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Learning Goals:

Students will be able to analyze how complex characters develop through text, interact with other
characters, advance the plot, or develop the theme.
Students can cite relevant textual evidence to support in-depth analysis and inferences drawn from the

Anthem: Chapter VIII

1. What is Equality experiencing for the first time in this chapter,
and what does he feel as a result?

2. Explain why Equality laughs when he remembers that he is the


3. What does the Uncharted Forest symbolize in Anthem?

Anthem: Chapter IX
1. On pages 82-83 Liberty contrasts Equality with his fellow men.
Paraphrase this passage.

2. Describe the life Equality and Liberty are living in the Uncharted
Forest. How does it differ from their former society?

3. In this chapter, Equality questions the morality of his former

society. Contrast what he was previously taught about solitude,
good, evil and joy with what he now believes.

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