chp3 Familystrengths

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Zachary Young
Chapter 3
FHS 2400
Family Strengths
One of my familys strengths is our strong extended family ties. We maintain a strong relationship
with extended kin even though we live hundreds of miles apart. Every time we get the chance, we visit
each other and plan wholesome recreational activities to enjoy together. Some of our family traditions
include watching football, playing baseball, and playing card games. This relationship with our extended
family can be compared to the importance placed on extended kin in African American or Hispanic
families. It is a little different for us though because African American families are much more likely to live
in extended households, which we do not (Strong & Cohen, 2014, 99). However, a large part of my
extended family lives in the same neighborhood, so they have easy access to family support.
Another one of my familys strengths is the strong emphasis placed on the childrens development
and growth. My parents, especially my mom, spend a lot of time planning wholesome activities and
meetings in which the children of the family can better understand and have a desire to follow the simple
rules of society and of our religion. This time could be used for my parents to pursue their personal
endeavors, but they set aside time for us for our benefit. The emphasis placed on children can be
compared to the emphasis placed on children in African American families. Although this emphasis is
most likely due to the general economic issues that many African Americans face, it can be compared
because in both instances, the parents sacrifice their time and efforts to assist their children in becoming
all they can be.
The importance of independence and hard work is another one of my familys strengths. My
parents have always taught me that working hard will always end up with me reaping the rewards of doing
so, even if I have to be forced to do the work. They also want me to be able to provide for myself when I
move out, so teaching various skills that will assist me when I dont have parents to do those tasks for me
are helpful in me becoming more independent. The importance of independence and hard work can be
compared to the encouragement of independence and a strong motivation for achievement in Asian
American families. Its similar because parents of Asian American families will typically exercise strong

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control over their children while teaching them the principles of independence and hard work, which in
turn may result in greater stress for their children (Strong & Cohen, 2014, 103).

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Works Cited
Strong, B, & Cohen, T. F. (2014). The marriage and family experience: Intimate relationships in a
changing society (12th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

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