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Tull 1

Kaitlyn Tull
Writing 1010
Genetically Modified
Leighman Blake carefully observed the purple haired girl sitting before him. He
scrutinized every detail of her face, from her dark brown eyes with flecks of gold in them, to her
black coated lips curled up into a sneer. Take a picture it will last longer! she snapped.
Leighman sighed deeply. Suzy, I agreed not to press charges if you would just listen to what I
have to say. Suzy started to say something but was silenced by Leighmans raised hand. You
broke into my lab and destroyed months of research. He finished sternly.
Suzy narrowed her eyes and clenched her fists in her lap. I was standing up for a just
cause she growled. One of your genetically modified foods almost killed an unborn infant; not
to mention the mother was hospitalized with a severe allergic reaction.
We have been over this Suzy Leighman said pinching the bridge of his nose.
Ms. Kale has had problems with cauliflower since she was a child. It was an ordinary
allergic reaction that has absolutely nothing to do with genetically modified organisms.
In vitro evidence suggests otherwise! screamed Suzy as she stood up and slammed her
fists down on the table.
Leighman noticed little blue skulls on her white nails. Crossing his arms he calmly
assessed the situation. Alright then Suzy he smirked. What evidence suggests that Ms. Kales
fetus would have been harmed?

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As expected Suzy fell quiet and sat back down. Her hands slowly returned to her lap, but
not before shooting Leighman the bird. Ignoring the childish gesture, Leighman leaned over and
grabbed a thick grey binder off the floor. He dropped it on the table with a loud bang. I am
going to explain to you why GM plants arent evil; and hopefully- God permitting- you can ease
up on harassing my industry.
Yeah right. Suzy scoffed.
Leighman leaned back in his chair and glared at Suzy. Enlighten me Suzanne, She gave
him a dirty look for using her real name. Just what do you know, or at least think you know
about GMOS?
I know they are a potential threat to the environment and human health. She smirked
and continued. The nutrition in the plant life is theoretically decreased.
And how is that? Asked Leighman with genuine interest.
You and your people she spat out the word with venom. Insert unnatural compounds
into the plant life that can potentially be indigestible for humans. So how do you expect people to
be able to eat this crap?
Leighman opened up the binder and pulled out a 4x6 picture printed on card stock. He
placed it on the table, and slid it over to Suzy. What do you see in this picture Suzy? He asked.
Suzy furrowed her brow as she studied the photograph. I see a small garden planted with what
looks like tomato plants- dead tomato plants.
They are actually tomatillo plants.
Whatever. She scoffed.
What about the background?

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I see little huts with clay walls painted different colors. By the look of the environment
Id say this was taken somewhere in Africa. Smiling a little, she looked up. Leighman caught
the gleam in the young girls eye. I mean unless this was taken during a non-growing season
and youre just messing with me. Her smile turned into a scowl.
Suzy, this was taken in South Africa in an area inhabited by the Ndebele people. At the
time their crop of tomatillo plants werent growing very well. Leighman said.
He pulled out another picture, similar to the last one, only the crops are alive and
flourishing. Bio-Tech Research Industries has a field division out in South Africa for the
purpose of observing the tribes food supply and helping ends meet. Leighton jabbed a finger at
the recent picture. This is after our team came in and planted genetically modified spaghetti
squash crops. As you can see, the crops flourished- we altered the chemistry of the squash so
they could survive in the harsh climate of South Africa. We also upped the quantity of how much
each plant could produce so there would be more than enough of the crop to go around.
Leighman smiled, proud of his accomplishment.
So what youre saying, Suzy said coldly. Is that you introduced a species of plant
uncommon to the area spaghetti squash. Leightons smile fell.
And you also introduced new chemicals into the tribes diet. Suzy narrowed her eyes.
What happens if one of them has a reaction?
Leighman slumped in his chair, defeated. The compounds used in GM plants are scientifically
designed so as not to cause a harmful reaction to the consumer. If one of the members of the tribe
happens to have a reaction to the plant it is caused by the vegetable itself and not the
Then why did Ms. Kale sue your company Mr. Blake?

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Ms. Kale sued us because she claimed one of the compounds we used made her have an
allergic reaction to a floret of cauliflower. Leighman said, right eye ticking.
What compound was that? asked Suzy.
Leighman flexed his hands. Phytate, a compound used to bind minerals to plants and makes
them available for human consumption. But like I have told you already, Ms. Kale is allergic to
cauliflower in general; the fact it was a genetically modified vegetable has no real merit. It was
just a stupid coincidence.
Good thing I dont believe in coincidences then. replied Suzy curtly.
Leighman abruptly stood up and grabbed the photographs off the table. Im trying Suzy, Im
giving you a chance to listen to what I have to say; but Im not trying to force my opinion on
you. He snapped, heading towards the door.
Wait. Suzy called out, standing up.
Leighman turned around and leaned against the door. What? He said. Going to give me more
Suzy recalled how his forest green eyes lit up when he talked about his work. Im really sorry I
trashed your lab. I I wasnt thinking straight. And thanks for telling me about GM plants I
guess their helpful after all. He stared at her. But dont get me wrong I still strongly believe the
world would be better off without them. She smirked.
Leighman smirked back at her. See you next week Suzy.

Tull 5

Burgess, Shane. GMO food is safe, labeled or not. 14 March. 2014.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO): Harmful Effects of the Agent (Author

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