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MASTER I CHING CLASS By SHEKHEM UR SHEKHEM Class 1 9/19/98 Today, we are dealing with the 2% Hexagram, Kun, K'un isthe opposite of the 1” Hexagram. Think about everything about the 1 Hexagram, and think about the opposite about it and you have the 2" Hexagram. End of our lecture. See you, Not all that quite. ‘There are things about the 1" Hexagram that I did not go into because it would have forced me immediately to speak about the 2" Hexagram, which I did not want to do. You cannot fully understand day unless you contrast itto night. In that analogy, Ch'ien, the 1 Hexagram, is day, and K’un is night. We said that when you receive the 1* Hexagram. the oracle is saying that you have the power to achieve things, with modifications. The first line stressed is like, “You got the power, but not right this minute, Just hold on. Just wait alittle while. Do this; do that, and pretty soon, you'll get there.” So, the 1 Hexagram is saying that you got the power. The 2° Hexagram corresponds to somebody who doesn’t quite have the power. When you get the 2"! Hexagram, that ‘which you are inquiring about may not be quite ready to be done. In most cases, you're not ready to do it. You're certainly not ready to accomplish great things that require yang activity, great things that require yang power. And this is one of the mistakes that the T Ching commentators have all made, because there are things that go well with yin power. So, things that require entrepreneurship, yangness, this power, this yang ability, are the things that you are not quite ready to do in a big way. But, there will be success in things ofa yin nature. When I write my I Ching book, many pundits will be very upset, because, not only will the logic of the I Ching verify what I’m saying, but your teadings, the way the readings ‘work out will also show it to be correct. LLet’s focus on the trigram, Kun itself. The 2" Hexagram is made up of two trigrams. ‘The trigram, Kun, is made up of three broken lines. And we said in our first class that every trigram has set of meanings that was brought out by the Hexagram. Meaning that wwe don't apply the meanings of all trigrams in all situations. Meaning that Kun appears in different hexagrams. And some hexagrams will draw out certain meanings more than other hexagrams. But, in the 2™ Hexagram we find almost all of the meanings of the Kun trigram. So, let us pay attention first to the meaning of the trigram and what these symbols mean, ‘A correspondence of the K"un trigram is submission, to submit. Chien, three unbroken lines, is zoing forward with great strength. It is vigorous. Itis that which imposes its will, its power. Whereas, Kun submits, The earth is that which gives support to creatures that live upon it. The earth is what nourishes and gives birth o the vegetables, and in turn nourishes the animals. Tf you expand your mind to see this metaphor the carth is what supports heaven. You will come across that poetical statement in books on the I Ching—that the earth supports heaven. But, that metaphor transcends poetry ‘When we understand here thatthe trigram Ch’ien—three unbroken lines, three yang lines—symbolizes your waking awareness, ot what you call conscious mind, and Kun, three broken lines, symbolizes the subconscious. In anatomy, Kun is the parasympathetic division of the nervous system, which sends Stimulus to the vital organs—the heart, the lungs, the digestive system, the blood making system, the vital function that supports your life. The sympathetic, which is the Chien, {he yang part of your being, sends energy to the skeletal muscles, to enable you to carry your will to walk, your will to grasp something, your will to move your body. But, the ability for the body to move itself—the blood supply, the nourishment of these muscles_— is the parasympathetic, the yin part. For me to move these muscles here, I need, first of all, for nourishment to come to the muscle. But this muscle moves when I will it to move. So, the willing it to move is the sympathetic, the yang, Ch'ien, That's the voluntary action, ‘The involuntary part of my being. the yin, the parasympathetic, is what is sending blood. {don’t will to send blood and nutrients and enzymes to my muscle. I will my muscle to move. But, ifthe blood isn’t there, ifthe enzymes aren't there, ifthe hormones aren't there, my arm will not respond to my will. So, Ch’ien corresponds to voluntary action, that which depends on the will, that which depends on volition, that which depends on the external part of being. But that partis supported by the involuntary part, by the subconscious part, the parasympathetic. The yang part of my being can be totally disrupted. I can be in a condition where I am not aware of the extemal world. I’m not thinking. I’m not willing myself to move. Nothing is moving, But, I can be kept alive, as long as somebody gives me food, and Keeps me on a respirator. I'm ina coma. As long as they keep the internal part going, I can function. I can be a vegetable somebody feeds me. The yang part is hurt, but the yin partis still alive. “But, once the yin part is messed up, kiss life on earth goodbye. So, the yin is what supports the yang, or as the poet says, K'un is the broad earth that supports the heaven. But, you have to translate that into anatomy, physiology, Psychology, in order to get the full mileage out ofthe I Ching, Itis the subconscious part of your mind that is yielding, that is submissive, that is receptive. The subconscious part of your mind is what follows the conscigus mind, When I meditate, am engaging in a practice that is putting my conscious mind into communication with my subconscious mind, that I can then guide my subconscious, pyhen my subconscious does not receive the proper guidance, it will throw up anger or fear or tension in situations. But, then I can meditate and reprogram my subconscious to manifest calm and peace in those situations. So, the subconscious mind must never be allowed to do its own thing. It must always follow. That's what meditation is. That's what initiation is—providing outer guidance to the subconscious, ‘When you receive the 2“ Hexagram, you are being told that this reading is speaking about the subconscious that requires guidance. It must not be allowed to do its own thing. When do we allow the subconscious to do its own thing? When we follow our conditionings. When we allow the subconscious to oppose guidance from the Sage, from truth, then there are problems. Asa metaphor, the subconscious corresponds to children, people who need guidance— students, novices, novitiates, subordinates on a job, peons, people in lowly places who do not know, or are not in a position of leadership. So, when you receive the 2" Hexagram, you are being told, like your subconscious mind, you need to follow. Or, as a novitiate, you must also do that with your subconscious mind. When you follow your conditionings, it’s like allowing some high school graduate to run your bank for you Will you allow a high school graduate to run your bank? No. But that’s what you do when you allow your conditionings to dictate your actions in life. want o put these correspondences together, because there are analogies. And in cosmologies, we think analogically. We think through analogies. We lea through analogies. What we leam over here is analogous to what we learn over there, so that ‘what we eam over there can be transferred. People fail to learn because what they learn, they do not carry it over to similar situations. So, you know this in Peoria and you come to Brooklyn, and don’t know it no more. And it’s the same thing. So, you have to keep learning 10, 50, a hundred times the same thing. When we go through the I Ching book, we find that K°un is submission, the earth. Tt is receptive, yielding. It is that which goes with the flow-meaning, follow the conditioning. Itis relaxed, peacefully, calm. Itis that which operates in the background. It corresponds to a time of preparation, to humility. It is the female gender. Like a mare, it follows. It is gentle, obedient and maternal. A woman in the way of birth-she’s pregnant-should not be running around doing yang things. She can do it, but she should not do it because it will hurt the fetus. A woman who has given birth to a child and is nursing must not run around doing yang things. She will burn up too much body fat, and will not produce enough nourishing milk to take care of the child. A woman, who is pregnant, nursing, should not be all angry and mad. Men have more body heat than women, generally speaking. Men have less body fat than women-supposed to be that way. Men have higher heat production than women. Men have more red blood cells, more iron. So, the I Ching says, Ch’ien is yang-the male gender. K’un is female. It is natural and correct for a man to be yang. It is not good for a woman to be yang. It is natural and correct for a woman to be yin. It is not good for a man tobe yin, But, of course, those lines cross. But then you pay a price for it. Society pays a price for it, Women should never be yang, because it creates problems in the relationship. You're going against the grain of things. It is the place of women to use the yin power to bring the word of God down, to use that receptivity. It is the place of man to use the word that women brought down from God to translate it into works upon the earth, to build nations with the word. Ifa man becomes yin, he cannot build. If'a woman becomes yang, she cannot bring the word of God down. ‘You find that the 2" Hexagram says the image of the 2" Hexagram is a mare. You never see a mare leading a pack of horses, always the stallion. A mare cannot lead a pack of horses. She cannot run fast enough. She cannot fight off attackers. So, the stallion leads, It's a symbol of following. When you receive the 2 Hexagram, you're being told that success comes through following, not taking the lead. If you receive the 2™ Hexagram and you try to lead, you will have problems. Now this is how societies that have an oracle are superior to other religious societies. Now we say that in general, yang leads, yin follows. Yang are male, yin are female. But, Suppose, let’s say, the man receives the 2 Hexagram in the marriage, and the woman is stronger and has leadership qualities, and the oracle says you, the guy, should follow your wife. Especially, let's say, you get that fourth line stressed. If you get the 2"! Hexagram. fourth line stressed, then the man should follow the wife. The parents should follow the children. Have you known children who boss their parents around, even though they are small? “If you don’t eat your chicory, you will go to bed without supper!” That's the daughter talking to the mother ‘The image of the 2" Hexagram is that it supports all things, it contains all things. Meaning that the subconscious mind supports all the things that you want to achieve. The support for everything that you want to achieve is within your spirit, your subconscious, or your spirit. The 2" Hexagram is saying to you, “Go within.” That is a correspondence that I'm adding to it. When you receive the 2™ Hexagram, it says “Go within,” because there is where you'll find the support for any and everything you want todo. Now, what does that mean? You might think that the support for success might be getting an education and getting a good jo>, so you neglect the cultivation of your subconscious, or your spirit. You only cultivate your career. You only cultivate the job, but you fail to cultivate your subconscious. But, the support for you to be successfil in yout career, in your job, in your life, comes from cultivating your inner nature. If] pump iron, but don’t take the vitamins, the minerals, don’t take the Creatine Hydrochloride, and don’t take the things to nourish my muscles the right way, and don't drink the water, and don’t eat the proper food, and eat properly, al! that iron pumping will hurt me. I will not get the strength that I’m looking for. £1 don't sleep; if | don’t rest; if I don't meditate, I will not be able to achieve my goals just by external action. People cultivate all the externals, not understanding the support is the within. They say take care of the inside and the inside will take care of the outside. Itcontains all things. That's a hell of a statement! What they're saying is that everything that you want is within your spirit. Isn't that wonderful to know that? Everything that you want is within your spirit, Because you walk around thinking that what you want is Out there. Yes, the thing is out there, But, you seek it within your spirit. The place to look for itis within, not out there, You are lost and you don't know where you are. Where should I look for you? Meditate. Go deep within. I'll find you. Pll call you from within. In things of living, receiving the 1 Hexagram is saying, “OK. It is time to use your extemal faculties, your will, your volition, your muscles, your external skills, your knowledge of mathematics, of algebra, your knowledge of teaching, your knowledge of lawyering, doctoring, accounting.” This is time for you to use those externally acquired tools. But, when you get the 2" Hexagram, the oracle is saying to you, this is time for you to rely upon the spirit, on that which works on the background, is its support. That's why people cultivate this skill, that skill and the other skill, and still don’t get what they want in life, because the internal support is not there. And yin and yang must work together for you to achieve your goal. ‘When you read the 2" Hexagram, you come across a line that says, “Do not act without a cause.” It means do not allow your conditioning to throw up directions and just do what you fee! like doing. When you get the 2 Hexagram, your spirit must follow. You must know the truth. When you get the 2™ Hexagram, you must say, “I do not know what to do. I need guidance. I cannot trust my conditionings. I cannot trust my feelings. Because, to go with my feelings, is to let my subconscious take the lead.” You must take time to get help from others to find out what the truth is here: read a book; get guidance, depending on what the situation is. If t’s about your car, go see a mechanic. If it’s about life, then 0 to the oracles again; go to the Sage; go to an experienced priest; but do not take the lead. When you get the 2™ Hexagram, it says work quietly in the background. There are times when you are working on a project with somebody; and you might be doing the most important work; and you supervisor, or the person who is in charge comes around and walks around, and simply says, “What are you doing, man? OK.” And that person in the limelight is taking all the credit. And they aren’t really doing anything. You're the detail person. You're the one who's getting all the work done. You're in the background Nobody ever sees you. Nobody hears about you. But that other person's name is always in the paper, always on the Shekhem Ur Shekhem’s lips. Shekhem Ur Shekhem is always commending that person. You're in the background and you're doing the real work. And you're saying, “Man, what a bummer.” You go to the oracle and you get the 2" Hexagram. The oracle says, “It is not yet your time. Work quietly in the background. It’s not time for you to be prominent yet. You see that? It’s like lif. How many people who become doctors or lawyers or accountants say that 5 in life is due to my subconscious mind? They say, “Yale, Harvard, ” They never say, “My subconscious mind.” Yet, the subconscious mind is what governs the learning, did the associations, put all the thoughts that need to work together. You didn’t do that yourself, You cannot consciously remember something, ‘Your subconscious mind does the association process for you and does the regurgitating when it wants to. Because oftentimes you know the answer, but you can’t bring it up. Your subconscious mind is not going to give it up to you right then and there. And then your subconscious gives you answers that give you revelations, like “Whoa, this heavy. 2 Right? You're like, “I’m learning myself,” and the conscious mind learns from the subconscious mind. But you give the credit to Yale, Harvard. You give the kudos to the work done by the conscious mind. The subconscious mind never complains. It has access to the entire universe, puts the entire universe at your disposal, but does not try to gain prominence. So, if you are one of those workers who is not getting acknowledgement and you receive the 2" Hexagram for a job or a situation, then the correct way is for you to be in the background. If you get the 1* Hexagram, then by all ‘means, push yourself in the foreground. When you get the 2 Hexagram, you must do things for others, nourish others. ‘There’s a little statement for the 2"* Hexagram, which is, “All for one and one for all.” Meaning that the subconscious part of your mind is impersonal. What personalizes you? What Separates you from other people is your conscious mind. Your sense of being separate, your sense of mineness—this is mine and me—comes from the conscious mind. ‘That short term memory can only hold 14 seconds of information in its buffer. That pitiful little thing is where the sense of mineness and me versus thou comes from. But the subconscious is impersonal. That's like when you dream, you ever dream that there was 3 person in your dreams that was doing something, it was you but didn’t look like you? Somebody was doing something; it was your husband, but didn’t look like your husband? Or somebody is doing something that when vou analyze your dream, it relates to you? But it was somebody else. All kinds of people doing something and you don’t even know who these people are. You wake up like, “Man, every night I go to sleep, my privacy is being violated. All these strangers come into my dreams. Man, what's going on here?” That's to tell you that your subconscious is impersonal. So, when you want to tap in—Listen carefully now—to the power of your subconscious, you then have to live a life of impersonality. You cannot be living a life of selfishness, You have to then do unto others, But, when are you tapping into the subconscious? Always! When you get the 2 Hexagram, that’s not telling you then to be impersonal. ‘That's reminding you that you have carried your selfishness too far. It's simply pulling you back. Let's understand that. You always will need to rely on the powers of the spirit. Correct? So, you always must be living a selfless life, because that’s who and What you are. So, when you receive Auset—or Ausar for that matter—that is not telling you to be impersonal then. That is reminding you that your personalization in your life is going too far. You are forgetting your impersonality, the fact that you are a universal being, the fact that the source of that which contains everything you want and that which sustains everything you do belongs not to you but to God and the universe. When you receive the 2" Hexagram, they're telling you that if the thing you want is of a yang nature, things that require for you to consciously exert yourself to achieve, you will Hot get it quite yet. But, you must persevere, gently, quietly, calmly, steadfastly. The same thing with meditation; if you are meditating to change a habit, you have to Persevere. That’s why many of you don’t succeed in your spiritual work. Because you meditate once or twice or three times, then you stop, not understanding that you have to repeat it over and over again. How many years haven’t you told yourself, “Iam afraid”? You probably said it to yourself 10,000 times if you are 30 years old. “She’s afraid. I’m afraid.” That constant repetition is what creates the illusion that fear is a reality. It's the constant repetition, not a fact in itself, Just the repetition. If you say something so many times it becomes deeply engrained in the spirit. Isn't it so? “How many incamations have you said it? Too many incarnations. When are you going to stop? Tell me when it’s going to stop? Tell me when is it going to stop? I’m talking to you. When? Say now! Student: Now. See people don’t allow me to get personal. Like, “Shekhem, you're the Sage when you're up there talking to us. But don’t get personal with me. Don’t tell me personally ‘what's wrong with me. Just get up there and talk in general. Because, now you're messing with me, calling me names.” You're agreeing with that? You can agree with that, Irs alright. I don’t mind calling people names. Shucks, I love it ‘The I Ching says that the 2"! Hexagram is good for women. But that’s too generalized of astatement. Ifa woman is a yangster—and some women are yangsters—they need Nux Vomica. Chamomile, No. Let’s face it, some women come to earth to run businesses and ruz nations—Hatshepsut, Queen Nzinga, Yaa Asantewa. Some women came to earth to wage war, to run enterprises. Some men are yinsters, wimps. What's a derogezory name for a yangster or a over-yang woman—womps, woomps? I don’t know. There's no derogatory name for a woman who is too yin. But there's one for a man who is too yin. You see that, women? That's not fair? Studer: Its fai It's fais? You must be a yangster. So, you have to change that statement in your I Ching book tat says that it’s good for women. It’s good for yin people, whether it is a man or a womaz. It's good for yin things. It’s a favorable reading for things that require yin capability, yin power. It is not good for things that require yang force. If you get it for sometking that is yang, you need help. You need to take your time and you need help. If you get it for a yin thing, then, as long as you work in the background and quietly, then it is go Now les look at a few yin things: love, marriage, family, children. If you get the 2" Hexagram, then it is good for those things, because love, marriage, family, children are yverned by the yin element. If your reading has to do with a question related to business, getting a loan, running a business, starting a new business, traveling, law suits, contencing with somebody, finding employment, getting a new job, things that require for youto tap into your yang capabilities, things that require for you to be courageous, for you to *e vigorous, for you to exert strength and force and contend with others, things that are extremely challenging in that sense, then it is not good. Then you need to take your time. You need help and assistance. And you perhaps may not do it, Let’s go back and review: the family, love. That is depending upon a family situation and a love situation where that is correct. Family, Auset rules. And love, Het Heru and Auset rule, But, in some families, in some loves, Hert Khuti and Sebek rule. So, when you go to the oracles, you have to look at the family, the relationship in question. The books on I Ching were not written as divination manuals. They were more so like general references. But, they are not how-to diviners. They're not the kit, tool and trade ofa diviner. This is what I'm trying to give to you here now. If you went to the oracles, to buy a particular stock, and you received the 2™ Hexagram, straight up, let’s say, the oracle is telling you the price of the stock is low because K°un corresponds to the low things. So, should you buy or not buy? Students: Buy! Buy! Ifyou get Ch’ien, it’s telling you the price is high already. It’s at the zenith, and it will drop. But if it’s telling you it’s K’un straight up, the price is low and is about to rise. And if there are stress lines then look at the stress lines in the 2" Hexagram, because that will then modify the answer. If you're taking an exam and you get the 2"! Hexagram, since an examination requires, not only memory, which K’un stands for, but also vigor and strength. In other words, it’s a challenge. It’s an external challenge. That means that you're going to get an average score, like a 70, 75—depending on the stress lines. Let us look at the lines. When you get the firs line stressed, the oracle is drawing to your attention that there are signs around you showing that there are difficulties ahead. So, You are being told to look around, open your eyes and see the signs of coming difficulties, The text of the I Ching says: If there is hoarfrost under foo: Isn't snow about to come? If you see frost on the ground, don’t you think snow is coming? What it’s saying is, “Why are youasking? Don’t you see the signs around?” So, it’s a time for you to prepare yourself for difficulties ahead. Don’t forget what we said that the 2° Hexagram corresponds to lack of yang power. So, what they're saying is that you're in a yang situation, and there are difficulties to come, and there are signs of those difficulties around. The I Ching and the Metu Neter are not just to tell you do this or don’t do that and don’t do the other. They are to teach you how to observe, how to think and meditate. A Sage can look around at omens, signs around nature and figure out what's going on. Sometimes, some people go so feverishly trying to make a small gain that they lose the big game to come, The first line also wams against that. Don’t get so caught up. Some people, they jump at the first thing that offers itself—a litte thing, I've had situations where | told somebody, “You know, you have the capacity to make $50,000 a year if you do so and so. But ifto do so and so is exerting the yang force, and because they feel yin, rather than take their time and cultivate and prepare themselves, they jump at the first $30,000 situation that offers itself. In the 2 Hexagram, you're also being told, oftentimes, “Take your time, Persevere, Prepare yourself” So, it’s not just rush out there and do it by yourself. Many times, you may have to wait as you're working to get What you want ‘The second lice scessed is the governing line of the 2 Hexagram. And it says that if you're honest. ahzz=ver situation that you're in, you will be successful. Now, what’s that ‘onesty is not something that we argue about or discuss. When the *e honest. then the oracle is telling you that your subconscious mind, wu to be honest in order to generate a spiritual power. When you seis S:rcalini yoga, you will find that honesty is the requirement to open up a certaiz sy sezer. One of the 50 psychic centers requires honesty for you to open that psrcsic caer =p. So. when you receive the second line stressed in the 2. Hexagron. you's ing told that honesty is the key to open that psychic center. But, in “ring. they will say that Heaven will bless you. Heaven is a 3 ofthe spirit, or the powers of the subconscious mind. So, learn heaven, of the spirit, into the subconscious min tire for you to be honest? It requires for you to trust. And what is “ices what? Relaxation at the crossroad. You did wrong to Sister ‘went to the oracle. You got the second line of the 2" Hexagram yw

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