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Historical Security Council

Deeply disturbed by the actions taken by Argentina in the Falkland Islands;

Condems the violation of the soveraighnity on the United Kingdom overseas territories, in this case
Flakland Islands;

Emphasizing the good will of the envolved nations to prevent a bigger conflict;

Fully believing that diplomatic ways are always the best ones to reach a solution for international

The Security Council;

1) Declares that a ceasefire between Argentina and United Kingdom will inmediately take place in
the Falkland Islands:

2) Demands that the military junta in Argentina surrender it’s position of invation in the Falkland
Islands, and return their units to Buenos Aires;

3) Emphasizes the need of creating a mandate that will be acomplished by the Kingdom of Spain, in
the means of;

a. Supervising the movement of the Argentine troops ;

b. Taking back to Argentina all the given up weapons remaining in the Falkland Islands;

c. Conduncting the argentinian soldiers through the South Atlantic to the argentinian territory;

4) Further proclaims the United Kingdom will ensure and would not take any inmediate or long term
actions against Argentina;

5) Accepts that if any of the countries violates the above mentioned terms the actions will be
declared as war situation. The Security Council will proceed with the Mayor State Council;

6) We remain seized on the matter.

Sponsors: United Kingdom, United States of America, People’s Republic of China, Republic of
France, Soviet Union, Argentina

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