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CBT # 05 ISM code

Todays ship operators must focus on safety for the ships crew and avoiding damage to the marine environment
and property. In order to standardize procedures and reports, SOLAS has developed a system known as the ISMcode. The Seagull CBT; ISM-code, has been developed in order to familiarize the ships officers with the code and
to provide up to date knowledge and understanding about the code.
This module is also one of five modules (# 1, 2, 5, 88, 123 and workbook) that are included in Seagulls Safety,
Health and Environment onboard training course. It is also available with Russian audio

Relevant legislations and references

SOLAS , ISM code
Recommended by NMD

Course topics
To demonstrate comprehension and understanding of the:
- ISM code
- ISM requirements
- ISM purpose
- ISM procedures
- ISM reports
- ISM reviews
- How and when to use work permits
- Assessment

Target group
All levels from Support to Management

English, Russian, Chinese Mandarin


Two hours

Seagull AS

Read more about our products:

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres
And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

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