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War and Defence Vocabulary

1.Aggression / invasion - An unprovoked attack by an enemy.

2.Reconnoiter - to make an examination or a preliminary survey of enemy position
before adopting any strategy of attack.
3.Salvo - The firing of many guns simultaneously to mark an occasion or to open
an attack.
4.Reveille - Music for awakening soldiers in the morning
5.Belligerents - nations carrying on warfare.
6.Conscription - Compulsory enrolment as soldier or sailor
7.Causalities - The killed or wounded in battle.
8.Convoy - A member of military vehicles or ships travelling together under escort
for safety.
9.Ammunition - Shells, bombs, military stores
10.Ordnance - A place where arms and armaments are being manufactured or
11. Dump - a hiding place for arms and armaments illegally.
12. Moal -a trend dug all around a castle as a protein measure
13.Espionage - the act or practice of spying
14.Fusillade - a number of firearms being discharged regularly.
15.Infantry-fool soldiers
16.Canalry - Horse - soldiers
17. Artillery - a soldiers carrying big guns, canons etc.

18.Volley - a shower of bullets

19,Parachute - an apparatus which opens like an umbrella to enable a person to
drop safely from an aircraft.
20.Arsenal - a place where military / naval weapons are kept or stored
21.Paratroopers - soldiers who are dropped from an air craft directly at the battle
field or at the forward position for quick action.
22. Neutral - taking neither side in war, not assisting either of the belligerents.
23.Embargo - an order prohibiting ships to leave the ports
24.Evacuate - to remove from one place to another to avoid the destruction of war
25. Mien - a preigner in a belligerent country
26.Bulwark - a protective or defensive wall
27.Reconaissance - a preliminary survey of an area to get enemys information or
an exploratory military survey of enemy territory.
28.Bayonet a knife fixed on to the end of a gun for man to man fight.
29.Reinforce - to strengthen with new force in a difficult situation
30.. Puttees - long strips of cloth bound round the legs of a soldier from the ankle
to the knee.
31.. Parole - a promise given by a prisoner not to try to escape if given temporary
32.Garrison - a body of soldiers stationed in a fortress to defend it.
33. Cantonment - a military controlled area
34.Bivouac - to camp in the open air without any tent or covering.
.35.Canteen - a place where soldiers can buy drinks and refreshments

36. Guerilla war - an irregular or announced war conducted by scattered or

independent bands.
37. Maneuver - movement of troops in order to secure an advantageous position
over the enemy.
38.Bandolier - a broad belt worn across the shoulder and chest with pockets for
carrying ammunition
39.Musket - a heavy large caliber shoulder firearm
40.Muzzle - the mouth of (he gun
41. Armistice - an agreement to stop fighting
42.Mercenary - a soldier who fights for the purpose of money exchange or a hired
soldier in lien.
43.Cease fire-when both sides agree to stop war
44Capitulate - to surrender to any enemy an agreed terms
45.Amnesty - a general pardon of offenders
46.Recruit - a soldier recently enlisted for service
47. Commandeer - to seize for military use
48Diplomacy- the art of conducting negotiations between nations
49.Besiege - to surround a place with, the intention of capturing it.

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