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124 No. 24 THOSE WERE THE GOOD OLD DAYS! Cue: APPLEGATE: You discourage me. Allegro d= 120 amp (times) Arruroare: ©) When - ev- er In Strgs. 2 i PP) Piano fromtime to time de- pressed. g simile trau- ma wells and swells with-in my boca lagete:t breast. cigar ta arieatae (acta Mem ¥ ~ Fe mere dker @) 125 (4D 2) find some pride deep in- side cls. # Very slowly fond ly walk the lane of mem-o e Moderate four 4-92 — wo Bon- a - parie-@ meanone if ev. ér ve sten one, And Ne- ro fid-diin’ thru that fF F a love- ly blaze; nette dain-ty queen, with her quaint guil-lo-tine, Hayha,ha, WM, . eo 7 aL, = ® ha, Those were the good old days! I see In-di-ans— drag- gi -_—_——— ci er 126 emp-fy covered wag-on When scalp-ing the set-tierafas the lat - est craze, Audit ee 7 F ri- ous morn, Jack the Ripper was born, Ha,ha, ha, “ha, Thosewerethegoodold es! oon nee a ihe ‘ Rocking rhythm = on my rock-ing chair So peace- ful- lyrock-ing there, — Count - ingmybless-ing by the The rack — was in fash-ion, fern Tempo 12 plagues weremypas-sion, Eachday held anew joy in store Wasanybody happy” I see can-ni-bals munch in! a a cata Ei F + mis-sion- a - ry lunch-eon, The years may have flown But the mem - ‘ry stays Like the wy, ad u — hopes that were dashed Whenthe stock mar- ket crashed. Ha, ha, ha, _"ha,Thosevere the good old 3 = 7 Heavy: push days!_— Td walk a mil-lion miles or more For some of the gore Of those good PAG na vvvvy : No. 25 : THOSE WERE THE geen, OLD DAYS! (Encore) APPLEGATE. Beit Tone Yt WAS ab-so-lite - Ty KiT-ting, “hen den-tsts first were dr -ling, And the Piano)" 2 Fb oF ae 2 2a

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