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Christian High School

Course Syllabus Religion 11
Spring 2016

Miss Amy Stickler





God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone,

but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars.
Martin Luther

The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to a variety of religious
traditions, with emphasis on their origins, foundational beliefs, and practices. Topics
include: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
At the end of this course students will be able to explain the core beliefs and practices
of major Eastern and Western religions. Students will be able to identify similarities and
differences between religious traditions. Students will be able to clearly articulate their
own religious/spiritual beliefs.

Each day for class, you will need Huston Smiths The Worlds Religions, a journal and/or
notebook, a pen or pencil, and a charged computer.

Assignments for this course will include regular reading assignments (expect about 10
pages per night), research papers (3-5 pages each), group and individual presentations,
and exams.
Evaluation and grading will be based on class participation, exams, individual and group
presentations, and writing assignments. Please note that this course is an academic
exploration of religious traditions. Although we may feel spiritually challenged and
stretched through the process, the students spiritual development and religious
convictions are never a factor in the grading process.

Check the course website,, on a regular basis for updated
information, helpful resources, and a few fun surprises.


University Christian High School

Course Syllabus Religion 11
Spring 2016
You have the right to expect

Quality teaching and relevant assignments

Clear instructions and guidelines
Timely grading of assignments and exams, with useful feedback
An instructor who is able and willing to be involved in your education
A manageable amount of classwork and homework
Respect from your teacher and your classmates
A safe environment in which to ask questions and explore new ideas

If those expectations are not being met, you have the responsibility to

Go directly to the source, and discuss your concerns and questions with me
Be a participant in finding a resolution

I expect that you will

Attend class regularly and arrive on time

Come to class prepared for the days activities
Engage fully in class activities and discussions
Produce original, quality work
Give your best effort in all activities in class and at home
Respect your peers
Respect your instructor
Respect other religions and cultures
Consider all viewpoints
Examine your convictions
Act with humility
Have some fun!

University Christian High School

Course Syllabus Religion 11
Spring 2016
Research Projects (4-6 pages each)
There are due dates for two research projects listed in this syllabus. There are two
components to each project:
Research Paper. Each paper will be 4-6 full pages in length. The length requirement
does not include the works cited page. Papers are to be well-researched and
documented. Use your textbook, visit the library, find high-quality websites. Wikipedia is
never an acceptable source. See the course website for more information and resources
for writing papers.
Presentation. You will present your research in a 5-10 minute oral presentation. You
may use any visual aids that you like to present your topic.

Group Presentation
You will do one small group presentation. Your group will be responsible for giving a
thorough presentation of another religion, or group of religions. Be sure to include
information about its origins, beliefs, practices, and influence in the world. All group
members must be actively involved. Presentations should take 15-20 minutes.

There will be four exams throughout the semester Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and
Judaism. Exams will have a variety of subjective sections (true/false, multiple choice)
and objective sections (short answer). There will also be a final exam, which will be
cumulative in nature.

A brief note about deadlines
All assignments have a due date. It is your choice whether you submit assignments on
time or not. For each calendar day (including weekends and holidays) that you choose to
not submit your work, your maximum possible grade will decrease by five percent.
On time = max 100%
1 day late = max 95%

2 days late = max 90%

3 days late = max 85%

4 days late = max 80%

5 days late = max 75%

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