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Q-Comp Interview Questions 15-16


1. How has the Q-Comp coaching and PLC experience influenced your desire to be
a Q-Comp Coach?

2. This position does not have clerical support yet requires significant organization
and self-management. How do you
balance your workload
, and
stay organized

3. Using the Danielson components of planning, environment, and instruction, how

would you coach a staff member in the elements of those areas? (purpose is
showing understanding of the Danielson rubric)

As an educator, what would be your areas of strength? What would be your areas of
4. As indicated, this job requires coaching teachers and staff with unique positions
from all levels and disciplines. Please describe any experiences you have
supporting the professional growth of other adults.

5. When you are working with a student who appears to be disengaged, what might
be some strategies you would use to ensure the student is engaged?

6. How might you support this teacher in their determined area of growth beyond
the post conference?

7. Based on your experience within your PLC and in your potential role as a peer
coach how might you support PLCs through their yearly goal achievement?

8. When you arrived, you were given two scenarios to review. Choose one of the
scenarios and describe how you would coach the staff member in this situation.

9. What questions might you have for us?

Score: (1:
low- 5: high)

Coaching Scenarios
Please review the coaching scenarios below. Choose one of the scenarios and be prepared to respond to it
during your interview.

1. A staff member, who you are assigned to, is not seeing the value of the Q-Comp process. This person is
jumping through the hoops. How would you engage this staff member who is reluctant to engage in
the Q-comp process?
2. You just completed an observation. The data collected obviously shows that the teacher is performing
at basic level in some components of the domain. How will you handle this situation?
3. A teacher is not ready to reflect based on circumstances outside of the teachers control. How do you
work with this teacher?

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