U., .. ~i.,;,j-~", 'ij"-IIlLU-·~"r'II, Balirn .. - iIl1li- ,clll.OllRdi

iIl"'IiII.I.I~n ... ,I~~~"I. ~l",,"~_WU-!iI ~._~'~IIl-w. __ . lC'Ii .... __ .Ill _

plJq;ue :L!lIW'l.t"~bniu'lPi,pd'4I~ooni~i i5~lt~[tS M"i~tMY pl.i!Ci~b. li~Ci'j, •. U M.lDjlllilOI, M!.iItlill;a~Si M:amtilln~ SiI'lIy"" .M .. I,ilQg, :t'1WiI, M,lIlD:ii;IiIDj il.nd,Loki!i

-==~ ...I! ~1,qB:i,'!l1.iilborl!l:el¥ il:U'!Ild 'f'a:uakl :libmne~ ,m..:! MIm!t~

~ruin;:odDl1Jrl\c~ cmmJ' --. - -

IcB1fti O'then!thi1:: !bilv-e 'rallel)'~Ill9 sites 'Ell:)! fOi"i!l~, 'Y~Ir-'

t.~ !lin $.upel'b, SitM~-WQrb.

Mrau'kr!fJ JIl: ahlluoi'ii~I~j~~\ wh~ vi~~@~ iCiIIl!I ';I~' ~ _ ,w:WtlICSii ~difiiC~iSlt i!lcjliil}jitll:rtS!~ mli)~t\!ji" ~~~.ywfdl~IJ' fGrG'e~!I~ ~~\i!~, £~ty ,g.i.'t$ e~.c'II!i'lilt !l;tmdUiig: iliii 'IiIaci-,

r--~=~-----' iilt~i!i iPW, ,ci !Ib~ city ;!Ii! i!!i' mdi!.mu:'I:! ,to' (lfi;t:I'Ii!J:f}' or ;;----------,

m C(rst:wru~I!' RlWn~IK.iD.idDm.

'N·' ....•..... : , umi' Itwli~ b~v,e n:llWtih:ld,i!hg,it c@bJ~!l!1<,ijjki@g: ". W,EI:!!i !pcpt!ill!r 'ill, ,lRlII!k1iIime!!l:[l'r~iU' ibl!tl;lku 4~ ~i9l.' ~i')\ :bi:btIfj1e: icoini!i-ml:' B"PH ,ec.m15 ,0.;£ V"t~II_~i, Iud. die' Coowm, 'li;:OiM of ,MJl';u,,,U !pIllrlodll: ~[-t; dliqlla,v>ltd ,I![ !:ht:

; =~~~::~~M='W:f':=::;!~~~: =:~~~i~

, i':I!i, Eldi!: ~, for seriolUi5 :!iCbolm:. By :901il:.U!.)Iiiia 'Illtic :ifi...

I. scribed! :!Iilv~J" !lmd, g(!o]d '!;Qm~, 01' dl~'!i ~ri'C1i1s ~c . 1!i1ia::r ,ili(lqdt~ :I inhmd ,mowle:dp or h!'lC!!'ji'iI,,~ .. uJ:na~e amd.lP[Jo~p'if!_nt:Y 'Of' 'W :hum rQd. '_; p~\fI'~ !l!;ojo,!!!ed of: ibos~ mci~Dt: d!~,!II.

~,(/t ~'




~~~!l!"'~' l~iIa!~ U\~lllri'$:i,<J' ,~~~I,

~y. IQ8rv~DI II siiQgle, ~ocl:, Qf' Smile ,or by W'~fi' toplher SiOM bloc'b. 11tmugb the MWIllk--U period ico'1I0~' lJ1I-Ibf-' was, ~ldIented "run the older ttad11iom offle VcsaJii and Lcmroperiods~ 8.diS4iltet dew~opmclU was. cludy :ideni'" ~Ifia'ble, from 1M: 'YCJY bc!ljMi:ug. 1'ht ~evalell :foMi or ,a1ithude ,adopted was 1he. MumispQlSa madta Qf' earlhii'

A 5i'fHII,f lIMp oJ B~: q., ,"MlmAm' ,~~:~~

'P,sy Hom!~g, to Sa,ndtamu1ni ,Pltar:auri.

. - '.- - iIliiiID eN ...... in dJ:e: old

Tbelle IS, a n",n -~"_1fIr . "

c:a:pitaI mat :1 'vUit '10 M'raut- 'U is not aceom,pUs:bedunle:ss: you nacb and PlY'

k..... -, i'M!IiiCiII!!,'M,~--rII~"'I"l'"-'''': 'p; 'baramt4" 1.UI.~~.IUii3illilUAIlIMPLIU I I _ _ ,1§tI1 •


De origlnal Donor or Chis DlIR

tbu ~ 'lIml5ard dJM; 'btmdred l"e11'S oU :Bro_:~lmq~ was, Tb uri a, Saklta,lP iu t1te: be,. Kling iSIDdarthgri.~ the. 'fQtlJlildelli' or Tlbi,rd D'JiJaD.y8iw,acbly~ Till'is ~plliiioe.u,t Pbaragri is :0,_ nsbg magestkaDy in tIiIe !prmot 10£' r'Of more dI:IiD a century ,ol~ Ban,dooIla ~~f:Y lin ,the so'utbem part of' M:rauk~,V ,rily ~ The 1DII.Is,n:~wlhGt.lsed "-- ',I' 'H--", . _'_'_.'ij; -::' _tWre willm, mD~leJi'n

10 '. ,u..:;;n '!I;,io\,I!'IL.a,~

sJc:blt'ec,turail 'esign."

Tt.'e 61'51 place 01 the Sanda mUld :I~ w,.,af1lwng .. U~ahillodttollelot1b, nl!lt'm'Yrv.fromM,rauIrU,,,Thel~ was sbil:ed 'b, M:'O'0I; Saw ,M:!)n, tllle: r(JuDd,er

- n.._..... U" '6 ...... i'Ilbmdonmthe''biDodtmleO

OIJ.'I'g.- .... "!!I ' .. 1R!J)Ur, ' .. ', _',' .. _

Bar--Bm1'ar_go; DuriQg'dreBn_ !!ll!;m DfRakhu.,e:tbe I:_ge, was bIdden by:a rew

D, ... il"li.,·t ....... ~'~.~lI'IWr ........ 'resit:l:Dd!rM;'B ~ ..-1~:U~I-~,!!IlJif:~f.'.~E.ILU, , _ - ,". _" .. _ ' .

ror tw,~ ~ni ad, unde:lI£.e1l1&ldlcoatWg fDr neuq a ceutu~ 'to stop dlIe UmFUli 'be taken :a,w,ay 'by fo\re:~pers'. Th,o eement 'ooadng lOr PJililiJ,ra was iQu'ts:lrl"e:d 'biy tlie~ Ab:bo.i o;f the: 'nulJn:ost,er.,' i:1l1 '],!9181" ]':0 rttu!: ~njlpri"s:e of ft,\"ery' O'illie lu''Ourod" lilt real

j i b "-.:I ,- c.e

SaDdsim,ul),i f~u1!lral,r s ens.' ['nu!'. O:J]~_

:agaiD,'Bandloola :MDD,astm:'" This: lold monas1ery tau :tle Usol c:'I:dmed as, a plaee ,of a reb,ae.o IOI,i,el:~ hl,te:rest~ '\VIe en II, W~'~Des.:s. • any 8Idique:s, 0 t' :anC:'ien ~ 'per.Eods.'" relies 10 f'Arilbau:ts :aQ,d, V~Ui("'l;S kitiJds of Artifacts inc'huUu:1I 'biJotb nIit. WeGDobserve'a,:piec.eof,oopper p~ate Wtlllic'. II aplpe:pded, i:(ll 'be ,g, pi~ce' ,olf M.raru'k _, U Pahu:e' IJllj)'[;,

f:r.Q:ilt'!!,B~-Y~,Vetse: :f!d-"Ra:kkh4~ -~t S20,Surya.Kuia ,Ahl~'Ka~

This~Coppef:~i:nlow,mned:W~dt~iaI,~indle,~of,~~ ~goda,au3i~ '«me Wilhool 91lY re]b:~ket'il ete, Ikdi Sb:we:gu lind M1HlPI adatt' Shwt;Pi ,arorNou:amplos;, [auqbWaM!I!

The, :mJrJdte period ~s IChBlracl~rlzed by lhe ilntmdu:ct~o:n, of mM'Sive: :stru,ch~- --hiehlilJd"ilii'-j nftlCU nlepms~rit

- .. ~ "'tV _ -, -0""'[111 - - - - '~-, - ,I"'''' -y

'tmmt 'PajOOa, buil': in, 1515" 'may'be t:1\e M'raut .. 'U pel1iO(l 'e!mJ;oyed~ Wi~:~ flute.r

., «mIiilderedas, the '6rs1loom~ pqoda, temple;. "llleries ,and i:ntem~ det6ra- '.

jn'F;' "1,nii'ifio[-1"'''~m-: j'i:I~iI.~ji ,-;k;iifBi ~m-- -,'jj~~liI- (iii

U"t I 1_1LLJ,"ir.! ~l' II uji;lll~.I1 .. ~l~1IiI - ll~ l~'~~ ,IDI

:a mmark:a'lb~t dnuac~:erls'tic of the eady ,be~ghf". ,Shit~thgi!nl!l,' Hh!iklkool T,oo.hllj :Mf3Uik~U :pcfihXlltcmpJes ,ud ~;a&M~Cbw 'TbciD sndK(uhallg Tem,FJ~" Some floe, fl;ali1l1,plu are:' Am.awm,a~ IQdi rorne oflhis;tt.adliUon.Ehibola~el,,.litt:1VOO Shcw.~Mroh, Ulhaul1~ Pi~cllm~ns; ., Pimta: liibmrriecs\i l:h~sh smaJlJI~1 SiZ'i!'i

fuJl1her c-nhanced. itbetl(adJ'tion .of Slone '011Ilamcltaloo s'kills of dle :Mrauk: .. :U

A, --,k ,6Iod: rI :&IDAt' ,.mill' B .. U., ,masons, The ].ater l~aU' of' the m~ddl,le ... ill: M_~f,t"! .~IA~J

I!U!IdnJ .nari~V' ~~ (/RB' IfJM. &: rib pt;t;iod' :PUI ~h~ IconicaJ p;lged'as ~[i,m!



N· "EW~'. "~Jg,~,.~~~~ed ;.~o~~ _ of R'~~J~d,

EditlODJ] ,2IJ.04l~ ~ Goldcn Mraulk-

"U' . ~ • ...... !I f·'D;·_L'IIi.,:'_.- ;&_1. __ \'11

, .c:j ,illiI. :aCtC'Dfl:: Gi!l.p;..- '0' . ,~~_'_" ~"JidI!u.J.' ,

b¥ U ShWlt; Zan., ,B.S,c,.~ D.C.S" :S~gi;Qt Adm,iii]jSr:ratiVC oIlcer.' (R.c,td~) II padl1!lat~ 'lZIfYa:npn UmmlJ,11f and .~Q, :scholar 'ill" •• 'h''"e anciient ,hi!Scw:rr~, lIIitdriJa;c(!Ilo,g ,aDd CWmR'; wbic;:h, il wcO ,d)~lcmd 'b;J mUJ

:-:'II.~~, '.Il.~_."'" .:1 .... ...".; ......... ~= . .;Ij _ .. _iF ~Q.~I,iIIi~ Pllll"'_fJ!"'''P~·'''''''.'1'I'U!!;p·i!!IIllI.W,~_

rbi$ boo:t [of '(Wef 2001 p_gu to:FdIc:-rwilih :Iakst, Ii Oli!;1)iimen,ts, atld,sappleme.n'C(I!r:y 8!8ief't~iDn:Ili, regsrdinl: di.cvc:lo;pmICDIi:9I 'Of RathiI!lC S'II!t~ 1lUnJ;; 'Read, COD9tm~QJi.$

. sUp':p'!l([t,~d 11,' 10\DI :,.0.:1 .,'bort bridg-e:5,i

- - -

'D.~_~"""''''''''' or g. 0"',' •• _ ... 0.... 'p .. ,"""')1, .... , _._..I

:~v",~gv.~g!. '.' .. ~~~_-l.a;l! 1Q.5~~ ~l

iii:! 'i' ..... , 'IC'.~ • ,,.. _.".,,;;,JI •[r:'.u.u~ na.Cai'YJiQQfUI am,cu ~~;!ngUOD

0'(\eot: cWIf 'aires, m,O-Ie !hag, mUlC!oium yead o:ld 'D:ulDlY,Rwady ,and We.~Li~ : !lid also P;ilae.e ~~I!l; iQif M'mu'k-U ~Elid :Kotbllit:!ng .MoDumCllIi(; N cw :lilldiu,g.s (if ,M'nI!ut- U c<oms,; Sp~u.~ Rmal:b UPOD 'c:tha.~ Go.fnSi, N cwl.,' di;!ilc,ol!'e:r~d, ofinscrrilP t~o:m sla'bs

.. ·io.-~d·.... ..I '"~1l:J''_,:1''' -

m~"~ ,·WLU!.!. ~ :QI,g UM!!, ~¢n1mm:reus

old C6'1'!!i 't:o 8~ l1:~iD.tlll'l1" AD) SIl.Ii'!iliC£',ilPlj, ~nginl: WI W~t1ltd pcriod-~, N~ ~gs, Q,f .1b.1h'l~. (lu'amll~s.e) :io:s.cnptioa. of Lcmro 'pcriQ1di, llccmd,y [~l1sbriDi~K~of'twe! .Bronze ,gd Oopper 'im.~B of s!!U:piclo11l

.• 'II e, . .1 '; . .iIi Th I..'L .,

'tlll.lel] :!O:Ii:a~~ iiiI'm U,I1iI J, a iii. g. . -' e ..... ya'lDiiiu.ln

"- _Il ,. - .. L.:-d DC h- . d"" • A·,·it -.~ _-LO:~B:'OOI~!.', : _a,.wa'r" pC.110'L!J,l'IUQ

- ~ .

.,"'" . "-,~-- .. ft", ... - ...... w ....... ' ... , All ...... fi"_..._..;' ... o,,, :-...01-=; :ut .. E ....... ~ "' .. ",II.~"''''' ,~g ~''''''''l,""_;l<Bo'']

:1Ib.O,'U!I: me CVCgu;. 0'6 11~ d,i3,pla:,,~d. 'by btmnc Buddlhii5't ,~ng'& o,f WcthalJ and Mrra'uk-U p~pd.s~ ~' dil5.Cl!IlSiHd for Ilic

ililt>efCSt: 0..1 U l;dLcIS:p. :sch,g:taf-I, teu dltl;,.,Nlf:Sj] pilll'ims,,- 'llm:e·ha(::ti;~o.-g~I.I!J' 1iri!i:torJ' $~¢nmand, otbc:1' w()tbaf:p:copli: ,:utives ;IDd fb.rrcipm ·"UU: whQ '~~b mR::Ia.'i: t:o

",i.,~ 'k:' • 'I I .... E 'ii'_'L'L~_, (&.,.,.,'k "

'I;DIIS, ml'~al ~tm.~ 0 .... : M~~ .m~lIiiiIDj'.

M- - Ill .. u .... i, ~ ,sj~~ ,~(1[ .DU. 'I~ [gps~~am.'[ ,o.·fKa~. tivu 'EO tlu: N~ ... Bast

- e Dlt,"" .. L._ - - •. '~'I- _.," fD.~:L",:'""'.-.--

Ii) • o;uttW,r:,. '1i.IUO [ca;plt:1i en)" a ,~~e ;"JI!laiR~,

is, Ii :9;it1l of' ricb :b~n,'i:al:c in ,M,ran_r'

'N ,; ··.A._.. .~...I 'iIi.c

am,gaQI", U,1ITrC eYl~C-e.U. IUY •• ,. P1iIS=

:mi-fic~t .M!Ii)i'i;l,lDlC.D'h. :lInd( Fa:g1!l)du, '!:h:at: ba¥¢ n.rely be :$$t!A by wsirwa .fLiom abnHlLdli :an

, '.' n " .

sililpc:m $I[,Da.e wom. :Dr.' rlG'J:d:Ih:i!!mlfflt'tJ.] ii1:

'~lilowMdI :ar-chac.t'!'I'ogi)!!i:~, 'OnC!! :r,em.:llrbdJ dlartJ, HI d:w:.bJ1iq:J!' ·lIirobite~ still aatli ~mi'mCDtallil:m~ Mr..ut-U·n:m:pl~ far sur-· pH' tII_OSit [aD. die bmb ,of AJCyaNaddy. "Mrau,li;: .. U is easily asscsslble' by laM r.OurMI, 'ril. ~. [amlQ'u;s; molJlDiain, :PBS'II, o.f 'iR~'t-bille'i'omR ~,' 'l1rIu.nggol:eJ1 (}w,1L aDd Ann hm (fma S;taJ~{~, aDd DhDio:ns, elf My:lll'1mlu:.

~e :Hl.".: i·swzy,o,f ~~._ !1 .• ··wllrlc'h _ da,t~$ I. 'bilek. ~o, .1431 Slild 1.'715 ,AD 1100 (lO'D;~

·Rml").'~ 'tD ~(r;;se O'f'lltdor' :King,s of' EnsJ.and~ 'sliill):jDI lime of S,am::. and Du.1)c~ 'm £he' '\Vest aDd Mogbu191,,. ,AJ1It&i:ai

'V "n" .g .. " .. ,"", 'd '[1" ""''''·'''1- ~"'111- , Iii 'iI'''"';;:;; "[D "pI

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~8DlWjil,lW'iiQ!~J .... 0 .• , 10." , . ...:yfin!nil'lr 11 worth

rW.$GQ,Vering •.

A ViIliih,b:l~ al[ (0 U 8'hwe ZIm"N'o., 1 ~ 1m, ,.c=1p~QD Itoa;d,,. MayalUlgonc tbwnm.lp.~ '~,~~

," 6'[38:79~ baD .. i;o.tcom .. mm..

''''',''' ''j'''1I' ~'T_' [c_;e..... N····: .... :I:;lIi:: jI' ............... :.;iI \i.£i .... ~I I~.,ft lWI~lt ' ','!WI JUJJj ~U!~u

.o.:r.) WalklhlmllJ Rolla,] .s.uu::h~UD;g TOWlIF"

'sh~-,~,yggo~ Myanmar. .

'. !J:!lU13·7,8;t, :Em.aU .. · cll1om~w,a.i@

¢Y~!CC:Il:.II,et,mm ..

,e!) U ,Slin Hta¥~ No~,'49j, ~ten R.,oad~ ltyimyiad:BiD;I' '"tOWlllru.,., YSQgOD" Myifimtiir' ... 511,4.'~


Cnpy :Rqis,ulIid:en N:O,. 1[041:2004: ~B)

o~ RepliOBtb:m No. ;9.11.2004 (I')

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H--J ,IlY' 'ti.MI' ---¥. - '--

~u I~VA.;nQllI

D,e olJd !OLly ~f V,'euWi W,IS C~CI';~,~ud .,' 'lbe AxbI~l:l11l:8ir.l~ Dt,pIRmeml, 'Qir' Itc u'1D!i:Gd; ~[M'llllimt11!11 &!om 19,8(1 to',l,'9,M~, De, d[,CI{YIU4 :hesyidd~ ,pad 0f I, ~'~ilgk1iB biSti:IiUIQU ;mO:lmd :N:o. :0" ,8, 11'V ,'O~ blUlof' I, bwiht:ing, i" -- dlN,-- J"Ii .-,-- in !();f I cit" \\i,an tlln.4iI! ;1 ,mOWl '- 0.,.., ,pi '. . . - 'I - - --- - -----

~lO'Jlfi,!iI (mound, :Nu,. ,4) ,Ind, ta, '701' ur :uUmoJ' hI:II ,ot a bui~~~q otl~~ned, b:y Slimll ~mlr5, (mo~ndl No '.. ,S)~ Tbb, hIS~, ~Jtc rnay l!C eens~dcr,edu die Q'lld~t, -simaJ 'b~~1 10 'k ~of!llllld:ilD IIldIhle. M,OIJiIWS (2) ,ind, (l) iliff; ~II' WI!,'th!l~i 'wllliie, me !I\!I.S,"I :'r~ ttl '~ :FoullIJdl :!I!litbm T1tuIHa,wadd\!I l11rnWa,s,:e,. 8iJ'UldI, ~o :it.

,A, ~,m'C#l ,of "- ,bdck ~, 1fItm .. p,an ~"j,r tl ,r,iiliHtI' ,Iit;_gl~ I,PfJ'l)JjnJJ N,ft~ ;:tl

SO\1T,11 ... ' 'WESTEINPAI.T


Acrm1, 'lb~, wiluf' of MAd·'Ll 'wulHI!l o.ilJ.yi villl,l~ Ib~ ;b ,lIIe, (]iI!Ia111 !I'~ T:&t gipntit. ~, (I~' ~ rd_t ~ ~86, &m;5,:~ 'biltb tD IIH :~ldail' sr)'iDg ollO ~, IS, ifUll'!I:: ~ DI~~, ~ Is WJ;tft. ,[t :~ $ii'd dillE d~, o£ IIhc ,~ d,'" ,Kirc ,II, Saw' ,Pm, THCVImd, th 1*!!!D4 ,~, it ~,.'tb«:, ,Ii.o!i - O'lllh " ~~m w.' ,~

"'3 .. 1IEIj) _ .t_."" ... ,~

~, lhiddiIV1.~' of l~, p!:!f bNd~ QOIe to tho !totem, :sjd-toJ tlit Ilk ~:b ,0 ,G1ii 'Ilie o~'., Ch11siUIi Imi!fCb.. 'i'be, ..:tun 'WlI qitHiil$y~ittt for '11M: hl1lpi~ dwtl~ of '!hI! dly~ BI &w 'm. !m~ :MII_ f(li Ibe: W'li!lt 'oJ. h1'G, ~ i r ,~!IJ ,bigb ill., 1m ... , at !.lIn, f«WI, lcaltmd, 011 '!liB fo~ rut ~fWI ~ :IIJit on dk; IIkliu 11d1tkm, ,of 'KlttmPg ilk _hi al 1b ,deld, ~boJy' ~~.

D.t ,old, ,Jelly 'WII, 1'1 ,.~t ~ mil. ~ 1f4'QI; ~:'W:but 'nil ~~,

,-t, "'11', ,~- "n-~'i":iiL""1 ''II'iIh titdl , ~ .. -

I, !!II .. !-IIIIoI",~ U.~ ,. --'11,-

boai of kQI ~ furdp, l~ I:Iid,tb jdJ

wulhirt~ ~y Wilb:~ m"'n.,:1RS 1Irp; pods, DCifb¥ ~r ,~ 10 .~ :&d tUl diJihtt!ilitic q,~ ud mile i~ I~ iIlwDilHd; :bm.

~lJfNG: JQIldS

101 I hil.:bwt blll' :miJe ~. at' L:oU M'I:MIlII~' ;lliHl, ....... _ 1[1_ Sili;-' S_~, ,. '. -""D r.,.-, I[IQ. --~)I'I - .- _ -

:~, ,JjI, de • ill, 01' 'i.t1ri& hmi dIac II I,

~m,' tdld II,~ M~ ,'tll~:

iPItb !l!jMW1itiipf'!. 'CI;, ....... " ..... ~I, 010_",:, '1;0< _ ... , I.~ ~J"p .("~_, iLLU.1JI .. !, !IiII.UI!!5i Y ~

IIImr-:i1UId, I_e., .~ iii, II W Dg5. w~ lit K~~~ :F~, 'was., QIICI, :pcided., To, tlIiI .~)I, ~ ~ID ~, ndl I-UIJ ltObiIiiu!I:ml ,cmdilttadl.y • Ktm illtl."


,An anclent ICap'ital lair: R:alk:hliine'

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