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‘Turab Haider 2-91.5 Sweetland Avenue Ottawa, Ontario Canada KIN 779 September 7, 2015 Dimitrios Makrakis ‘School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE), University of Ottawa 800 King Edward Avenue, P.O. Box 450, Stn A, ‘Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, KIN 6NS ELG2901, first work-term report Good Evening Professor, Before my work term this summer (Summer 2015) I had completed four semesters of my degree; the last term I completed was 2B. The work term I just completed was my first work term. The title of my work term report is: Co-op Work ‘Term Report - A Summer at the Health Products and Food Branch. The report that is being is submitted is a Type I report. I would like to acknowledge the help of my good friend Vincent Miranda who helped me structure my report and that this report is my own work. ‘This work term I was employed by Health Canada and my supervisor was Martin Berard, I held the position of a Junior Systems Analyst, whose responsibility is to help the full time staff develop web data applications that are used as issue management systems. My daily tasks involved meeting client and obtaining requirements for different projects, implementing those requirements and developing the project through the web application development platform: Drupal, and releasing the projects to the clients. It was a great experience especially because I got to work on real time projects. 1 learnt a numerous set of skills, which are not limited to: requirement collection from clients, professional work ethic and interacting with co-workers, different steps required to develop and release a project and how to work under the pressure of short deadlines. Kind Regards, wr ou ‘Turab Haider 7312516 Page 1 of 2 Post Work-Term Evaluation | Summer 2015 ‘Student information ‘Turab Haider. ectical Engneetng-T1 superisor information Contact information whan Yor anes Foe CEP regan orem sare cence Serre Pees cane Prone 34040476 Ermatimarta benari@hos= gece Prater ngage of coespondence: Engish Post Work-Term Evaluation ‘post workterm evaluation is to be completed atthe end of each work term. Ils our opportunity to share your thoughts on your CO-OP work term and on your experience with the various aspects ofthe CO-OP programs. For example, you will have the Spportunity to comment on services and on the Navigator, as well as on the work term that you have completed. ‘This evaluation should take you no more than ten minutes to complete. it ill form part of your work-term report and will be svemitted to your faculty for review. The CO-OP Office reviews the results ofthe evaluations in order to improve the CO-OP experience. Questions How satisfied were you with the folowing aspects of your CO-OP experience? ‘Communication (emai, messages posted on the Navision ‘services sate | ena anes peste cece dng te aaison process j @|ofoyfo Astatancerecsved al the CO-OP reception desk @|ofolfo ‘ey of CO-OP wat to recive ri scheduling conte eal ci Orso erry Sets |isntie | eaatoted| apes [CO-OP websie 68am tons|220. ow COOP Navigator works @%| mom |ezou [sO indEX (inventory of bs posted outs be NAV) of[elfolfo Ck |neli wow wy, [workshops Wo : Race cece see | ee ica ped ye Prine Dore OS oOle|o}o]o [Wiekbo0Ks provided during workshops Oo @ oO ° oO “Workshops and activites delivered in Viral Campus (Reaities ofthe Job Market, jing to y ¥ rs aero 2 rc c Applying ° @ O° ° ° lone-on-one meetings x ao] stsane | nna] in| npn [Resumé review provided by the Professional Development Specialist @ O° ° ° O° ‘Mock inierview provided by the Professional Development Specialist @|o oO oO oO - aaa T T 11/09/2015 Page 2 of 3 comments ‘Shows dependability omments is recoptive to and integrates feedback ; |Comments ‘Communication skills: Verbal comments [Communication skills: Written i a ae [Sataciory Avendance [NeNon i : = tistactory Punctuality NoNon 4 : Ii, Strengths and Areas for Development Pas st he CO-OP student's stengs an areas fr developmen ‘Siena ress for development Hi Abiiy to work independently Hi. Punctuality a B Strong Technical Knowledge 2 Work Ethic B a ae Bay Bi E IV. WORK-TERM OBJECTIVES (PERFORMANCE AND LEARNING) Did the Co-op Student discuss work-torm objectives (performance and learning) with you? Yes!oui In.what way did the student's work-term objectives (performance and lea abilities? Please comment if possible. “Techical sil et Proj Business Manageret ing) help develop his or her skills and \V. OVERALL EVALUATION ‘Based on the evaluation grid above the CO-OP student receives an overall evaluation of Excellent (7.5/10) * «ita "Unaatsacory ova evan is en, the CO-OP Ofice const th tudor and te employer to acs the evaluation and deterine fhe stent an coninsein CO-OP If appropriate, please provide any additional comments: “This employer evaluation form was completed by: BERNARD MARTIN. 11/09/2015 Page 1 of 3 Mid-term Evaluation Student View |2015, Summer oaeeees Pe ee eae eames aad feos Evaluation completed on ate): 71152015 Last Saved By Stat. 718201530811 Pat Last Saved By Stade: 6142015 2627 AML sat tom Mid-term Evaluation sx srund mitt wart, «Mita Evluton i conc ats he CO-OP ude s pearance leaing and rtesoa evo. Tht curd i te acts he progress oon pangs thr Prig tartan ses ove terrane hw woke. The Sraieneteceate see san opgomey fo gahe ord share frmaron wa he sce nthe eros “Toe Midterm Evan i condictd by CO-OP self maar wh see up an apparent wih te amloe to fat ah the wrk supers andthe sar th Tog Maer saa he COLOE Gade Fay heCOOP oa mame she oro’ err, ese feedback, abe CO- (Se.Rar mene’ pesorl essssmert rahe COOP Nevo. -re fom caries tee secne(}) Miter eveluaton inition, 2} he ovation gc, (3) student water abectves peta ad lating) ard TeueSn Rete Theater Evtatin may be enacted nparon by phone, Skype or mal Pane complete the greyed vt fds ats marked whe a vould Evaluation information {Student name (first & Last names): Turab Heider [Co-op job number: 808 {60.08 position no: 405737 al student Work pho Student Work o-ma foxwonsis rab haider@he-sc.0C. 2 Star Date: 4 2015-05-04 a Supervisor Information (Organization name: Health Canada (Supervisor name: jpervisor Language: [Englsh|~] Martin Bernard "Supervisor Emal ‘Supervisor phone: Imnartn.bemard@hc-se.geca [ex340%9476 [Separate mutile email addresses with semicolon () ‘Address: rity: = 250 Lanark Avenue ~ forawa ‘Bulan Province: ener a Oe uw | Postal Code: country xiaoKo [canada 11/09/2015 Page 2 of 3 Gross salary by hour or by week eotct: Fat To] om rat: SE Work-term objectives (performance and learning) ‘There a wo pes of ware objectives (0) petomance cca and) lang eves, You ae required st vu cies cneatn wh Your aoe ee ee Yoon taper wndeoardepecnd Promare tes or approve Your wet cece. 'A. Performance objectives eromaneschecvesdecibe the specie goals you arto reach ing your CO-OP pacer in terms fyour pacts developmen. hay carbine oromance cece deci he cparteatsexpeautan fet You can aecorpis, an your om pefomance expeatons When devalopng Your cairn cjecives, coradar sl ard ables spectictotte fo Pertrmance ejetves no. 1. Herren cri ds korn Fow alee Were ougs mare fide ond eecive Peformance abjectes ne. 2 oor on Brg pel an ria Gao Perormance objectives no. flornepmns rp i om on a Sass and enero B. Learning objectives Leaning cbjeaves deste he space ge you war each ng yout CO-OP facet in tems ct nowtnge aqua, They combine ames Hon ou" Learing ojos dette re dalan fual ou canes bh yor oem rary expesasra When velop Yuan DRC, ae pines orheones price spect 86 Leaming objectives 01 (Gasp a Sranger Pande of Sj areiedproparsing ad compe data Soares Laurin objectives no. 2: Freee my krondpe about The tax and santo FFP ©. Reflections Rnecton avestons ent cca inking win roars career path develpment. The questions ate designed sat up your reeves ‘Ratecon no, So ar who you tke ac Slike abou your wake and why? Fo exam, wha oyoutNnk abot he tasks, endronnt peopl, les ard reupersbie2?| ae Twa ee DiA woKk on PORTS Oh y Own Bd Ha everyone TURE VOY Tice, Fa and Gea One tng do naTHE a Fh a ead se hard to meet or beter words, sometimes dead aot me. 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He is meeting deliverables. He indicated 7-30-3:30, 30 afew times they have had to tak about this, as he hasn't stuck toi. Out courtesy, he should advise ihe's offside by more than a half hur or so. ‘Satisfactory Punctuality [Yes (Comments: 5 = ei Strengths and areas of development Employes coments onthe dens engi a ares fr deveopent Strengths ‘Areas for development FQuick earner i [2. Good analytical = : I {3 Good team player i _ 11/09/2015 Page | of 3 EMPLOYER EVALUATION oceans mates @ ottawa “Te totowing even frm deseo ord our tal ssesert ofthe CO-OP suet you hee, You must dss he vauton wah he student before Then othe work “Toe evauton hs five pos: () Heneaton iors, i) Evaluation Gi (i) Stenghs and Aras for Development, Wor-Tem Objecves(peomance {Dearing an) Over Evaluation Nola ne engl you mut omit an evaluation ofthe sents work fhe CO-OP Of The grade forth wrt cour aha ect bath the a aden whe Gort sa rope ec a rade NC fo fe couse and must winrar CO-OP. I IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION INFORMATION: ganization Name [Supervisor Name Festh Canad , ___|arin Berar orm (i. Winter 2008) [Student Name 018, Summer “ura Haier Program of Study , Electical Engineting E +n ifomatonsincreet, lease dont save th fom an cant te Cop Oe a 819 5825741, Il EVALUATION GRID or enc evaluation tem pleat ndcate he eve he CO-OP stuart achieves Excaptonal (A). Exel (AoA), Very god (8+ to) Good C+ tC), Needs [fpronement Unset or No aprile (A) Please prove cones pore ceptors Eseries Very Good ‘ed Needsimprovement | NOt Na sautactory » x ~ e 5 e a pee eel cor | ‘Produces work meeting quality expectations within an appropriate timeframe [Comments [Demonstrates effective and resourceful problem solving ski Xi i |Comments hows interest in work tasks |Comments \Applies technical/scientifictheoretical concepts to tasks zs I comments ‘Demonstrates a professional work ethic (Comments jorks well in a group [Comments 11/09/2015 Page 2 of 2 postings on the Navigator ie st et ay of obs posted @ ole] o oO | 0 [Number of jobs posted oO @ o oO ) Work tem tea sauna esate | ann | apc Relevance of your work om your program of sid athe Unersyof Otawa ofe|o}folo [Work tasks you were assigned 2° @ oo oO oO [aaa ‘Cusen| onion ae Superson you reosied ©. |n@![acOss|s.O85|O Midterm ovation by he CO-OP Program Coordnalor O: | e2[20—|=081z0 {io ters asin developing your anslerable kl for future employment ole,[ofo}o ee SS aa saer weer o fe {pornos |Work-torm assignments ela] sassea|suttes| nnd | prea [Usefiliness of writing work-term objectives ° @ oO Oo oO sets of wring eens bs 0 ei Onf-0=[50 [Quality af worctern repor gues = olfoltefol|o joverai stia| saat | sate | one | ppc ow asad re yu va te wie siete Cooperne EaucatnPerem? | O| @ | O | O | O Comment: 2s Have you row completed AL of your eques CO-OP work ts? 11/09/2015 {As supervisor of CO-OP student Turab Haider, |, Martin Bernard certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this report is entirely the student's work and is free of confidential information to the extent that it can be read by university faculty members. _ (Signature) nee > September 17, 2015 (oe) University of Ottawa’s Co-operative Education Program COOP WORK TERM REPORT: A SUMMER AT HEALTH CANADA, HEALTH PRODUCTS AND FOOD BRANCH Superviser: Martin Bernard Turab Haider 7312516 ABSTRACT Health Canada plays a pivotal role in the lives of Canadians all over the country. For this very reason all the technology that it uses has to be up to date, efficient, and user friendly. All the applications that Health Canada, specifically Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB), uses go through rigorous testing to be able to keep up with the amount of data that is processed through them. During my four months as a part of the Business Informatics Team I was able to work on a variety of projects, which allowed me to learn so much about the role technology. specifically web applications, plays in Health Canada. It also helped me hone my skills of developing web applications, communicating with clients, and testing and maintaining already released projects. Most of my time at Health Canada was spent developing the Issues Management System and the different projects were only a derivative of IMS. That is why this report concentrates mainly on the development of IMS, which was done using Test Driven Development. ze TABLE OF CONTENTS (update) ABSTRAC’ TABLE OF CONTENTS.. INTRODUCTION Health Products and Food Branc! Business Informatics Team. Drupal Test Driven Development. Benefits of TDD. Using TDD for IMS..... ISSUES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Overview. : Gathering Necessary Data.. Defining Security Requirements Selecting Data Management Funetio Selecting Data Presentation Functions. CONCLUSION... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BIBLIOGRAPHY. INTRODUCTION Health Canada In today’s developed countries, the health and safety of the population is one of the highest priorities for its government. Canada has a number of different agencies, such as the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Patented Medicines Prices Review Board, and its largest player, Health Canada. Health Canada is Canada’s federal department responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health, while respecting individual choices__and circumstances’. The federal government also has a number of key roles and responsibilities in areas that affect health and healthcare. Daily, many Canadians rely on Health Canada to ensure that pharmaceutical products, vitamins, vaccines, and medical devices being used are safe and efficacious. In order to fulfill this goal, Health Canada is divided into a number of branches, each playing a pivotal role to ensure Canadians have access to the best healthcare system possible. The organizational chart found on the right illustrates Health Canada’s agency, bureau and many branches. * Canada, Health Canada, About Health Canada: Branches and Agencies. 2014-11-18. Consulted 2015-08-13. < http://www,php#list >. 2 Canada, Health Canada, Abou! Health Canada, 2014-02-27. Consulted 2015-08-13. < http://www asclindex-eng.php >. 4 Health Products and Food Branch One of Health Canada’s largest divisions is the Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB). Its mandate is to “take an integrated approach to managing the health-related risks and benefits of food and health products’. The broad scope of the mandate - which includes evaluation and monitoring the safety, quality and effectiveness of the drugs, vaccines, medical devices and other therapeutic products available to Canadians as well as the safety and quality of the foods - means that the work HPFB does touches the lives of every Canadian’. Business Informatics Team Business Informatics Team (BIT) is a fairly small part of the Health Products and Food Branch but one of the most essential ones. BIT contributes to the issue management efficiency of HEPB and therefore directly contributes to the health of Canadians and the effectiveness of the health care system by assuring that the pharmaceuticals and medical devices entering the market, or clinical trials, are compliant with Canadian standards for safety, efficacy and quality. Drupal Drupal is a free and open source web application development platform written in PHP and managed by thousands of developers around the world. These are the prime reasons why Drupal was chosen to develop the Issues Management System (IMS), also because it was cost- free, open source and easily maintained. It is used to develop the back end framework of a huge number of websites be it political, social and corporate worlds. ‘The release of Drupal that was used by BIT was Drupal Core, which contained basic features required in building an issues management application. Some of the features that were available were, but not limited to, account registration, menu management and theme customization. > Canada. Health Canada. Employee Orientation Handbook for Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. 2012. Print. * Canada. Health Canada. Employee Orientation Guide, Health Products and Food Branch. 2012. Print. Q For the features that were not available, third party modules were used to provide the functionalities needed. Modules were used to change or extend the capabilities of the core release. Modules were great to use because experienced developers maintained a lot of them and It helped avoid making changes to the code, making the code more user friendly, easy to read and maintainable CComtert management Site balding Site cotigueation Figure 1: Site Management Page in Drupal Test Driven Development IMS was developed using Test Driven Development (TDD). In this method software is developed in a cycle, which involves: (1) writing tests before completed code (2) then writing code and then finally, (3) refactoring. TDD consists of a cycle that begins with the creation of a test that will fail; for example, instantiating an object whose class has not been written yet. Failure in this case validates that the test itself works. The next step is to write the minimum a) ‘amount of code necessary to pass the test. It is important to note that at no point should any extra code be added. Finally as the code base begins to grow refactoring occurs. Refactoring involves breaking out repeated functionality into specialized units of code. Refactoring provides two important benefits; it preserves low coupling and high cohesion and if done correctly, leads to self-documenting code. ‘The functionality of the tests cannot be overestimated in TDD since they are not simply tools in the actual development process. As more code is written the build can be tested with each new addition being immediately accepted or rejected. A second and perhaps even more important feature of testing first is that even if the code base were lost, the tests would provide a detailed blueprint by which to reproduce the code. Y @ x / 6-6 Figure 2: Diagram Showing the Cycle of TDD Software ‘A good practice to follow whether following TDD principles or otherwise is to refactor code. When the task of refactoring is made easier, the code base can become slimmer and more modular and most importantly keep up with the project. Issues of time can hold back refactoring ‘when the process is done manually. wi Benefits of using TDD The benefits of using TDD for both the customer and the developer of the software stand out with respect to the four following areas: code production, code quality, customer satisfaction and finally maintainability. Efficiency and productivity, especially with respect to the long term, ‘means less time wasted not only with fixing code but future support issues. If a software maker is concerned with deadlines, as I was, a code base that is devoid of surprising behaviours and dependencies is a must. TDD offers suggestions for working toward code that behaves the way it was intended. Writing tests themselves is an important exercise in thinking through requirement Because tests are written for the smallest units of the code base, at each step the developer has to have an understanding of what the client has asked for. Whether they are external standards or mere whims of the client, testing first requires developers to step into the shoes of QA. The net effect is that the customer receives a product closer to what they had in mind when the requirements were written. Using TDD for IMS Due to the benefits of TDD it is quite obvious why my team and I at Health Canada decided to use this method for building IMS. We needed a method that produced an application that was as robust as possible and easily maintained. There are a couple of reason why these specific qualities were given priority. Firstly, as my team was going to have a number of co-op students coming in and out, they wanted to build an application ‘that would be easy to understand and where all the code is properly documented. Secondly, due to the lack of funding that was available to my team it was essential that we build an application that did not keep running into issues. This was very important to my manager as there were going to be many more projects that were going to be based on IMS, so if IMS ran into issues it would mean that all other projects would run into issues as well. Lastly, my team and I were working with very strict deadlines so to have code that did not run into any issues at the rollout time was very important because if would have happened then it would have been hard to maintain those deadlines. ISSUES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Overview The Issues Management System was developed and maintained for different directorates of HPEB, It was used to store data about different issues and tasks for the different directorates. The development of IMS came about as the older system, Issues Tracking System (ITS), was becoming obsolete and HPFB decided to stop funding it. IMS had to be designed and developed ina fairly short amount of time. That is why they decided to hire a Junior Systems Analyst to help them develop IMS. The platform used to develop IMS, Drupal, was a newer and a more powerful platform too. IMS was a general concept web application through which then derivatives would be created specific to the different directorates such as Proprietary and Scientific Information Assessment (PSIA) and Clinical Trials, Adverse Drugs Reaction (CT- ADR). The specific application were very close to the original there were only minor changes due to the fact that different directorates required and stored different data. The development of IMS was done using a very defined structure to make the process more robust. The structure that was used was as such: gathering the necessary data, defining security requirements, selecting data management functions, selecting data presentation function and finally defining special function requirements. Figure 3: Implementation of IMS in Drupal Gather the Necessary Data Gathering data was one of most crucial steps in the development of IMS and as it is in the development of all applications. As a new member of the team one the first things that I needed ‘was the summary of the issue and exactly what would be required from me so I could compare that with the skills that I had and the ones that I needed to learn to be able to solve the problem at hand. The issue was that technology being used at Health Canada for storing data and issue information was out dated and inefficient. The next most obvious step was to now get a detailed description of the problem so it could be scrutinized and analyzed. To get a detailed description of the problem I had to sit down with each of the clients, such as PSIA and CT-ADR, and talk to them about what they wanted to get out of IMS and how they were going to use. Also converse with them about how using IMS would fit into their SOP's (standard operating procedures). PSIA was going to use IMS to store data about patient responses to the different drugs being approved by HPFB and IMS was going to be a very essential part of their SOP as they were also going to use it to notify their stake holders. For CT-ADR, IMS was not going to be a very big part of their SOP’s; they wanted an application that would increase the efficiency in how they store and retrieve their data, Even though both directorates had very different uses for IMS, our team decided to build it in a very generic way so it can be specialized to any of our clients’ requirements. All issues in IMS were tracked using an issue number and had each of the following: + Summary of the issue + Who identified the issue + The date on which the issue was identified + Which project the issue is related to + Who the issue is assigned to + A current status of the issue + Priority of the issue + Target resolution date + Actual resolution date All of these functionalities were required from all of the directorates, our clients, of HPFB. To make the derivative of IMS more specific to each directorate we added different functionalities, which are discussed later, and different data storage field to the base IMS. Defining Security Requirements [As the data that IMS was potentially going to be handling was very sensitive, defining the security requirements was essential to IMS’ build. The first logical step for this was to again sit down with the directorates, and sit down and discuss how sensitive is the information that each directorate planned on storing in IMS. My team discussed this extensively as different clients had different security requirements but we ended up deciding on keeping all information stored on IMS at Protected B level. This meant that information stored on IMS was considered sensitive and access to it required a legal permission. This obviously had some repercussions due to my security clearance there was a lot of information that I did not have access to. In that situation each member of our team was assigned a very specific task of the project. The front end of the project was assigned to me. The front end covers the user interface and how the interface interacts with the data being stored. We then went on to set very specific guidelines and permission for the usage of IMS. These were specialized depending on the client but the following were consistent throughout the base IMS: + Managers are never assigned to a specific issue + Only managers can define and maintain projects and people + Everyone can enter new issues + Once assigned, only the person assigned or a project lead can change data about the issue + Management needs views that summarize the data without access to specific issue details Selecting Data Management Functions ‘The data management functions took the most amount of time than any other step of the application production. This required a lot of back and forth with the clients, and great amount of problem solving and navigating the changes in the clients’ requirements. The more we spoke to different clients the more my team realized that a lot of functionalities for data managements were common to all clients as most of them were storing similar data and using it in pseudo- similar ways. As our goal was to make IMS maintainable and efficient, we decided to make these functionalities as part of the core of IMS. The following functionalities were included: + Creating issues + Assigning issues + Editing issues + Creating projects + Maintaining projects + Creating people + Maintaining people information + Editing people permissions (security access) + Maintaining project assignments Although we tried to keep IMS as efficient as possible, there were some discrepancies. CT-ADR did not require some of these functionalities, such as maintaining and creating projects, but we still decided to keep these functionalities in the final builds of their version of IMS because going back and updating the version would have pushed us to far beyond our deadline. Selecting Data Presentation Functions Data presentation functionalities were surprisingly the ones that were the most challenging out of all the steps of the build of IMS. The predecessor of IMS, issues tracking system, did not have any reporting capabilities and all our clients now required this functionality. My team did substantial amount of research and agile development to understand the requirements of our client and implement them in the most efficient way possible. We reached out to many Drupal developers and figured out that using Foreno Reporting module was our best option. It allowed the following functionalities: + Allissues to be sorted by project + Overdue issues to be separated from other issues + Show which issues were recently opened + Sort by unassigned issues + Display summary of issues for managers + Sort by resolved issues by month identified + Sort by issue resolution dates + Display days to resolve issues ‘ABarGraph with horizontal =| & bars, actually a : HorizontalBarGraph. It only a shows states with atotal nrof | tusers of atleast 12000 (instead | S| ‘of 10000) and the labels are | i swapped now. * Figure 4: Example of To get started, a vertical BarGraph (in 3D, so itis actually 8ar3DGraph) with like 20 different colors. Figure Examples of Graphs used for Reporting CONCLUSION To reflect on the past four months of summer during which I worked on the Business Informatics Team of HPFB at Health Canada, my first CO-OP term was a unique and noteworthy experience. I was able to learn an extensive amount of Health Canada’s role in the health of Canadians all around Canada. | explored and read about many different aspects of the department, its procedures and its regulations. This experience allowed my to hone my web application building skills, gain knowledge about test driven software development, and improve my work ethic in general. This work term also helped me develop my writing abilities, which ‘was one of the most important tools I refined during my work term, Overall, I would say this work term has taught me so much a professional level, as well as for a unique lifetime public sector experience, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS T would like to particularly thank the following people for an exciting and rewarding ‘experience in the last four months at Health Canada. Martin Bernard, for his warm welcome to Health Canada and the Business Informatics Team, his great help and supervision, which contributed to a fulfilling CO-OP experience. Eric Grandmaison, for his time and help everyday throughout the many projects and task assigned to me daily. And everyone else that I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with, who together have made my time at Health Canada an unforgettable work term. Also a special thanks to my friends who helped me proof read this ‘work term report. M4 BIBLIOGRAPHY Canada. Health Canada. About Health Canada: Branches and Agencies. 2014-11-18. Consulted 2015-08-13. < >. Canada, Health Canada. About Health Canada, 2014-02-27. Consulted 2015-08-13. < http:/ >. Canada, Health Canada. Employee Orientation Handbook for Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. 2012. Print. Canada. Health Canada. Employee Orientation Guide, Health Products and Food Branch. 2012. Print. Canada. Health Canada. Access to Therapeutic Products; the Regulatory Process in Canada. 2012. Print. Canada. Health Canada. Issue Analysis Summary: Options Analysis for NC/SNDS project/Post- NOC guidance. 2013. Print. Canada, Health Canada. Notice to Stakeholders Letter. 2015. Print. Figure 1:éerlz=1CSCHFA_enCASSOCASSO&espy=2&biw= 1122&bih=570&source=Inms&tbm=isché& sa=X&ved-ahUKEwiUyevL1YrKAhXJKB4KHWe HAKOQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=drupal-screenshot&imgre=XQsUgRT6Z7ET6M%3A, Figure 2: driven development&rlz=1CSCHFA_enCASSOCASSO&e spv=2&biw=1 1228 bih=570&site-webhp&tm=ischéesource=Inmsé&sa=X&ved-OahUKEwjh4e T8norK AhVMJh4KHbS9AECQ_AUIBygC#imgre=xSBxMRMMAS2k0M%3A, 1Q University of Ottawa’s Co-operative Education Program COOP WORK TERM REPORT: A SUMMER AT HEALTH PRODUCTS AND FOOD BRANCH Supervisor: Martin Bernard Turab Haider (7312516) ( DIO VERNON i TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. ABSTRACT... INTRODUCTION. Health Canada Health Products and Food Branch. Business Informatics Team.. Drupal... Projects CONCLUSION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BIBLIOGRAPHY ABSTRACT Health Canada plays a pivotal role in the daily lives of Canadians all over the country. For this very reason all the technology that it uses have to be up to date, efficient, and user friendly. All the applications that Health Canada, specifically Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB), uses go through rigorous testing to be able to keep up with the amount of data that is processed through them. During my four months as a part of the Business Informatics Team of HPEB, I was able to work on a variety of projects, which allowed me to learn so much about the role technology, specifically web applications, plays in Health Canada. It also helped me hone my skills of developing web applications, communicating with clients, and testing and maintaining already released projects INTRODUCTION Health Canada In today’s developed countries, the health and safety of the population is one of the highest priorities for its government. Canada has a number of different agencies, such as the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Patented Medicines Prices Review Board, and its largest player, Health Canada’. Health Canada is Canada’s federal department responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health, while respecting individual choices and circumstances”. The federal government also has a number of key roles and responsibilities in areas that affect health and neatygatS Daily, many Canadians rely on Health Canada to ensure that pharmaceutical products, vitamins, vaccines, and medical devices being used are safe and efficacious. In order to fulfill this goal, Health Canada is divided into a number of branches, each playing a pivotal role to ensure Canadians have access to the best healthcare system possible. The organizational chart found on the right illustrates Health Canada’s agency, bureau and many branches. * Canada, Health Canada, About Hea Iptpivonw eso. geca/ahe-aseranch-dirgen/index-eng phpiist Canada. Health Canada. About Health Canada. 2014-02-27. Consulted 2015-08-13. < bit asc/index-eng.php >. pe oer ) cio ceo Perens Sere) fa: Branches and Agencies. 2014-11-18. Consulted 2015-08-13. < Awww A Health Products and Food Branch One of Health Canada’s largest divisions is the Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB). Its mandate is to “take an integrated approach to managing the health-related risks and benefits of food and health products**. The broad scope of the mandate - which includes evaluation and monitoring the safety, quality and effectiveness of the drugs, vaccines, medical devices and other therapeutic products available to Canadians as well as the safety and quality of the foods - means that the work HPFB does touches the lives of every Canadian‘. Business Informatics Team Business Informatics Team (BIT) is a fairly small part of the Health Products and Food Branch but one of the most essential ones. BIT contributes to the issue management efficiency of HPFB and therefore directly contributes to the health of Canadians and the effectiveness of the health care system by assuring that the pharmaceuticals and medical devices entering the market, or clinical trials, are compliant with Canadian standards for safety, efficacy and quality. BIT developed and maintained an Issues Management System (IMS) for the different directorates of HPFD. IMS was used to-store data ent tasks by many of the directorates ‘of HPFD such as but not limitedto, PSIA, CT-ADR and ES-CVP) The development of IMS came about as the older system, Issues Tracking System (ITS), was becoming out dated and HPFD decided to stop funding it. IMS had to be designed and developed in fairly short amount of time fiat is why they decided to hire a Junior Systems Analyst to help them develop IMS. ‘The platform used to develop IMS, Drupal, was a new and a very powerful platform too. Drupal is used to create many web applicatioiand many of the United Stated government websites. * Canada, Health Canada. Employee Orientation Handbook for Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada 2012. Print. * Canada. Health Canada, Employee Orientation Guide, Health Products and Food Branch. 2012. Print. Drupal Drupal is a free and open source web application development platform written in PHP and managed by thousands of developers around the world. These are the prime reasons why Drupal was chosen to develop IMS because it was cost-free, open source and due to its large number of maintainers and support staff. It is used to develop the back end framework of a huge number of websites be it political, social or corporate websites. The release of Drupal that was used by BIT was Drupal Core, which contained basic features required in building an issues management application. Some of the features that were available were, but not limited to, account registration, menu management and theme customization. For the features that were not available, third party modules were used to provide the functionalities needed. Modules were used to change or extend the capabilities of the core release. Modules were great to use because experienced developers maintained a lot of them and it helped avoid making changes to the code making the code more user friendly, easy to read and maintainable. Sead & Welcome to localh Projects [All the projects that I worked on were related to IMS. The first half of my work term was spent developing IMS. Issues Management System was used to store and keep track of different tasks and issues that were assigned to different directorates. The first project that we implemented through IMS was PSIA-PRO. It helped the PSIA directorate manage, store, and keep track of the issues that were assigned to them, It was a really good first project because it was a big one and I got to see some real life challenges that can be faced when working in the professional world. One of the biggest issues that my team and I faced was that we did not restrict the testing time. It was very challenging because we would go to release PSIA-PRO but the client would come back with more changes; after that project we decided to structure our process and strictly adhere to our timelines. CT-ADR and ES-CVP were interesting projects too, as they had seen PSIA-PRO and had wanted something similar. We had structured our process of taking in projects and developing them so work on these two projects was very smooth. ae Be oe CONCLUSION To reflect on the past four months of summer during which I worked in the Business Informatics Team of Health Products and Food Branch at Health Canada, my first COOP work term was a unique and noteworthy experience. I was able to learn an extensive amount on Health Canada role in the health of Canadians all around the country. I explored and read about many different aspects of the department, its procedures and its regulations. This experience allowed me to hone my web application development skills, my communication skills, and improve my work ethic, Also helped me develop my writing abilities, which was one of the most important tools I refined during my work term. Overall, I would say this work term has taught me so much on a professional level, as well as for a unique lifetime government experience. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to particularly thank the following people, for an exciting and rewarding experience in the last four months at Health Canada, Martin Bernard, for his warm welcome to Health Canada, his great help and supervision, which contributed to a fulfilling COOP experience. Eric Grandmaison, for his time and help every day throughout the many projects and tasks assigned daily. And everyone else that I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with, who, together, have made my time at Health Canada an unforgettable work term. Also a special thank you to my friends who helped me proof read this work term report BIBLIOGRAPHY Canada. Health Canada. About Health Canada: Branches and Agencies. 2014-11-18. Consulted 2015-08- 13. < http://www.he-se, -asc/branch-di x-eng.phpilist >. Canada. Health Canada. About Health Canada, 2014-02-27. Consulted 2015-08-13. < hhttpy/www.he- >. Canada. Health Canada, Employee Orientation Handbook for Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. 2012. Print. Canada. Health Canada. Employee Orientation Guide, Health Products and Food Branch. 2012. Print. Canada. Health Canada. Notice to Stakeholders Letter. 2015. Print. Canada. Health Canada. Amendments to the Food and Drugs Act: Guide to New Authorities (power to require and disclose information, power to order a label change and power to order a recall). 2015-07- 31. Consulted 2015-08-19. < http:/ ato sreuses-amendments-modificatio 12>. Canada. Health Canada, Post-Notice of Compliance (NOC) Changes: Safety and Efficacy Document. 2009-10-19. Consulted 2015-08-17. .

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