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Biology Interactive Notebook (BIN)

Objective: Throughout this course, you will create a notebook that will
contain all essential knowledge and evidence of understanding of key
biological terms and concepts. This notebook can be used for course exams as
well as to review concepts before taking the ACT or while expanding
knowledge in AP Biology or other courses.
1. All coursework (class work, labs, homework) will be completed in or
attached to a page of your notebook, which will be known as your BIN.
2. Bring your BIN to class every single day and take it home every night to
complete your homework.
3. Do not share your BIN.
4. Do not touch anyone elses BIN.
5. You will keep an As You Go Table of Contents at the front of your
6. You will number each page of your BIN consecutively.
7. If you run out of pages, you will attach a second or even third
composition notebook/spiral notebook to your first one using duct tape.
8. You will use different highlight colors throughout the semester to
represent levels of understanding.
9. You will tape a tab/label to the beginning of each unit.
Decorating your BIN: You are required to decorate the front cover of your

EACH unit, your BIN will be turned in for a grade.

10 points for up to date Table of Contents
10 points for using highlighting colors appropriately
80 points for class work and homework completion

Ms. Bass: Biology

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