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"THE STORY BEHIND THE U.S. FEDERAL JUDGES, JAMES J. BRADY AND DOOLEY" Including, the U.S. attorney, Donald J. Cazayoux, Jr Hidden racism and blind justice in the United States Federal District Court, located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana., in a Law- suit filed by me, Roosevelt Williams, Jr. Where the (2) white judges and the white U.S. Attorney dismissed my lawsuit. I was told by all whites security guards at the Federal Courthouse not to come back to the federal courthouse unless I call the courthouse and get permission. I thought that the U.S. Federal District Courthouse is a public building for business. My rights was violated by these federal security guards and I didn't think that I needed per- mission to enter the U.S. Federal Courthouse Since I ama black individual, the (2) white federal judges, James J. Brady and judge, Dooley should step down from duty, including the U.S. Attorney, Donald J. Cazayoux Jr who didn't wanted this case to go to court and trail be~ cause they knew that I would have win, But it ain't over until GOD have the last words. I believe that the U.S. Attorney, Donald J. Cazayoux, Jr has been move to another position in the federal system. When they F-up in one position the system move them somewhere else in the system to F-up. judges violated my rights intentionally. whe Emancipation of freedom did nothing to advance me the opportunities to succeed in the white mainstream society. T was portrayed by Jim Crow and the white supremacists judges and the U.S. Attorney, Donald J. Cazayoux, Jr and defendants. Its amazing how many times I came close to losing my life. I remember it very well because these incidents has not ended and ain't a day go by I don't think about it and cry. The federal judges, the U.S. Attorney and defendants has ruin and destroy my life. These cowards and criminals and fed- eral judges has no intention to grant me justice and victory by going beyond the illegal law and the injustice system for me is yet to come. Its a federal court system rules by cowards and criminals, and corruptions that intimidation in the juris- diction system. I had to write the following motions and address it to the U.S. Attorney, Donald J. Cazayoux, Jr., because the fed= eral Court security guards “told me to stay away from the federal courthouse. In 5 years the suit has not been settled and no hearing or trial date as of yet. No investigation was performed on the plaintiff behalf against defendant's because the defen- dants urged the federal judges to denied and dismiss the suit and the federal judges did what was requested by the defendants., stating that the suit has no merit. Lacking of power, illegal matters, favoritism, a or- ganizations powerful and greatly with privleges liked the U.S. Government; FBI; U.S. Air Traffic Controllers at the Federal Aviation Administration; U.S. Department of Jus= tice; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs., wrongdoer and the U.S. Federal Judges ignored the evidence made against the defendant's by me and to have a legally qualified jury to give a verdict according to the timing of the suit filed and the evidence. The United States District Court Federal Judges., used inappropriate power and illegal terms to derail and dismissed my lawsuit, trying to contain me. It takes courage and greater power then the court sys- tem posses and threats to live without errors or fault: If we have forgiveness in our hearts, the laws to correct our mistakes and remain open to second chances to life. The Federal Court have fell short of the ideal of justice and equal rights in the United States District Court Federal among the federal judges who decided over my case. Following the law with common sense, compassion, intelli- gent, understanding and ideas you can bring to the table begin to appreciate a wonderful court system that work legally. The United States District Court., should look back to see where they made mistakes and order these deadly incidents to stop. 3. Defendant, A. The United States Department of veterans Affairs 810 Vermont. Avenue NW Washington, DC 20420 800-827-1000 B. The United States Federal aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue SW Washington, Dc 20591 1-866-835~5322 C. The United States Federal Bureau Investigation J. Bdgar Hoover Building 935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20535-0001 D. The United States Department of Justice & Pederal Government 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 4. Statement of claim (State as briefly as possible the facts of your case. Describle how each Defendant is involved. Include also the names of other persons involved, dates, and places. Be as specific as possi- ble. Exhibit A: The United States Department of Veterans Affairs; Exhibit. B: The United States Federal Aviation Administration; Exhibit C: The United States Federal Bureau Investigation; Exhibit D: The United States Department of Justice & Federal Government. enic: king The United States federal government have place a (Vehicle Tract systen) allowing then to instantiy track the ynereabouts of my vohicte throughout the Web-based user interface. It gives access to my vehicle speed and location of the device using the internet. This is the rea why they can determined where T am and to be able to trail me wherever I goes and the private investigators shows up. They invading my privacy. Case 3:10-cv-00434-JJB-DLD Document 1 07/01/10 Page 3 of 4 (it more than one defendant, provide the same information for each defendant below) United States Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, Si Washington, DC 20591 1-866-835-5322 United :States Federal Bureau’ Investigation gd. Edgar Hoover Building 935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. — Sat (es ) Washington, DG 20535-0001 for Another Defendant (See Attach Sheet, 4. BARRA SPeisiar Estates brlety as posse the facts of pour caver Deveribe how each defendant is involved, Include also the names of other persous involved, dates, and places, Be as specific as possible. You may use additional paper if necessary EXHIBIT A. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (See Attach Sheet.) EXHIBIT B. U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (See Attach Sheet) EXHIBIT C. U.S. Federal Bureau Investigation (See Attach Sheet) EXHIBIT D. U.S. Department of Justice & Federal Government. (See Atkach Sheet) 5. _ , Prayers for Relief (list what you want the Court to do): b. °. : (See Attach Sheet) oe (See Attach Sheet) = I (we) hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the above petition is true to the best of my (our) information, knowledge, and belief. sign is =F aor Slay lO Reonouelt 1d iennoy TR (signature of plaintiff (s)) Case 3:10-cv-00434-JJB-DLD Document 1 07/01/10 Page 2 of 4 CORY. ORRIN FILED sO MO/LA UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT qj QcT 12 AKIO! MIDDLE DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA SIGH ROOSEVELT WILLIAMS, JR- crvit action “Sy pEpOIGCERK VERSUS NUMBER: 10-00434-J3B-DLD UNITED STATES FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, ET AL MOTION TO STOP THE HARASS— MENT AND BULLYING MADE AGAINST ME_AND MY RESIDENT 1 am very disturbed that the UNITED STATES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT; Phe UNITED STATES FEDERAL BUREAU INVESTIGATION SERVICES; the UNITED STATES AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS at the FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION? the UNITED STATES JUSTICE GEPARTMENT and the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS., won't take no for an answer and stop the buiiying ané haracsment. Its not about private investigation vork anymore, Its an ali out war made against me and my resident, and it is very ugly and nob by the books or Laws anymore. The latest attack made against me and my resident on September 28, 2010 at 2110 PM by the abuser. I was sitting out eafing at (Wienerschnit wel) on the Highland Read in South Baton Rouge., when T notice a white Airplane circling me overhead 3 times where I was eating.and interrupt = table under the umbrelia where I got up and Left my food outside on the was eating and rush to my resident in my Chrysier thati the United States pope te ee rererene Have yiacewan(Scacking mevice) ont le [eo 22a 27 they can determined my whereabouts at all times which ts iliegal- When T arrive at my resident the same white airplane circling over my resident 4 times and went North toward Ryan Metropolitan Airport. Sce such as this I have reported in the past to higher authority but no one . ten or cares about the harassment, bullying and my safety until somethinc very seriously happened. I have constantly reported it over and over aga’ and the United States Government are fully aware of the harassment, bully ing, the importance of 18, magnitude of the situation, capable of being fearful, anxious, rude, brutal and cruelty niade against me and my resider For seven long years the United States Federal Aviation Adminisbrati have been trying to isolate me so I could be alone and they continue hara: and bullying me until I do something wrong because they won*t stop the ha assment and buliying. On Thursday, October 7, 2010 at 8:35 AM I call and talk to a federal agency aviation employee, Antionette Williams, Located in arlington, Virginia., and told her my situation and what going on and she told me that she couldnt help me. After I talk to her I catied the United states Federal Aviation Hotline at 8:40 AM and reported it to an (answer machine) at the Federal Aviation Office and ieft my name, address and telephone number on it. But no one ever return my call back. T am pleading with the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA., to order and not take for granted these harassment and uliydng made against me and my resident to stop immediately. Since 2004 all flights were in violation of the regulations of CAA and below than ne- cessary for a complete failure if they had engine failure and would have no choice but ¥o crash and plow into my resident and fre- quentiy be awakened and unable to sleep and afraid of the noise of the Helicopters and the white airplane harassing and buity{ng me alone with } united States Federal Bureau Investigation Services. Sometime the alrpla: turn the engine off and glide over my resident and then start the engine yack up again. The helicopters and the airplane needed to insure safety and safe altitudes above 500 feet and no less, not 40 feet or below where the top of the trees are blowing. They are constantly breaking the law tc maintained its unsafe condition. No one has come forward and said enough is enough. Ali these organi- zations in the united states of America., supposed to protect Human Right is not taking a stand against the abuse of power made against me and my r sident by the United States Federal Government and the other Federal Orga zations. I pray that one day I could have my day in Court. Since October 12, 2004 these harassment and buliying made against me and my resident been going on for seven years and no end insight to stop ib. They need to be order to stop. I am being harass and bullying by peop in power., just because IT honor and used the (1st and 14 Amendment Rights in a letter 1 written on October 12, 2004 seven years ago. This is one of bhe reason why they keep on harassing and buitying me for seven long year and counting because they see thab I won't isolate myself. what the Valter states government are pushing me to do. That's the reson why I went onlin to (Twitter, Facebook and Myspace) and even counseling by Jack, so T couldnt hold all of these Life-treaten, harassment and bultying inci- dents inside of me. They still won't stop the harassment and bullying. If the abuser can keep their victim isolated you have a problem because bullies {soiates their victims and that what the government are trying to do bo me because I won't give in to them. this 1s a MOTION asking the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DIS- TRICT OF LOUISIANA., to order the harassment and builying to stop. Howeve: whey are playing a dangerous and unsafe game wifh my life. I dectare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge of what T am seeing and going whrough. Wherefore, I have set forth in the City of Baton Rouge, Louisiane this, ! day of October, 2010. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Cevoowelt lWLbanve Wovens Sa Roosevelt Williams, Jr. Baton Rouge, Louisiana oRIGt USD? Fi QOH APR AT AH 9: 1% OP) AL. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA {16K BY DEPUTY CLERK ROOSEVELT WILLIAMS, JR CIVIL ACTION NO: 10-434-JIB-DLD VERSUS UNITED STATES FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, et al REQUEST CLERK ENTERING MOTION OF PLAINTIFF TO DEFENDANT'S ANSWER MO- TION TO DISMISS Accordingly to Defendant's Motions To Dismiss Plaintiff Com- plaint filed under Rule 12(b)(1), Federal Rules of Civil Proce- dure to challenge the subject matter jurisdiction. on guly 1, 2010 1 filed a Summons and Complaint in The UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. , against defendant's, the UNITED STATES FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINI- STRATION; the UNITED STATES FEDERAL BUREAU INVESTIGATION; the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE & FEDERAL GOVERNMENT; and the UNITED STATES- DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS., including a part of the complaint stating EXHIBIT A: UNITED STATES DE- PARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (See Attach Sheet); EXHIBIT B: UNITED STATES FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (See Attach Sheet); EXHIBIT C: UNITED STATES FEDERAL BUREAU INVESTIGATION (See Attach Sheet); and EXHIBIT D: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE & FED- ERAL GOVERNMENT (See Attach Sheets). Their shouldn't be a problem understanding the Summon and Complaint that I filed correctly in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA., on July 1, 2010. Those EXHI- BITS including in the Complaints plays an important role of my lawsuit against all defendant's. The complaint consist of 4 pages including quantity amount of evidence that the defendant's try- ing very hard to denied and dismiss by filing a "Motion To Dis- miss Rule 12(b)(1), Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure." All defendant's violations. The UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS as following: A, Inadequate Services Render B. Emotional Distress; C. I was injuried on April 26, 2007, negligent; D. Wrongful Acts; E. Violation of privacy; F. Failure and misuse of power and leadership; G. Mistaken placing me into a Mental Health Facility Psychiatric Ward intentionally and I suffering severely; H. I was unfairly targeted and mistaken identity; I. Violated the vA rules and patient rights; J. Made mistake by not getting a (second Opinion); K. Mistake in judgment; L. Misleading information; M. The death of my guard dog (BO); N. Wrongful diagnosis and mistake; 0. Cause humiliated and axiety; and inflicting punishment on me. The UNITED STATES FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION AND FED- ERAL Organization as following: A. Violation rights to privacy; B, Infliction punishing, excruciating and extreme pain; C. Unfairly targeted and failure of leadershi D. Bullying and constantly harassment; E. Life-threaten incidents with force to kill or to cause bodily harm, physical, mentally bodily illness intentionally; F. Anuish, torture, anxiety and revenge force against me to retaliate and repay evil with rage of extreme violent anger with intensity; G. Misuse of the UNITED STATES AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS at the FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION; The UNITED STATES FEDERAL BUREAU INVESTIGATION SERVICES: A. Approximately over 100 harassment and bullying incidents; B, Bullying and harassments; ©. Life-threaten incidents that could have resulted in death with force to kill; D. Violation rights to privacy; E, Failure and misuse of power and leadership; F. Intentionally to cause bodily harm with extreme force; G. Mental abuse made against me with anger to cause rage and evil to make me be a violent person; H. Causing me to constantly looking over my shoulders and fearing for my life; I. For the break-up with my wife and force to divorce her because of the constantly harassment and bullying of my resident with force; J. Revenge made against me and my resident to retalite for a letter I wrote to the United States White House, the United States Department Of Justice & Federal Government and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs dated october 12, 2004 con- cerning (NHRA) National Hot Rod Association; and The UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE & FEDERAL GOVERNMENT: A. For ordering these attacks made against me and my resident that could have a failure outcome; B. Unfairly targeted me and my resident; c. Bullying and harassing me and my resident; D. Violation my rights to privacy; E. Humiliation; F. Extreme violent, anger with revenge intensity on purpose; and As a result of all defendant's I have suffered daily terror of the threats of death, as well as assult with a deadly weapon from the Helicopters threats, six } years of agony and pain and suffering, excessive force used against me and my resident to make me commit a crime, CONCLUSTON It is respectfully submitted that, on the base of the com- plaint of the foregoing of all EXHIBITS (A,B,C, and D), the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA., should dismiss defendant's Answer Motion To Dismiss the lawsuit made against the Defendant's. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Wwe Hooowelt, Wana Se Roosevelt Williams, Jr. Ale: Baton Rouge, Louisiana CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that the Motion of Plaintiff to all Defen- dant's Answer Motion To Dismiss of the foregoing" ave been filed and served by first class mail, postage prepaid and.properly ad- dressed, on this ]{ day of april, 2011, to the following: UNITED STATES ATTORNEY DONALD J. CAZAYOUX, JR. Donald J. Cazayoux, Jr 777 Florida Street, Suite 208 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70801

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