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You can buy a mans time, you can buy a mans physical presence at a given place; you can even
buy a measured number of skilled muscular motions per hour or day. But you cannot buy enthusiasm; you
cannot buy initiative; you cannot buy loyalty; you cannot buy the devotion of hearts, minds, and souls.
You have to earn these things. Clarence Francis, Chairman of General Foods
This is by far my favorite quote because it conveys the primary reasons I aspire to become an
officer, which are to inspire and lead people. Since joining the Air Force, I have become enamored with
my service because it is much more than a job to me. The Air Force provides me with a mission, a
purpose much greater than me to which I can devote all of my efforts.
I am more fortunate than most airmen at my level in that I work as a contract specialist, which
provides me a crystal clear picture of how I impact the mission. It never ceases to please me when, after
toiling to execute a contract, I witness the fruits of my labor when the supplies I purchased are delivered
and services I procured are performed on base. Whether I remain in acquisitions or not I will always be
grateful for the opportunity to serve as a steward of the taxpayer and directly enable the nations
Though my current role is quite clear to me and every Airman whether E-1 or O-10 possesses his
or her own sphere of influence, commissioning as an officer will enable me to lead and empower far more
Airmen than I would be able to presently. I believe I possess the traits required to be an exceptional
officer, as I have a deeply ingrained set of morals that include humility, teamwork, faithfulness, and
honor. I hold myself closely accountable to our Core Values of Integrity, Service, and Excellence; and as
an officer I will proudly embody and emanate them. I will ask nothing of my subordinates that I would
not require of myself. Furthermore, though I have always sought to go above and beyond mission
requirements, as an officer I will continue to do so and lead by example, regardless of the nature of the
task at hand.
My meticulous nature has earned me a reputation for exceptional work, though I never exert
myself for the sake of my own recognition. What makes me far more happy is to instill in and drive fervor
in others, motivating them to grow and to continually outdo themselves. Furthermore, the best reward or
praise I could receive from my leadership is to be entrusted with greater responsibility. I have never been
one to shy away from the spotlight or be daunted by pressure. When faced by crises, my tendency is to
perform in a calm and collected manner.
I aspire to become an officer, for it will challenge and develop my set of skills, faculties, and
talents to their full extent. As an asset to the service, I will welcome the immense responsibility of
efficiently and judiciously managing all of its resources. Becoming an officer will not only enable me to
significantly impact and benefit the Air Force, but it will also allow me to channel my passion for leading
others. Just as I hold myself to very high standards and continually seek to better myself, becoming an
officer will allow me to access, challenge, and develop a vast amount of Airmen, harnessing our forces
full potential.
To know that I, the eldest son of Afghan refugees, have the opportunity to commission as an
officer in by far the most powerful military organization in the world is extremely humbling. I have never
desired something more in my life than to earn this privilege. I sincerely thank you and deeply appreciate
your consideration of me for this opportunity.

The Chiefs Own!


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