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Jesse Jones
English 1
5th December
Iran Nuclear Agreement

When we hear about nuclear weapons we think of massive destruction,

like the bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Japan). What if I said there may
be another problem facing the world with nuclear weapons. Well there is an
ongoing argument between the Iranian people and other countries such as
Egypt, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and others. If the Iranian Leaders Produce
nuclear weapons will they bring peace to Middle Eastern countries?
In Iran the Iranian people take religion real serious. Most of the Iranian
people are Muslim. About 90 to 95% of Iranian people practice a religion
called Shia. Based on their religion there is always conflict between the Sunni
a Shia Muslims. These conflicts bought uproar of a terrorist group called Isis.
Now some countries think that because Isis sprung up in Iran that they
should not have nuclear weapons. But people who follow those 2 religions
feel like they are going against their religion. 82% of Shias and 83% of Sunnis
say that religion plays an important role in their lives.
The Iranian leaders say they will not negotiate with other countries if
they do not agree with them having nuclear weapons. Some countries such
as Egypt think that if Iran requires nuclear weapons then they will bring

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peace to the land. Some people in the community are calling other countries
that are against what they believe in the Great Satan. New York Times says
that the people say Our great Satan without sanctions is just not the same
anymore. So people are trying to say without balance in a society you cant
do anything about the corrupt people in the world. An Iranian citizen Mr.
Araui says that the leaders of Iran think that other countries are anti-religion
The Iran government does not see the problem with them having
nuclear weapons because 37 years after the revolution the Iranian
government already apologized to the countries they affected them affected.
The Iranian people thought the world has moved on from that incident and
wants Iran to better its self. So the problem is why cant the world accept
that Iran want nuclear weapons? Other countries feel like they would abuse
the production of nuclear weapons and think that in a last resort of war they
would use the nuclear weapons willingly and wont consider peace.
I think that the Iranian government should give the other nations there
opposition and then hear from other nations point of views and what is there
take on the situation. And then the other countries give their opposition and
let Iran discuss what they need to do or what they dont want to do in order
to make it work. If both sides can find an agreement that they are both
content with then the nuclear agreement would not be such a big deal. If the
Iranian government can make a peace treaty with other countries all

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problems will be resolved. I think if these terms are met then the Iranian
people can see a world of peace that they have always longed for.
So I believe that if all those things are possible then like the Iranian
people we can reach a world of peace. And we dont have to worry about a
war or letting nuclear weapons fall into the wrong hands I think that the
world would be better with communication with other countries as well. I
think that after this goal is reached then the world will be a better place. And
I think thats why the Iran government has not agreed to the terms of the
other countries on having nuclear weapons.
I chose this topic because as soon as I saw the word nuclear I felt like
there was an important situation going on in the world with nuclear weapons.
And I know that if nuclear weapons fall into the wrong hands then everyone
in the world will fear nuclear war. So I picked this topic to see how world
leaders and nations will come together to debate about having nuclear
weapons in Iran.

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Work Cited
Erdbrink, Thomas. Post Deal Iran Reappraising Great Satan SIRIS-PostDeal Iran Reappraising
Great Satan N.p., Sept,-Oct. 2015. Web. Dec.-Jan.2015.
Gladstone, Rick and Thomas Erdbrink. Tensions in Iran After Nuclear Deal
Grow in Hostility. The New York Times. The New York Times, 15 Nov.
2015. Web. 05 dec.2015.
Post-Deal Iran asks if U.S. Is Still Great Satan, or something less. New York
Times. Thomas Erdbrink, 17 sept.2015. Web. Dec.-Jan.2015
The Iran Deal Blocks the Four Pathways to Nuclear
Weapons.whitehousegov. N.p., n.d. Web. Dec.-Jan 2015
The Sunni-Shia Divide: where they live, what they believe and how they view
each other. Pew Research Center RSS. N.p., 18 June 2014. Web. 05

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