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: Iman Hilmansyah

: 1402203

Research Project 3rd Assignment

Research Proposal
1. The Problem
The ability of reading English text for foreign language learners is
very essential to gain information and language abilities in English
context. Mikulecky (2008) states that effective reading is essential for
the success in acquiring a non-native language. Teaching students to
read is always challenging for the teachers to conduct. This situation is
happened because there are several aspect that should be considered
by the teacher when they teach reading, such as: students motivation
and students basic knowledge to the text.
As we know that extensive reading has significant roles in
acquiring reading ability. Extensive reading can be meant as reading
for joy or reading for happiness (Brown 2001, p.301). Building students
motivation to read extensively is not an easy job for teachers. Though,
creating situation which can develop students motivation to read is
the teachers duty. Teachers as organizer should be aware to
everything that can let students read extensively.
Nowadays, the use of Internet and communication Technologies
(ICT) as media in teaching and learning process is rising. This is
happened because ICT based teaching allow the students to learn
beyond the classroom. Because there are many of students who
become members of social network sites. The use of ICT can give
opportunity for the teachers to improve students motivation in
learning. There are many educational researches that promote social
network sites as media in EFL teaching. Nevertheless, the use of social

networking path as a tool in teaching seems to be hard to find in TEFL

Therefore, the writer would like to analyze the implementation of
delivering text in social networking path as a tool in enhancing
students extensive reading habit.
In order to reach the aims of the research, research formulates
the questions as follows:
1. Does the use of social networking path significantly improves
the students reading ability?
2. What are the students responses to use of social networking
path as a tool in enhancing their extensive reading habit?
The research will be focused on investigating the effect of using
social networking path as a tool in enhancing students extensive
reading habit and to find out the students responses to the use of
social networking path as a tool in enhancing students extensive
reading habit.
Associated with the research questions above, this study
research will be proposed:
1. to analyze the use of social networking path as a tool in
enhancing students extensive reading habit.; and
2. to find out the students responses to the use of social
networking path as a tool in enhancing students extensive
reading habit.
The significance of this research is to help my reader understand
Potential benefit from the implementation of social networking path
as a tool in enhancing students extensive reading habit and how to
implement the social networking path in enhancing students
extensive reading habit. So that readers can use social networking
path as an alternative in TEFL class especially in enhancing extensive
reading habit.
2. Hypothesis

The hypothesis proposed in this research is the implementation

of social networking path as a tool in delivering text in enhancing
students extensive reading habit.
3. Theory
Teaching Reading
Peaty (1996) states that a range of procedure in teaching and learning
process is needed by EFL teachers in order to teach reading effectively.
Strong agreement come from, Pang (2003, p. 15) who support the
statement by giving opinion that there are several things that must be
considered by the teachers in the classroom such as: students
learning needs, including their motivation for reading and the purpose
that reading has in their lives. Both of statements prove that the most
important thing in teaching reading is their understandable about how
to force students to read by considering many aspects that have
probability in influencing students will, motivation, and ability in
reading. Dombey, (2010), based on their study, they find out that
the successful school that the most effective ways in teaching reading
are characterized by a balanced approach, attention to individual
childrens literacy skills, and high levels of engagement in reading.
Extensive Reading
Extensive reading should involve reading for pleasure (Harmer
2007a, p99). Brown (2001, p.301) also agrees that extensive reading is
the way when students learn to read in joyful condition. Those
statements point out that in extensive reading there is no compulsion
to read. The teacher teachers role is as an organizer to arrange the
joyful condition in treating the students to read autonomously.
Kredatusova (n,d, p.25-28) supports all of the statements, he
states that there are several teachers roles in extensive reading such
as: introducers, helper, encourager, and manager and assessor.
According to the statement above, in extensive reading activity,
teachers should be able to create an interesting way to keep students
motivation in reading.

Social Networking
One of many ways in treating students to read autonomously is
the use of technology. Marsh (2012) agrees that many teacher use
technology to improve students motivation and learning. Chun (2006)
also believes that internet could give source of material in extensive
reading. Nowadays, many people especially teenagers to join as
members of social networking sites (Wilber, 2008 in Hinchman and
Sheridan-Thomas, 2008). Social networking sites have also changed
what, how, and where people learn (Sumakul, 2013).One of many
networking sites that have many teenagers members is path.
Shittirak (2012) proposes that there are several benefits of social
networking sites, such as: communicating, private chatting, discussing,
4. Research design
The research will be started with the null hypothesis, the two
groups are considered similar in the beginning of the experiment.


: There is no significant difference between the experiment and

control class in the mean adjustment level.


: experiment class


: control class
Kranzler and Moursund (1999) propose that the meaning of null

hypothesis means that there is no difference between experimental

and control classes in the mean adjustment level. So the null
hypothesis in this research is there is no difference between the two
groups, experimental and control classes, in reading scores.

The analysis of the research uses t-test. It is primarily aimed to

determine whether the means of scores of the two groups are different
to a statically-significant degree (Kranzler and Moursund, 1999)

Notes : G stands for class, T1 stands for Pre-test and T2 stands for Post-test

This research will also collects data by distributing questionnaire

to the students. The data gained from the questionnaire will be used as
reference for the researcher about how social networking path as a
tool in delivering text affect students extensive reading habit.
Research Procedure
The research will use some procedures as follow:
Data collection

Preparing the investigation

a. Observation on the spot of research.

b. Preparing teaching instruments.
c. Preparing tests.
d. Preparing questionnaire.

Giving a pre-test
This test will be given to both classes, experimental and
control class, based on the syllabus to find out the score of the
student before the experiment. The tests will be in the form of
reading test.

Treatments will be given to both of the classes use different
media. In the experiment class, teacher use social networking
path in delivering the reading text. In the control class, teacher
will use text book in delivering the reading test.


Giving Post test

This test will be given to both classes after the treatment is

given to experimental class. Post-test is also in the form of
completion tests. The result of the post-test will be compared with
the result of the pre-test. From this result, the researcher will be
able to identify the effectiveness of social networking path as
media in delivering reading text.

Giving questionnaire.
Questionnaire will be used to gain appropriate data based on
the students responses toward the use of social networking path
as media in delivering reading text.
Population and sample
The subjects of this research will be students in one of senior
high school in Bandung. The research focused on the first grade
students. It was assumed that they have basic ability of simple
sentence construction. Students in that school were chosen as the
subject of the research. Only one class was selected as
experimental class and one more class as control class.
This research was a quantitative experimental research.
Quantitative research has been widely has been widely used in
education (Malik & Hamied 2014, p. 34). The sample was divided
into two classes, experimental class and control class. Both
classes were tested by pre-test and post-test. Before giving the
post-test, reading text will be delivered in social networking path
to the experimental class as an extensive reading activity.
Besides, the control class will get reading text from text book as
their extensive reading activity. Afterwards, the data which was
taken from experimental class and control class were compared
and analyzed to find out its significance.

Data analysis
The data analysis in this research will be analyzed by
several statistical processes. First, the experimental and the
control groups scores in the pre-test and posttest were analyzed
by using t-test formula to investigate whether the two groups are
equivalent or not. Second, the scores of pre-test and post-test of
each group were analyzed to investigate whether there was a
significant improvement in students scores or not. Fourth, the








questionnaire. The last the research findings will be interpreted.

5. Potential sources
Brown, H.Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principles. An Interactive
Approach to Language Pedagogy. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Chun D. M.2006. Call technologies for L2 Reading In. L. Ducate & N.
Arnold (Eds.), Calling on Call: From Theory to Research to New
Direction in Foreign Language Teaching (Pp.69-98).


Monograph Series Volume 5. Texas State University. San Marcos.

Tx: Calico Publication. 2006.
Dombey,, Mechae. (2010). Teaching Reading: What the Evidence
Says. Leicester: UKLA
Hamied, F.A and Malik, R.S. (2014). Research Methods: A Guide for
First Time Researchers. Bandung: UPI PRESS

Harmer, Jeremy. 2007a. The Practice of English Language Teaching.

Malaysia: Pearson Education Limited.
Hinchman A.K. and Sheridan-Thomas. K. 2008. Best Practices in
Adolescent Literacy Instruction. New York and London: The
Guildford Press.
Kranzler, G and Moursund, J. (1999) Statistics for the Terrified Second
Edition. New Jersey 07458: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River
Kredatusova, Maria. n.d. The Benefit of Extensive Reading in EFL.











Opportunities for Language Learners. Cambridge University

Press. USA.
Mikulecky, Beatrice (2008). Teaching Reading in a Second Language.
Pearson Education, Inc.
Pang, et al. (2003). Teaching Reading. International bureau of
Education. Geneva: IBE Publications Unit
Peaty, D (1996). A Taxonomy of Procedures for Teaching EFL Reading.
Ritsumeikan Gengo Bunka Genkyu. 8 (1), 183-193
Shittiak. C. 2012. Social Media for Language Teaching and Learning.
Language Institute. Thammasat University.
Sumakul, Dian Toar. (2013). Students Perception of The Use of
Facebook in The Language Classroom. 6 (1), 127-131

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