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Proverbs A

Proverbs B

A bad excuse is better than none Ask me no questions...

Bad news travels fast A burnt child dreads the fire.
A cat has nine lives Constant occupation prevents
Proverbs C
Dead men tell no lies A dry March, a wet April and a cool
Proverbs D
May ...
Early to bed and early to rise ... Experience is the father of
Proverbs E
Facts speak louder than words. Friendship is love with
Proverbs F
Gardens are not made by ... A guilty conscience needs no
Proverbs G
Proverbs H
Half a loaf is better than none. Hunger is a good sauce.
An idle brain is the devil's workshop. It takes all sorts to
Proverbs I
make a world
Proverbs J-K Justice delayed is justice denied. Knowledge is power.
Laughter is the best medicine. A loveless life is a living
Proverbs L
Proverbs M
Make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. A monkey in silk is ...
Necessity is the mother of invention. Nothing ventured
Proverbs N
nothing gained.
Proverbs O
Once bitten, twice shy. Out of sight, out of mind.
Proverbs P-Q Penny wise, pound foolish. Put all your eggs in one basket.
Proverbs R
Revenge is sweet. A rotten apple spoils the barrel.
Proverbs S
Save me from my friends. Stolen fruit is the sweetest.
Tall oaks grow from little acorns. Two wrongs don't make
Proverbs T
a right.
Proverbs U-V Union is strength. Virtue is its own reward.
Walls have ears. Worry often gives a small thing a big
Proverbs W
Proverbs X-YYou are what you eat. Young idler, old beggar.

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