Diet Coke Advert Treatment

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Diet Coke Advert

Content Page
Page 2.
Information of Client
Advert Link
Unique Selling Point
Page 3.
Target Audience
Discussion on why you have used the colours / graphics /
sounds / location
Page 4.
Illustrations of products / advert
Who your client / buyer is
Page 5.
Market analysis
Page 6.
Product analysis
Why we should buy your advert
Reference page

Information on Product

Product you will be selling: Diet Coke

Information of product/ client (what is the product - who makes it

- how large is the company etc.): Diet Coke is a sugar-free, low-calorie
soft drink that is produced and distributed by the Coca Cola Company. It
launched on July 8, 1982, and was first introduced in the US on August 9.
It is the first new brand since 1886 to use the Coca Cola trademark.
Advert Link:
Unique Selling Point: The USP for Diet Coke is that its Sugar free and
low calorie, so would appeal to people who are watching their diet and it
would therefore be more suitable for them to enjoy a sugar free drink
whilst watching their diet.
Budget: In 2006, Coca Cola spent $2.6 billion on adverts, however, this
number has been rising consistently. In 2013 they have been reported to
have spent $3.3 billion on advertising globally.
Spot Plan: I will be advertising my product on a Saturday night,

during the X-Factor Finals.

Because it is during the Finals, the cost for the advertisement will be
because the audience figures would be expected to be so much
higher so
therefore they can charge a premium rate for any adverts wanting
to advertise between X-Factor.
Last year (2012) it is thought to have made 14 million from ads
across the two day event.

Who is the target audience? The target audience for Diet Coke is
generally for people aged between 18 to 35. It is mainly aimed at women
because they like to think they're consuming something that's good for
them and will help them lose weight, etc. whereas men dont tend to buy
a low-calorie or diet drink, but that doesnt mean that men are excluded
from the advertising.
Issues: Despite the low-calorie and Diet in the Diet Coke, it can actually
cause a lot of health problems. A University of Minnesota study of almost
10,000 adults, found that as much as one Diet Soda a day was linked to a
higher risk of metabolic syndrome by 34%, along with a group of
symptoms including belly fat and high cholesterol that could put you at a
greater risk of getting heart disease.
Therefore, the complaint themes come in and the ones that could occur in
my advert could be sex, depiction of women and misleading.
Will look quite sexual when the girl is drinking the Diet Coke, will seem
more provocative.
This would also be a type of depiction of women because there is an
attractive girl drinking the Diet Coke.
It could be seen as misleading because it may seem like it is aimed at the
attractive people, when really, it is aimed at everyone in the desired age

Discussion on why you have used the colours / graphics / sounds /


Colours: I have chosen quite warm colours in this advert, and the
background of Paris shows this


Sound: I chose slow Jazz music to create a mood in the advert and
so it would mix in well with the background of Paris city lights and

the slow motion of the girl drinking the diet coke. The music makes
it more sensual.

Location: I used the studio with the green-screen so that I could use
the background of Paris, which would set the mood in the advert
along with the music.

Illustrations of products / advert:

Warm Colours

Studio with green-screen

Slow Jazz Music

Who your client / buyer is: Looking at these pictures I can see that the
demographic that Diet Coke would be aimed at would be mainly C1 and C2 (middle
class). The age range is between 15-25 and the gender is both.

Market analysis:

Segment: Its for all people seeking a soft drink for regular
occasions, parties, etc.
Target Group: All age groups, lower, middle and upper, however a
recent survey shows that mainly the ages from 15-25 and middle
class would be most likely to buy diet coke when watching their
SWOT Analysis:
Good branding and advertising
No sugar; good for health conscious people
Excellent distribution and availability
Aerated drinks not popular
Advertise more/ more brand recognition
Successful brand Coca Cola

Buy out competition


Product analysis: .): Diet Coke is a sugar-free, low-calorie soft drink that
is produced and distributed by the Coca Cola Company. It launched on July
8, 1982, and was first introduced in the US on August 9. It is the first new
brand since 1886 to use the Coca Cola trademark.
Why use a seductive advert: Using an attractive female (or male) in an
advert, and showing them in a seductive way to sell the product, excites
the areas of the brain that makes us buy on impulse, avoiding the sections
of the brain that control rational thought. Whereas adverts that use logical
persuasion such as simple and convincing facts, are less effective in
making us buy the product than adverts using non-rational influence, such
as feel-good and stimulating images.
Example: A good-looking woman standing with her legs apart to advertise
jeans was found to have a stronger influence on us than, for example, a
car ad containing miles-per-gallon data.
Why we should buy your advert: This advert is almost like a follow up to
the Diet Coke's Sexy 'Gardener' Ad, with the use of a female instead and
slow jazz music. The point of using a seductive, attractive female with Diet
Coke dripping down her neck would excite areas in the brain that makes
us buy on impulse, avoiding the sections of the brain that control rational a bigger hit then a documentary type advert, telling you facts
and figures on how and why Diet Coke is good and why you should get it.
Why use a seductive advert: Using an attractive female (or male) in an
advert, and showing them in a seductive way to sell the product, excites
the areas of the brain that makes us buy on impulse, avoiding the sections
of the brain that control rational thought. Whereas adverts that use logical
persuasion such as simple and convincing facts, are less effective in
making us buy the product than adverts using non-rational influence, such
as feel-good and stimulating images.
Sexy Gardener A:
Reference page:

My Advert:

Sexy Gardener A:


Analysis of product:

SWOT Graph:

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