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We had to choase a song to create a music promo but due-to copy right we could not chose any old sang, To overcome the copy right Issues we used a website called ‘’. All artists and bands on this website are not signed by anyone who means We are able to use their songs freely without permission, Tf we wanted to use a signed artist we would have-to get permission first but this would have been too much aggravation, Which is why we chose ‘Not My Day’ who we found on, On there were links to the bands social networking site, ‘My Space’. From this site we manage to find out more information on the band such as other songs and thelr Sound Cloud account. We also came across the band on Facebook which we found contact details, We emailed the band to confirm that it was ok to use thelr song but unfortunately they di not contact us. f NOT MY DAY ‘It Matters’ Pap caer tai cach sgn com> 9:33 AM (0 minutes ago) tonotmydayoxtord = Dear, Mr A Cook, Mr B Cook, Mr D Cahill and Mr J Grain ‘We are A2 Media Students at Boume Academy in Lincolnshire, ‘Our tasks to create our om music video using an unsigned artist, we care aross you and love your usc ‘We are wing to inform you that we have chosen louse you ack It Mattes’ as our project and wanted io ask your permission 0 use that rack. By us using your song, wl provide a wider auience win ow age range therefor more people ‘willbe aware of yourband and ike it as much as we do. We are not only using this for educational purposes, we are sharing ‘this on various social media so a wider audience can enjoy your music. ‘May we request permission to use your trac ‘it Matters"? ‘We woud love you tobe in our music video and hope we get the chance to met you. Kind Regards, Lavra Hatfield SceneSereen Productions. Toerhibit our music promo we will use new media technologies because it is a marketing strategy that focuses on spreading information by using unconventional means such as the internet or social networks e.c. YouTube, Facebook. re CeCe) ofl) ae By using YouTube anyone from all over the world will be able to access the music promo for free, It is also free to upload onto YouTube and very quick to upload. From YouTube people can save, share and show other people the promo which wll help make it viral. From YouTube the promo can be shared directly to soclal media such as Twitter and Facebook. From these sites the promo can be sent viral even quicker because more and more people will see this and share It. Youy ita Our product can also be purchased on ITunes with an online digipak and this will attract many customers because this means they will not need to go to the store to purchase their copy and will automatically have the song on their multimedia device, The digipak can be accessed through portable devices which can be used as wallpapers etc, 4 Available on = mates || G We could also se guerrilla marketing because this method of advertising is unconventional, focusing on grasping attention, We could catch the attention of people in publi places and make It memorable If this method of advertisement is done correctly then people will take photos of the campaign and this will go viral on social Medias. The digipak for Not My Day will be exhibited at stores like; HMIV, and supermarkets, This is because our customers will be able to access these stores easily. By distributing to those stores all over the country, a wide range of people will be able to view and purchase the product. But delivering our digipak’s to stores will be very costly, therefore we will create our own website where customers can order thelr copy and we can send It directly to them. This willbe cheaper for us as a business and will also be easier for the customers, F i i a Cow The magazine advert will be published in an indie rock magazine so we attract our target audlence, The magazine we have chosen is NME and this is because this magazine is a popular brand which means many people will read our magazine, The ‘more people who Know about our promo the better and by choosing a magazine that is popular will increase the awareness of the band. NOT MY DAY IT MATTERS Tn order to explore other music promos for ideas, we used YouTube because this particular site is free to use and also very easy to use. YouTube can be accessed from anywhere as long as you have intemet connection. Inspiration for our promotional material was Oasis's poster because we felt this was effective and matched the genre of the band. <= The band is Oasis and thelr poster Is a very good example of the alternative ganre as It features the whole band in what looks like someone's living room. They are all wearing alternative clothing and are all posing for the camera, some in abstract positions and some in normal positions, For example a band member is lying on the wooden floor when there is a sofa to sit cn; this implies that he may be drunk due to a glass of wine besides him. The typography is bold and white with a black background which makes It stand out clearly It is stating the date that the band releases thelr DVD on, This poster is where I got my inspiration from to have more than one person on the album cover Although Oasis has included all of the band members, we decided to only include the lead singer but make it different by having three of the same person In the same place. I feel this effect of the artist Is extremely effective and also looks very professional. That is why I was influenced by Oasis’ poster/advert and chose to adapt thelr idea, But due to feedback we recelved from our audience wwe changed our poster to satisfy our audience's needs, Our final product for the magazine advert is shown above with the lead singer holding the mask featured in the is ON DVD 06.09.04 ae mae es a aed “Polis Skills I developed throughout this production are camera work. We used the DSLA camera to capture the perfect picture quality. Wealso used the IPhone Ss because this phone is portable and efficient. Also this particular phone is still of good quality and can be filmed in 1080p. The video shooting skills T learnt from this production are the rule of thirds and this is where you divide the frame into a grid and examine which elements in the photo are most important. Also I learnt about composition and this is where everything is placed in the shot. This would include where the actors, props and setting would be placed. Ihave learnt various camera angles and framings throughout the production, such as; close-ups, high angle shots, mid shots and tracking shots, These shots occur ‘throughout our promo and we had to ensure we were capable of achieving these shots to perfection. Shot Angles Eye-level ‘Worms eye Canied Bird's eye From this production I have learnt various editing skills by using Photoshop. From photo shop I have learnt how to use a drop shadow on images and also how to link the layers to create a final product. The composition of the images and terts were Important because this was where the elements were on the design, I also learnt new skills on Movie such as cutting to the beat. T learnt how to make our promo in sync with the song that is overplaying the video. I learnt how to perfect jump cuts and make ‘tem look professionally done, Also fast paced editing ws important throughout our promo so I had to ensure this was of a high quality, We did not use Premiere Elements to edit our promo but we did experiment on this technology to have a basic. understanding, Thanks for watching Y.

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